Our Savior

Monday, July 31, 2017

Heart's Desire

The future My Love, may seem bleak,
But that way of thinking is for the weak

Weak in Spirit
Weak in Truth
Weak upon Weak

My Sweet, that is not you

Forge ahead with a song in your step

Glide along happily like when we first met

Long ago, before you were born,
your spirit was one not to be outworn

Listen My Sweet, I sing you a song
Keep this in your heart for it will not be long

When all your heart's desire will be met
This is true My Love
Do not lament

I love you truly, surely I do
What I have for you 
Is coming soon.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

A Reminder...

Our Lady of The Angels...

The Portiuncula Indulgence

A message was given to a man that goes by matthewsix25to34, in this message The Portiuncula Indulgence is explained to him.  This is a day whereby all sin and temporal punishment can be removed from All Catholics.  You can read this message here... https://matthewsix25to34.wordpress.com/2016/08/08/god-said-it-was-a-sad-day/

Click here to find out more about this Blessed Day... PortiunculaIndulgence.

The month of August is just around the corner.  Take advantage of this blessing from God!

The Doctor Is In

Like I mentioned in a previous post, our family went to an amusement park.

While at the park we went into Camp Snoopy with the grandkids.  It was real cute.  I had to chuckle to myself when we passed the theater area.

There was not a show on at the time, but it was real cute with logs as seats.  My eyes were drawn to a red stand in the front of the theater.  It read at the top Psychiatric Help 5 cents and on the bottom it read... "The Doctor is in."

I thought to myself, that's interesting considering this is a camp for little kids.  Even the fan club of Snoopy needs a psychiatrist?  

We didn't see the show, I'm sure it was real cute.  However, today I heard in my spirit... "The Doctor is in".  I immediately thought about Camp Snoopy.

Also impressed upon my spirit was... "And I'm the Doctor", meaning... Jesus.

The spirit realm in many interesting ways tries to get our attention.  Now I'm sure Snoopy and his fans are okay (smile), but this was brought to my attention for a different reason...

This morning upon waking I sensed in my spirit...

"Beware of the rotting that comes from within."  

I sensed in my spirit this explanation... that satan is roaring mad and will attempt to corrupt and rot from within.  He won't take the obvious route from the outside.  He will work from within.  I took it to be in families, churches, in administrations, nations, etc... I sensed I heard that he plants a rotting apple and it starts to rot the whole batch.

Interesting how I mentioned this to mom and she said the thought came to her of a statement by Khrushchev...

"We do not have to invade the United States, 
we will destroy you from within."

Coincidentally in the news today is uproar about a great "Shake Up" in the White House as a draining of the "sewer" (as President has now stated) is moving by leaps and bounds.  Here is an interesting quote that I think speaks of what's happening today...

"America will never be destroyed from the outside.  If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

Diabolical definition (Google.com) - belonging to or so evil as to recall the Devil.

During the day I randomly came across this video by Bishop Fulton Sheen on the diabolical.  Here is a quote from his presentation...

"So I just leave you with this characteristic note, of the diabolic from the psychiatric point of view, the breakup of unity, the breakup of families, the breakup of corporations, breakup of religious communities, breakup of the oneness of Christ.  That is one analysis of the demonic."

Below is that video...

The "shake-up" is here.  We are at war with the diabolical. There is definitely "rotting" that is taking place from "within" many areas of life.  It's obvious it's going on at the White House.  These things we are to pray about.

We need to keep our appointments with the Doctor...  
for the "Doctor" is in. 

God Bless!

Friday, July 28, 2017

It's a Material World

Greed (Google.com) - Intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power or food.

My husband comments often..."You always want what you don't have."

He's speaking of people in general.  And I always come back quickly with...

"I don't!"

Because, I can honestly say that I am happy with what I have and where God has placed me.  I am content.  Actually I feel very wealthy and blessed.  God has been so good to us.  I know Father God is not happy when he gives us so much and we just want more.

Yesterday our family went to an amusement park.  It was a nice time with family.  As a matter of fact, my heart was warmed when my one daughter was talking about riding this ride, then this one and on and on and her boyfriend looked at her and said...

"It's not about how many rides you can ride, it's about the people you are with."

I looked at him and said... "Well said!"

I like that guy! (smile)

And during the day, my oldest child was heard saying...

"Sometimes having fun is so exhausting."

Wow, well said! That is also true. (smile)

There is a song that has been popping into my head as of late.  It is the song "Material World". 

Thinking on this song, it comes to mind of course... greed.  Wanting material things, more money and more stuff.

Now we can all agree that if you don't have enough, like to pay your bills, that can quickly become uncomfortable.  But, I am not talking about basics, I'm talking excess, beyond what we actually need.  Most of us just have too much stuff.

