Our Savior

Friday, March 18, 2016

God's Provision

God's Provision - to depend on God for provision, meaning that we should look to Him to provide for us when our own means seems inadequate.

 The miracle of Jesus feeding 5000 people is the biblical example of God providing when our own means seem inadequate.  A large crowd follows Jesus as he goes into a remote area. They become hungry and there is no place to buy food and no money to buy it with.  One of the disciples discovers a boy who has a mere five barley loaves and two fish.  Jesus receives these meager supplies, gives thanks and has them distributed to the whole crowd as if they were a meal for thousands. Everyone in the crowd is able to take as much as they wanted.

 "When they were satisfied he told his disciples gather up the fragments left over so that nothing may be lost." John 6:11–12. 

 Journal entry April 8, 2015 "About a week ago I needed to buy dog shampoo but kept forgetting. Finally, I remembered and at Walmart I looked at two different types the fruity scented or the type with oatmeal.  I picked the fruity scented and thought, next time I'll get the kind with the oatmeal. A couple days later Nick brings in a full bottle of dog shampoo with oatmeal. He said he found it laying out by the road in our driveway. I found it strange, but it left my memory.

Today it popped back into my head, so I asked Nick again about it, "Are you sure you didn't get that dog shampoo from your moms?" He said "No, I found it at the end of the driveway!" So I  re-looked at the shampoo bottle and sure enough the cap was scarred up as if it landed on pavement.  Then I heard "See? I will provide. I do so much for you and many times you take no note of it. Be patient. Sometimes, it takes time." End of Entry

Thank you God!

 Another time Nicole had a headache and she needed some Tylenol.  I did not have any Tylenol but, just a couple hours later in the little girls room I find a small bottle of Tylenol peeking out from under the bed.  Where did that come from?  No one knew anything about it.  I just felt like God, once again, was telling me see...  I will provide.

(Wings of Prophecy - April 8, 2015)  "I always keep my word in the times of your need.  I am there.  I will always be there to help you and sustain you.  I have always sustained my people my people when you are in need look around you for your provision can always be found nearby.

I do not leave my people without hope without comfort I am a good God, a loving father.  When provisions does not come from whence my children expect it, they tend to think it did not arrive at all, but this is not true I always keep My word."

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