Our Savior

Monday, March 21, 2016

New Beginnings

I've been dreaming a lot lately, but I'm unable to remember anything.  But, Saturday night was different.

It was a very short, but very vivid and real dream.  I was standing in my kitchen and looking into the dining room there was a Huge monarch butterfly sitting on our light fixture right above our dining room table.

This butterfly was so huge that you could not see the light fixture it was sitting on.  I would say it was at least two feet across.  It was moving it's wings slightly, just resting there.  I normally don't see colors, but the colors were very bright and vivid.

Nick was in the living room and I started yelling at him to come see this beautiful butterfly!...

 "Come see this beautiful butterfly!  The colors are beautiful come quick before it leaves!  Hurry!"

 I see Nick start walking toward the kitchen, then I wake up.

Upon rising, I right away looked up butterflies in dreams.  This is what I found... Butterflies in a dream is a positive thing.  They indicate spiritual things.  They represent New beginnings, Transformation and Rebirthing.  A butterfly in a dream is also a sign of joy and bliss.  It Represents a time of change or that you are going through some type of transition in life.  Just like a butterfly goes through a metamorphosis in it's lifetime from caterpiller to a winged beauty.  A Transformation could be happening to you as well as a period of great creativity.

This brings to mind something that happened back in 2014...

Journal Entry February 10, 2014 - "This morning after prayer I told Jesus how much I love Him.  He told me the same and then a long conversation ensued about how I am His forever and ever and also my family.  He knows how I can get nostalgic about more care-free days, but He told me my future holds unimaginable wealth!  He told me how He will provide for all of our needs.

Then, I said, "Please help me lose weight!  I need to be fit and healthy to better serve You."  Then, I heard...

 "Your weight may come in handy for what is coming, but you will lose weight and in the New World you will be a perfect weight!" 

 Then, immediately I was told to go to Timothy Snodgrass' blog and I was amazed at what I read...

"WEIGHT - You are about to lose weight and become as light as a butterfly!  Throw off every dream which hinders you from entering into your destiny - every temporal treasure that you hold dear, and exchange it for the galaxies and world without end.  Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and all of these temporal diamonds which you have thrown off will be replaced by something much more beautiful and fulfilling - and a multitude of new born butterflies will escape from the cocoon and follow you into heaven.

Are You Missing Something? Is something troubling your spirit?  Are you missing something, that you cannot quite put your finger on?  It is time to stop from your hectic activities, and get out the Word of God.  You have an appointment with the Holy Spirit today - do not miss your appointment with destiny.  Go up to the mountain top, and do not return until you can bring down the fire!

Shake Off your garments of unbelief - move into a stance of faith and prepare to leap forward.  But Wait in prayer and meditation first.  Spend time with the Lord before walking out on the waters of the deep.  Fear has no place in the coming assignments, for no matter what the enemy steals from you, the Lord will restore it a 1,000-fold.  Be silent before the King of the Universe, and prepare to launch out into a time of signs, wonders, miracles and restoration!" 

After reading the above, I talked to Him about needing money for more supplies and I heard... 

"I will provide for all your needs not with earthly money, but with My Kingdom Riches.  My Kingdom Wealth!"
 End of Entry

Also, a Journal Entry of March 13, 2015 - 

"You will be breaking out of your cocoon soon.  You Will Fly!"

I Believe

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