However, I think it goes much, much deeper than that.  I sense this song popping into my head is not only about greed, but also spirituality, the lack thereof.

We are on a world whereby many people are truly stuck to the earth like glue, the physical realm.  It's all about the here.  Many have a hard time seeing the spiritual realm which is more real than the physical.  Longer ago, I felt this impressed upon my heart...

"We are not physical beings having a spiritual experience, but spiritual beings having a physical one."

Think about it!
I found that to be profound!

Yes, we live in a "Material World"

But above all else,

"A Spiritual World"

The "Material World" is a constant pull on us.  It takes an asserted effort to pause and think beyond what we see, and to look into what is unseen, which is actually our true reality.

If we are to truly grasp the reason for our existence, and seek out God's will in our lives.  And, know how we are to do His will, we need to grasp the "Spiritual".

'Cause God has a plan for us and I'm assuming that it's not...
just to gather up a bunch of stuff.

God Bless!

Archbishop Fulton Sheen

Pay attention to what the good Archbishop has to say...

Don't Despise Small Beginnings

"Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel's hand."
Zechariah 4:10

"Don't despise small beginnings" has been brought to my thought often lately.  While pondering on this, I randomly clicked on a Rhema word and it was this...

"The hidden life seems gloomy to you because you have never tasted it's sweetness.  If you once began to taste it, you would find the world's honors and pleasures an empty thing, and emptier still, those who seek them."
(The Imitation of Mary, Alexander de Rouville)

Many prophets have spoken of their "Small Beginnings".

What sometimes comes to mind is setbacks, discouragement, and my being an overprotective mother trying to push my ways onto my children and relatives.  We want them to arrive spiritually and we want them to arrive Now!

There is a message given to "Still Small Voice" click here...Catch Them When They Fall.  It is regarding our children and relatives and their salvation.

My mother and I were just talking about this subject when a few hours later Clare put up her video speaking of such.  That was a big confirmation for me!

Mom and I spoke of how our children and other relatives, have traveled far from Jesus and how our efforts are fruitless and in vain.  I told mom I got to the point of "almost" threatening them.  I can tell you for certain "that" did not work!  It just pushed them away further.

A couple years ago I went to Father God in desperation and was led to pick up a Catholic Chronicles paper on my way out of church.  As soon as I got in my car I leafed through it and found an article regarding our children who have stopped going to church, left the faith and were drifting away from God, so it seems.  After reading the article I changed my attitude.  I found that threats don't work... but love, patience, and kindness does.  Afterall, what would Jesus do?  He didn't throw temper tantrums... He loved.

It is in this situation that I hear in my spirit, it takes baby steps, a letting go, letting God.  Be love.  You have to let your family know where you stand morally and live that way yourself and be a good example, but then pray and leave the rest in His most capable hands.

I was told to give my children and relatives to Him.  He will take care of them.  And, to let lessons and circumstances come their way.  That is how they will learn and I can't shield them from that.  It must happen that way.  He has a plan for them.  Trust.

So, how can we truly help our children and other relatives?  Through prayer.  By going into that secret place.  By being hidden away, by being small and trustful of God's ways.  Placing them at His feet.

While putting on a movie for my daughter I heard this quote in the previews for the movie "Thumbelina"...

"Sometimes the smallest people can make the biggest difference."  

I knew right there and then, that the spirit realm was telling me loud and clear...
"Don't despise small beginnings."

In our prayer closets the change is made.


To begin, we must first start.

Pray and Trust

God Bless!

The Law of Attraction

I've heard in my spirit lately quite often... "Look into the Law of Attraction"  

Below is a video whereby John Paul Jackson speaks of it...

God Bless!

Tuesday, July 25, 2017


Today Nick came in the house and said, "Have you been outside?  What's that smell?  Come out and see what I mean."  So I walked outside with him and he kept walking around the yard saying, "It smells like flowers, but there are no flowers around so how can that be?  How can that be?  It smells like... lilacs!"

He walked out to the mailbox and said "I can smell it way out here!"  I smelled it too, it was really odd.  We have a bush of violet lilacs, but it is not in bloom.  And you could never smell it's aroma all over the yard!

Then Bryan's girlfriend commented on it.  She said, "Yes, I smelled it last night and couldn't figure out what is was."

Nick kept walking around saying, "It's lilacs, it's lilacs!"

What made this extremely odd is that Clare on "Small Still Voice" had a video yesterday and she mentions Lilac oil.  In the video Clare says... "It is a  heavenly fragrance I love to wear, which is unusual for me; I don't normally pay attention to such things."  Nick doesn't listen to her videos and so had no idea of the mention of lilac oil.  So, isn't it so odd that he's exclaiming, "It's lilacs!  It's lilacs!"

