Our Savior

Saturday, March 5, 2016

They're Safe

We have had many amazing things happen in our family over the years.  One such thing is a while back my mother while at Eucharistic Adoration, prayed and even cried to Jesus asking for the salvation of the souls of her family.   She pleaded with Him, "Save my family!"

Upon arriving home she noticed a message on the answering machine.  When she played back the message all that was said was... "You're safe."

That's it.  Mom, dad, my sister and I all heard it.  She replayed it many times.  It's curious how the time of the message was the same exact time she was praying in Eucharistic Adoration about her family.

A couple days later, she began wondering about the whole family because the message was, You're safe.

The next time she listened to the message it changed to..."They're safe."  It was plain as can be.  We all witnessed it. Was this the voice of Jesus?

On September 30, 2014, mom and I were recollecting about that day and that very interesting message and while mom talked I heard..."Tell her it is true".  How awesome.

Eucharistic Adoration was started more than 20 years ago at our parish due to my mother's persistence.  She had to jump many a loop, but she didn't give up and it paid off.  We've been blessed with Adoration at our parish ever since.

I know God holds a very special place in His heart for her.  She loves him dearly.  She is very devout.

Recently at Adoration my mother, dad, sister and I were all there for awhile together.  Interestingly enough, as I talked to Jesus I referred to my mother and I heard... "Oh, how I love her!"  I replied, "I know, but she can be a little "spunky" at times.  I heard, "Yes, but she is on fire for me!  I love that about her!"  That put a big smile on my face.

My momma is definitely on fire for God!

What makes this extra interesting is later I find out that Lynn received a similar message that day about our dear mother.  She heard "Oh Regina, how I love Regina!  She started Eucharistic Adoration for Me, you know."  Then Lynn replies, "Yes, but she can be stubborn."  She then heard, "Yes, but she's stubborn for me!"

My momma is definitely stubborn for God!

We love that about her!

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