"The Scent of Lilacs"

Even the greatest of treasuries
Cannot hold all of my memories

But that one flower is different

Once you smell His mysteries
It stays in you for centuries.

I came across the above poem by Hello Poetry-Give A Little Love

I looked up the meaning of lilacs per Google.com - Lilacs:  White lilacs represent purity and innocence, violet lilacs symbolize spirituality.  Lilac, the color for which this flower is named, is a light purple which 
symbolizes a first love.

I found all this very interesting!

Praise God!

Now Is The Time

The Portiuncula Indulgence

A message was given to a man that goes by matthewsix25to34, in this message The Portiuncula Indulgence is explained to him.  This is a day whereby all sin and temporal punishment can be removed from All Catholics.  You can read this message here... https://matthewsix25to34.wordpress.com/2016/08/08/god-said-it-was-a-sad-day/

Click here to find out more about this Blessed Day... PortiunculaIndulgence.

The month of August is just around the corner.  Take advantage of this blessing from God!

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Seeds, Scattered and Sown

The other night we were in the garden marveling at the abundance from God.  As we picked and picked dad looking at it all exclaims...

"It's harvest time!"

Last night we were at a family event and my mother-in-law was commenting on her poison ivy rash she got from picking weeds.  My brother-in-law, Joe commented, "Why are you always picking weeds?  Stop picking weeds!"  She then said,

"I can't, because I hate them!"  

Then Joe went on to tell about someone he knew that had a garden and he never picked the weeds.  He always would let the weeds grow right along with the crop.  The man claimed the weeds helped shade the crop and keep the ground loose, and picking time he just picked his crop right out of the weeds.  

Wow, I thought in our garden dad would never allow that.  He's right on top of those weeds! (smile)

While at church this morning I was pleasingly surprised that the Gospel reading was the Parable of the Weeds...

Jesus told them another parable:  "The Kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field.  But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away.  When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared.

"The owner's servants came to him and said, 'Sir, didn't you sow good seed in your field?  Where then did the weeds come from?

"An enemy did this", he replied.

"The servants asked him, "Do you want us to go and pull them up?"

"No.' he answered, 'because while you are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them.  Let both grow together until the harvest.  At that time, I will tell the harvesters : First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring them into my barn."

Matthew 13:24-30

Here is a quote today written in our church bulletin, by our Pastor...

"Today, as we pray that we might withstand the onslaught of evil against us, we also pray that we might fight to eliminate evil in our lives.  With confidence, with hope, we realize the Lord who sees all will in the wisdom of His time remove the weeds from the wheat."

Praise God!

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Our Anchor

My son and daughter-in-law contacted us the other day to let us know that they were making up t-shirts and were taking orders.  The t-shirts were "sky" blue just like in my dream, a beautiful color!

They are newly married and bought a home on a lake.  So they designed these t-shirts and on the front of the shirts there is an emblem which is an anchor.  For some reason I kept looking at the anchor thinking "Anchor, an anchor... there is something about this."

On the back of the shirt are the words "No wake at the Lake".

To my surprise, yesterday I randomly clicked on a Rhema word and it was this...

"A soul who trusts in the Lord and places all it's hope in Him has nothing to fear.  The enemy of our salvation is always around us to snatch from our hearts the anchor that is to lead us to salvation, by which I mean trust in God our Father.  Let us keep a firm hold on this anchor and not relinquish it for a single minute."

Another coincidence... nope.  God is an Awesome God!

Also last night Claire from "Small Still Voice" put up a message regarding distressed people that are coming into some of our lives that cause chaos.

Over the past year we have had such a soul come into our lives and he is described in this message to a Tee!  We have kept our distance lately, however, yesterday issues once again popped into our lives regarding him.  I threw up my hands to the Lord and said...

"What Lord do you do with someone like this?"  And, I heard in my spirit... 

"Pray for him"  

I immediately told those around me, he definately needs prayers.  This man does not have that "anchor".  He is always rolling around in the turbulant waves!  It's a constant storm around him. 

He needs to slow down, stop the wake and set out his anchor!  But, he is not willing and needs many prayers. He has jumped overboard and needs 
a life raft... God! 

Click here to hear that message... How Our Thinking Can Isolate Us From Reality

Then, I again selected a random Rhema word and it was this...

"We must reach the stage where all that the world contains, ceases to exist and God is everything to us.  Now for this to happen, God destroys all our personal affections.  It does not matter what they are.  We may take up some special kind of devotion, a particular pious practice, try to become perfect by following certain paths and seek the guidance of other people.  No matter what it is we attach ourselves to, God will step in and upset our plans so that, instead of peace, we shall find ourselves in the midst of confusion, trouble and folly.  As soon as we say, "I must go this way, I must consult this person, I must act like this."  God at once says the opposite and withdraws His power from those means, which we ourselves have chosen.  So we discover the emptiness of all created things, are forced to turn to God and be content with Him.  How fortunate we are if we understand God's loving strictness and eagerly cooperate with it.  We rise above all that passes away and rest in the unchanging, the infinite..." End

So, in other words... if we "Let Go, Let God" we can safely enter into the...

God Bless!

Hanging on By A String

The other day my mom cried out to Jesus saying...

"I feel like I'm hanging on by a string!"

Then she said oddly the next morning while taking a shower she noticed a string looped with a knot on the end of it on the shower floor.  It should of washed down the drain, but did not.  How odd.  

A coincidence?

Yesterday while I was thinking on this I was standing in the kitchen and on the table top was an Anatomy notebook that belonged to one of my kids.  Oddly enough on the front was a woman hanging in mid-air onto a rope.  I then heard in my spirit...

"No, not by a string, but by a rope... My rope."

A coincidence?

Then, shortly thereafter I'm on my computer and I click on Youtube and there is the following video by John Paul Jackson called Destiny.  I click on it and he talks about coincidences in our lives and a little beyond the 16 minute mark John Paul holding a rope says...

"Hold on to this rope, because there is one thing that you can be sure of... that God won't let go of 
His end."

A coincidence?

And then, just to top it all off, I asked Jesus if I was doing right by Him with all my posts recently and all of the so-called "coincidences" happening to us, and I felt led to open my Every Day In His Presence (by Charles F. Stanley) and I randomly opened to...

"Unusual Circumstances - The Father often uses unusual circumstances to get us to turn our eyes and hearts to Him.  There is no such thing as an accident in the life of a child of God, so we must learn to look for His Presence in every situation that arises." End of excerpt


I don't think so.

Listen to the below video.  If you do, you will be blessed.

This I know!

Praise God!

"Lord, help me see all the circumstances that arise in a new light.  Make my heart open to what you're trying to do in my life for my good."
(Every Day In His Presence, Charles F. Stanley)

Friday, July 21, 2017

A Sheltered Town

Something interesting...

On 7-15-2017, Nicole, Andy and the four grandkids were here and we were in the backyard playing with our new kittens when we saw the neighbor's dog named Shelby.

We hadn't seen Shelby out for a long time and thought she was dead or just didn't live there anymore.

Then we began talking on these following facts which are truly interesting...

When we first moved into this house we had a dog and named it Shelby.  We only had her for around 6 months and gave her away because she was too rambunctious.

The next door neighbor to the left of us got a dog and named it Shelby.  They didn't know we had a dog of that same name years prior.

Then, years later the neighbor to the right of us got a dog and guess what?  Yep, they named it Shelby. They also knew nothing of our dog's name of previous years.

Our daughter Kimberly's best friend in grade school was named Shelby.

Nick's co-worker has a daughter named Shelby.

There are Shelby's all around us!

Now this is beyond strange.  So I felt the need to look up the meaning of the name Shelby and it means... willow farm, a place where willows grow, a sheltered town.  Then I found this on the internet...

Shelby - Origin English - meaning "sheltered town", a willow farm
The definition continues...

Is in awe of the supernatural
A clear thinker that always remains calm
Has strong family ties
Challenges all obstacles in her way
Always gets the job done
Her goodness knows no limit
One who holds the key to success
A woman of boundless energy

These qualities listed here for the name Shelby, would be awesome qualities for a "sheltered town" or "refuge".  (wink)

I then began investigating further...

I looked up the Willow tree and found places named The Willow Place.  They were places where people can go for healing of all sorts.  It's a place of comfort and rest for the weary and afflicted with all kinds of addictions and other physical and mental conditions.  They are places of hope.  A place of refuge.
Is all this a coincidence?

I don't think so.

And... one more tidbit.  The weariness sometimes gets to a person and it feels never ending.  We have been feeling this way and the other day my mother opened her "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young randomly and written there it spoke of our needing His strength and endurance.  Yes we do!

Oddly enough, on that same day I was wearing a t-shirt I have that has a logo on the front that reads "Strength".  I was at the grocery store and the cashier kept commenting about my t-shirt, where I got it and about the logo on the front.  I found it rather odd and frankly, annoying how she went on and on.  Finally I said "Yes, it says Strength".  And then she added... "Yes, and endurance."

Exactly what mom opened up too... speaking of strength and endurance.

I found all this to be interesting.

A coincidence?

I don't think so.

"It is He that giveth strength to the weary, and increaseth force and might
to them that are not."
Isaias 41:29

Praise God!

Shadow Chaser

"Whoever rests in the shelter of the Most High will rest in
 the shadow of the Almighty."
Psalm 91:1

Yesterday I came upon a book lying on my daughter's desk.  I never remember having this book, but it was an old, discontinued library book that we had acquired probably long ago.  As soon as I saw the title I knew there was something more to it.  The book was not lying there by chance.

"Shadow Chaser" From the Land of Barely There, is a book written by an inspiring writer of children's books, Stephen Cosgrove.  He dedicated the book to Pastor Michael Anderson writing, "When I was afraid and in the dark, Michael lit a candle that illuminated my path."

Here is a synopsis of "Shadow Chaser" by Corinne H. Smith - "Gabriel Groundhog is afraid of shadows and does not want to leave his burrow on Groundhog Day.  He even lashes out at a "bundled bunny" who knocks at the door several times to arouse him.  The creatures of the forest get together and decide that if they can't take Gabriel to his shadow, they will take shadows to Gabriel.  They enter his bedroom and make shadow figures on the wall, showing him that there is nothing to be afraid of.  Together they laugh, and together they emerge into the world."

I knew Holy Spirit was telling me something by this.  What came to mind was on August 21, 2017 we will have across the United States a total eclipse of the sun. Which, of course casts a shadow. I came across what are called "Eclipse Chasers", who are people who travel the world chasing after total eclipses.  I feel this eclipse is significant.  Later I randomly clicked on this Rhema word...
"Take courage and be not afraid."

But, this morning I randomly clicked on a Rhema word and it was this...

"Because you have the Lord for your refuge; you have made your Most High your stronghold... no evil shall befall you, nor affliction come near your tent, for to His angels He has given the command about you that they guard you in all your ways."

I looked up where this Rhema word was based from in the bible and it is Psalm 91...

"Whoever rests in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.  I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in Whom I trust.  Surely He will save you from the fowler's snare and from the deadly pestilence.  He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your 
shield and rampart."
Psalm 91:1-4

Around a week ago I had a very vivid and brief dream.  I remember seeing Nicole and Andy and the grandkids here in our kitchen talking.  I was looking at my small Christmas tree that I put in my kitchen each year and was frustrated because the Christmas lights would not work.  Hmmm.

I don't know if that snippet of a dream means anything, but this I do know...
"Take courage and be not afraid."

What have I taken from all this?  That... Yes, we are Shadow Chasers, chasing after the Shadow of the Almighty.  He is our refuge and our fortress, our God in Whom we trust!

After putting this post together, I asked Jesus about it and sensed in my spirit... 

"Job well done.  Thank you for taking the time and listening to Me.  Now put your finishing touches on it and push "Publish".  I have more for you 
so stay tuned."

Then here is a snippet of what I immediately opened to from "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young...

Pg. 228 - "Sit quietly in My Presence while I bless you.  Make your mind like a still pool of water, ready to receive whatever thoughts I drop into it."

And this from Psalm 84...

"Wilt Thou be angry with us forever or wilt Thou extend thy wrath from generation to generation:  Thou wilt turn, O God and bring us to life; and thy people shall rejoice in Thee.  Shew us, O Lord, thy mercy; and grant us Thy salvation.  I will hear what the Lord God will speak in me; for He will speak peace unto His people and unto His saints; and unto them 
that are converted to the Heart."
Psalm 84:5-9

Just prior to publishing this post I pondered on the meaning of Stephen Cosgrove's  book series "From The Land of Barely There."  And this came to mind...

"From the land of barely there, but powerfully Present."

Then I came across this quote from Pete Wilson...

"God is most powerfully Present even when He seems most painfully absent."

So we say... "Yes Lord, we are Shadow Chasers.  Keep us hidden in the safe Shadow of your Wings."


That's my finishing touch.

Praise God!

Our Blessed Mother...

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

The Mansion Dream...

On 7-17-2017 I had a very vivid dream.  We moved into a large orange-bricked mansion.  We couldn't believe we had this place.  The outside of the mansion was beautiful, but the inside, tho beautiful needed a little work.

Many people were at the house helping on the inside. Some I knew, some I did not.  I saw my daughter, Kimberly, roll up her sleeves to get to work.

I was walking around the house with different people showing them the place.  They were in "awe" of it. They couldn't believe that we got this place.  I told them it basically fell in our laps.  We were in "awe" too.

I was in the kitchen telling everyone that we needed to paint the kitchen the same "sky blue" colored paint that Dana painted in her bedroom.  I went on and on how much I love that "sky blue" color.

I remember going to the refrigerator to get something out for someone to eat.  I looked at the flooring and thought how at my old house I had new flooring, I should miss that, but this flooring is so much better!  I didn't miss anything about our old house.

I'm in the Living Room and my mom is dusting a beautiful book shelf and I find next to me a statue of a horse made out of wicker.  The horses head was hanging loosely.  I pointed it out to mom and mentioned it was broken.  Mom said... "Oh I can fix that."

Next I'm in the backyard and there are three pools of blue water and a beautiful garden and orchard.  I was elated that I had an orchard at this new house, for I had one at my last house.

I was standing next to dad in the orchard and we were picking purple grapes off a tree (not a vine) in the orchard and eating them.  I also saw bushes with grapes on them.  Then that was the end of the dream.

I looked at various places on the internet to find meaning to different objects in dreams.  Following are some possibilities...

House = Your life
Kitchen = Preparation, creating
Grapes = Fertility and wealth
Purple Grapes = Treasure
Pools of water = Purification
Color blue = harmony, revelation and communion with God.  He will tell you step by step what to do.  I loved the color, which means I love revelatory things. (which I do)
Horse = Strength, power, endurance, energy

Interesting dream.  I'm still trying to figure out what it all means. (smile)

"We wait in hope for the Lord; He is our help and our shield."
Psalm 33:20

Regarding Your Children...

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Stay Alert!

We've had many thunderstorms lately with crazy lightening.  Last night just before 3:00 a.m. we were awoke by a huge flash of lightening and thunder so strong that it shook the house.  We knew it was real close to our property.  It knocked out our electricity.  We found lights and started our generator for the sump pump, fridges and freezer.  Electricity was out for 5 1/2 hours.  The next morning we find that the electric pole in front of our house was struck and blew out the transformer.  Only us and one next door neighbor lost electricity.

In the night while dealing with lighting and getting the generator up and running I sensed in my spirit... stay alert, stay alert!

As of late we've had some interesting things happen, especially with jewelry changing colors.

Right along with Jackie's rings turning colors, over the last few weeks my mother had two pair of earrings turn color.  She had a pair of earrings shaped as a flower turn from clear diamond to blue.  She's had these earrings for twenty years and within mere moments they changed.

Then almost a week later she had on a different pair of earrings shaped as a flower and the middle stone turned while she was wearing them from pink to yellow, the color of the shirt she was wearing!

I had started posting about mom's earrings changing a week ago, but kept it in my draft section because I felt there was more to that story.  This morning mom called and said she felt she needed to look up the color yellow.  Oddly enough yesterday after I retrieved the earring post I said I felt I should look it up also.

So, I did and we found many pleasant things about the beautiful color yellow.  Then mom randomly mentions she's been seeing things about an uptick of earthquakes around the Yellowstone super volcano.  As soon as she said that we simultaneously realized... Yellowstone... her earrings' stones turned to yellow stones!  We found that odd.

Then to add to all this as we talked about the uptick of earthquakes around the Yellowstone super volcano, I was on my computer and ran across a man by the name of John Leary.  I hadn't been on his website much lately, but I clicked on his name and saw the most recent messages listed.  I randomly picked the third one down dated Sunday, June 25, 2017 not knowing at all what was in the message.  To my surprise this is how it read...

"Jesus said, My people, you are going to see more natural disasters as punishments in the areas of greatest sin.  This vision is in the San Francisco area and you are seeing a serious earthquake along the San Andreas fault.  There has been little activity in this area, and the stress has been building up over the years.  A severe earthquake in this area could also trigger a possible eruption of the Yellowstone super volcano that could kill a lot of people and send a lot of dust over the crops in the Midwest.  When this happens, it will give little notice.  This again is why you are having your reparation Masses said for those who will die suddenly, without any preparation for their soul's judgment before Me.  Keep praying for these souls so they can be saved from hell." End of excerpt

To see the entire post go here... John Leary - Sunday, June 25, 2017

Obviously this is no coincidence!  We sense that mom's earrings turning from a pink stone to a yellow stone in it's own curious way led us to the Yellowstone super volcano and the seriousness of this matter.  Yep, I was right, there was more to that story!

Click here for a video about Yellowstone's super volcano...Yellowstone Volcano Mark Taylor Prophecy a Sign Will Be Given a Massive Volcanic Eruption

We are being put on "Alert" and last night we feel we had a trial run to refresh our memories on how it is with no electricity.

We sense we are being asked to pray for all the people that could be affected by the dangerous situation at Yellowstone Park.  Let us keep these people in our daily prayers.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

It Happened Again!

A silver ring that Jackie was wearing turned to a rose gold in a day.  Today after I got Jackie up out of bed and I was helping her get dressed, I noticed that a ring that was silver turned a beautiful rose gold color!  All within a day!

Both rings she is wearing were bought together in a four pack.  I bought them at Walmart and they were all silver!  This is amazing!

No wonder this morning upon rising I was hearing the song... "I Feel Good".  Now I feel extra good!

I asked Our Lord, what this all means, once again, and felt led to open my Streams in the Desert Vol. 2 by Cowman.  I at random opened to this...

"April 28 - Oh that thou would hide me in a grave, that thou wouldest keep me secret... that thou wouldest appoint me a set time, and remember me." (Job 14:13)

"It must have been a wonderful day indeed, when Almighty God spoke to His servant and said possibly something like this... "Bezaleel (chosen by God to build the Ark of the Covenant), I need you at just this particular time to do this particular work for Me" there could be no doubt left in the heart of the one addressed as to God's 'blueprint' for his life at that time.  To be sure he was not being called to do some mighty work, such as Moses was chosen to perform as Israel's emancipator; but nevertheless, God deemed it of enough importance to Himself to call Bezaleel to the task and not leave it to any lesser influence... (Pameii)"

"There are men in ages past who have little more than their names recorded in the Holy Word.  Yet they fulfilled a position at an appointed time for furthering the work of the Lord... (Mrs. Charles E. Cowman)." End

Then I felt led to open my Everyday In His Presence (Charles F Stanley) randomly to surprisingly the same exact date of the last excerpt April 28, 
it read...

"April 28 - Preparation For Blessing - As you wait for God to fulfill His promises to you, the thought may enter your mind:  I'm not good enough for the Lord to bless, that's why this is taking so long.  He finds me unworthy."

"Friend, nothing could be further from the truth.  The fact the Father is making you wait means He sees precious qualities in you that must be developed so you can fully enjoy the blessing.  He wants you to be a success.  That means He must be your shield, protecting you from the wrong options.  He must also be your glory, conforming you to His character, teaching you His wisdom, and preparing you for His power to shine through you." End

We know that God has a grand 'blueprint' for our Jackie.  He does for all of us.  These are exciting times in which we are living.  God has much planned for us.  We are but only hidden for awhile.

I sensed in my spirit...

"It's Showtime!"

"Scientists tell us how the flowers of the alps are buried for long months under the snow, yet all the time they are full of energy and expectation.  No sooner does the sunshine labor a few hours melting the snow
than they open into glorious bloom."
(Mrs. Charles E Cowman)

Praise God!

I Feel Good!

I woke up this morning with this song ringing in my ears...

I felt "pumped" this morning.  Extra energized while singing this song.  I thought to myself, "Wow, what is this all about?"

Then I got thinking that in the song it says... I got You!  That's why we feel so good.  That's what it's all about...

 I got You, Lord!

Last night around midnight my mother informed me of a lightening and rolling thunder show like she has never seen before.  She said the whole sky was lighting up like fireworks.  She noted how with all the windows in my room my bedroom had to of been lit up!  Well, I slept right through it, but maybe that's why I feel so energized!  God's fireworks show! (Smile)

Who knows, but God, but I do know that I woke up with the "I Feel Good" song by James Brown, playing over and over in my head.

Later thinking about all this I randomly selected a Rhema word and it read...

"My Heart is gracious toward you."

Thank You Papa!

We Love You!

Monday, July 10, 2017

The Ring...

And the Promises.

On Saturday, June 17, 2017, a ring that our special needs child, Jackie, was wearing turned from silver to gold within minutes right before our eyes.

Let me start from the beginning.  A few months prior, Jackie received a ring from her sister-in-law, Tasha.  At the time I didn't know anything about this ring and thought it nice of Tasha since Jackie loves rings.

Jackie wore this ring almost everyday since receiving it.  On June 17, 2017 this silver ring turned into gold and I was inspired to find out more.  I have shown the ring here when silver.  And now the ring after it turned gold...

Our daughter, Jill commented how she was surprised that Tasha gave up that ring so easily, since she had it for many years and Jill knew the ring was very special to Tasha.  She commented how the ring is an Irish ring and since Tasha is part Irish it held some meaning for her.  So I investigated further.

The ring is called a Claddagh ring originating in the town of Claddagh, Ireland.  Quoting from a website Celtic Wedding Rings...

"The origins of the ring come from a humble gateway fishing village, but it is now one of the most recognizable pieces of jewelry in the world as men and women from dozens of nations eagerly look for the ideal Claddagh ring to suit their status.  It is a traditional Irish ring and the design consists of:

Two Hands:  These are clasped around a heart, the heart hands are a representation of friendship.
Heart:  A representation of love.
A Crown:  A representation of loyalty/fidelity.

"As you might expect in a country so closely linked to Christianity, the Claddagh ring also carries religious meaning for some insofar as it is linked with God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost, also know as the Holy Trinity.  The left hand of the ring represents Jesus; the right hand represents the Holy Ghost while the crown represents God." End of excerpt

The very next day June 18th (Father's Day) the ring started to slowly turn back to silver.  By the end of the day it was completely silver again.

What does this all mean?  

Nick asked me that question.  I said... "That Jackie is very special."  I asked Father God that same question and heard this in my spirit...

"Ah yes My Jackie!  My sweet Jackie, how she has suffered for Me.  Her reward is great!  For all eternity you will see My favour upon her."

"The ring represents My love.  My love for you and yours.  A never ending bond.  We are joined.  We are linked together, fastened to one another.  There is a pledge amongst us.  A vow never to be broken.  Never fear My Love.  Never fear anything for We are forever by your sides."

"I will use Jackie in wondrous ways.  There is a reason for Jackie.  Her time on earth is being used wisely.  She does not have sin as a barrier to Me.  The flow from her to Me is uninterrupted, free flowing." 

"She is an open vessel for Me.  I flow through her and to those around her.  She is unintimidated by the world and its ways.  She is as free as a bird.  She will fly straight to Me unhindered.  Oh how I can use such a vessel.  She is a blessing for your family beyond your understanding. I will use her greatly."

"Thank you for saying "Yes" to her and allowing her to be a part of your family.  Your "Yes" has great consequences!"

"Oh I have so much for you all.  Hold fast, hold on for it will be a bumpy ride, but with Me by your side it's smooth sailin'.  Hold fast My love for I am here! (I felt I was too underline those last three words).  I love you." End of message

Then I asked... "Jesus, please help Jackie to not lose her ring."  I heard in my spirit... "Even if the ring is no longer physically seen, it is still there.  A forever bond." 

The above was heard a couple days after the incident.  After typing this today I again asked Father God the same question and felt led to open Streams In The Desert (Cowman).  I opened to this...

"The colored sunsets and starry heavens, the beautiful mountains and the shining seas, the fragrant woods and painted flowers, are not half so beautiful as a soul that is serving Jesus out of love, in the wear and tear of common, unpoetic life. - Faber"

"The most saintly spirits are often existing in those who have never distinguished themselves as authors, or let any memorial of themselves to be the theme of the worlds talk, but who have led an interior angelic life, having borne their sweet blossoms unseen like the young lily in a sequestered vale on the bank of a limpid stream - Kenelm Digby" End of excerpt

That's a confirmation for us!  We know that Jackie, blessed with Down Syndrome, is one of those saintly spirits.  God is and will continue to use Jackie in miraculous and wonderful ways. The changing of the ring from silver to gold for one day, and a change back from gold to silver the next day can only come from Father Himself.

The changing of the Claddagh ring signifies hope.  We know in our hearts that Father God is giving us hope for a future filled with His Promises.  We hold onto those Promises.

Oddly enough the very next day which was Father's Day, the day the ring turned back to silver, we had a family barbeque.  Our daughter Kimberly's boyfriend, Josh, upon arriving pulled into our back stone drive and upon opening his truck door, saw a flash from the ground and then picked up amongst the stones and grass a silver wedding ring.  He showed us his find.  We have no idea where it came from or whose it could be.  Someone mentioned it could be a disgruntled wife throwing her ring out the window.

Possibly, but how odd and what is it with the rings?  This we do know... There is a reason for everything.

Inside the Claddagh ring there is an inscription that reads... 
"Love, Loyalty, Friendship".  

Father God is all those things for His children.

Thank You Father God!

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Hold On!

St. Fiacre Pray For Us

The next door neighbors had a garden and in it stood a statue.  It stood in the same spot for many years, however the other day the neighbor hand motioned to Nick to come over.  He told Nick to take the statue if he wanted it.

Nick carried it home... it was in pretty bad shape.  But, after some scrubbing and paint he looks great and now has graced our home.  We thank our neighbors for after further investigation I found the saint to be St. Fiacre the patron saint of farmers and gardners and known to be the saint of fertility.

He has a lovely story found here... Saint Fiacre

Bless our land Saint Fiacre!

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Team Bride

Yesterday daughter Kimberly came home with a bag of clothing that she had gone through and was giving to Brooke and Jackie.

As I reached the bottom of the bag, I found a button similar to the one pictured here.

She had left and said nothing of it.  I'm sure it was from one of her girlfriend's weddings, but I still found it amusing.

Remember... there is a reason for everything! (smile)