Our Savior

Friday, September 30, 2016

Boot Camp!

"My Army is in Boot Camp now.  You were born for such a time as this!"

That is what I heard in my spirit a few days ago, and yesterday it was confirmed by a message given to Lana Vawser.  Here's an excerpt...

"As I watched the Lord handing out these new mantles they seemed so much bigger in size than the people He was handing them to.  There was a sense that these ones have been prepared for "such a time as this", their intimacy with Him was deep, and their character had been shaped significantly, but there was still the place of deep dependence needed upon the Lord at all times to function in this new anointing, and 'grow up into knowing how to carry it'.  He was birthing such a beautiful dependency in His people through these new mantels, not only in 'growing up into them' but also in the operation of them."

"I saw the Lord take these ones into a new "strategy space".  These new assignments and mantels were nothing that they had stepped into before, so the "land" was completely foreign.  I saw Jesus sitting at a table with these ones and He was laying out new strategies, He was teaching them the 'new way' and revealing deeper revelation of Scripture that would be needed to move in these new strategies.  As He was sitting with them and training them the winds of acceleration were blowing Strongly around them.  As the winds blew I saw angelic hosts standing all around and they were declaring "Welcome to the Accelerated Holy Spirit Boot Camp".  End 

We are in God's Army.  We are going through Boot Camp!  

It's interesting how today I came upon a shirt laying around here that I had never seen before. I came to find out it is my son Bryan's.  He won it during a pull-up contest at school.  Here is a picture of it...

"Pain is weakness leaving the body."

Although this shirt has been here for weeks, I had never seen it until today.  Our Lord is definitely speaking loud and clear... 

You are in the Army Now! This is Boot Camp! 

I looked a little further into the meaning of "Pain is weakness leaving the body" which is supposedly often said at Boot Camps and I found this from someone by the name of gimpalong (I'm thinking he might be a Marine) on a Yahoo answers site.  This was considered the best answer and I agree...

Meaning of "Pain is weakness leaving the body" - When you work through the pain you leave the weakness behind.  Strength is all that will survive the pain."

"For example, if you develop a cramp while running you have two choices.  You can quit or you can demand that your body continue until the crap passes.  The quitter will remain in the area of weakness, they will not know the feeling of strength you realize after you have achieved something despite the pain."

"You have to understand, Marines are a funny bunch.  I mean "peculiar".  Where a normal person finds themselves surrounded, a Marine will realize s/he is blessed by being placed in a "target-rich environment".  

"Marine Basic will break a person down to the sub-atomic level.  Then they are rebuilt into a member of the Corp.  The end of Basic is a little outing know as the "Crucible".  If you complete that little outing you will be called a Marine for the very first time.  Men have cried at that moment."  End of passage

*Crucible definition (google.com) - a place or occasion of severe test or trial, a place or situation in which different elements interact to produce something new.

I think the above explanation is full of revelation.  We were recruited into God's army.  We are in Boot Camp.  God is "breaking" us down.  He is helping us to "die to self" so we can be rebuilt and filled with Him.  It can be painful, but we don't quit.  We can then be conformed to His Image.  We can become Christ-like, transformed.

We must be ready to be thrown into a "target-rich environment"!

You were born for such a time as this!

"I will place on His shoulder the key to the house of David.  What He opens no man can shut and what He shuts no one can open."
Isaiah 22:22

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Psalm 16

Click here to hear of an attempt by the evil realm to fatally attack Ezekiel from Still Small Voice... Ezekiel Snatched From the Jaws of Death

Attacks are becoming more severe.  I've had a few myself, not near as serious as Ezekiel's, but definitely attacks.  My sister and mother have been also feeling the "heat".

Before listening to the video of Ezekiel's attack, I approached the Lord about attacks coming against me and I was led to open Holy Spirit devotional (Jennifer LeClaire) to today's date.  Here is the passage...

"September 29, Father Will Use the Enemy's Attacks For Good - I know not everything you've been through has been pleasant.  But know this:  Father has the wisdom to use even what the enemy has meant for your harm for His glory.  He wills to use even the enemy's attacks to increase you, to strengthen you, to ultimately use you to help others.  Father will repay you for every injustice you've faced if you let Him.  Put each one into His hands."

"You will go through more times in the future that are not pleasant, but trust Father to turn them around. He will be glorified in your life.  He will see to it.  Trust Him.  He is good." End of passage

Last night I had a long talk with the Lord about attacks coming against me and it's amazing how the above passage is a condensed version of what the Lord said to me.  A big confirmation.

I sensed the Lord telling me when attacked by others, or when others cause you distress, do not give in to what the devil is trying to do, but turn it around and be kind and loving and pray for them.  Don't let satan win.  Fight against his schemes.  And, every time we do this we are further strengthened.

I had told my daughter yesterday that God is in control of everything and nothing ever happens that doesn't come across His desk first.  Last night I sensed our Lord telling me...

"And yes, as you said to Nicole, "nothing ever happens that doesn't come across My desk first!"  

Then I asked for a special Rhema word from Clare's website and this is what I received, Psalm 16...

Keep me safe, my God,
for in you I take refuge.

I say to the Lord, "You are my Lord;
apart from You I have no good thing."
I say of the holy people who are in the land,
"They are the noble ones in whom is all my delight."
Those who run after other gods will suffer more and more.
I will not pour out libations of blood to such gods
or take up their names on my lips

Lord, You alone are my portion 
and my cup;
you make my lot secure.
The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
surely I have a delightful inheritance.
I will praise the Lord, 
who counsels me;
even at night my heart instructs me;
I keep my eyes always on the Lord
With Him at my right hand, 
I will not be shaken.

Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices;
my body also will rest secure,
because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead,
nor will you let your faithful one see decay.
You make known to me the path of life;
you will fill me with joy in Your Presence,
with eternal pleasures at your right hand.

Psalm 16

"We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; 
perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; 
struck down, but not destroyed."
2 Corinthians 4:8-9

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Our Lady's and God's Angelic Army

First I want to steer you toward a wonderful post by Mark Mallett.  Here is an excerpt...

"At Fatima, our Lady promised that her Immaculate Heart would be our refuge.  Of the Flame of Love, Jesus said to Elizabeth:  My Mother's Flame of Love is for you what Noah's Ark was for Noah!"

Here is Mark's entire post... The New Gideon

Blessed Mother Mary is our protector, our Mother.  She will crush satan's head.

There will also be God's Angelic Army.  On Sunday, September 25, 2016, Lana Vawser received a message about the Angelic Army.  Here is an excerpt...

"As you ask Him to open your eyes, you are going to SEE the magnitude of the invisible angelic army that has been assigned to you from the Lord to assist you into victory.  You are going to see Past the impossibility to the Reality of what is happening in the Spirit... and over your life... it is Victory!  You have More angelic hosts For You and On Your Side than what is coming against you."

See entire message here... God Is About To Open Your Eyes to The Angelic Army

After reading this I asked if Holy Spirit had anything to say to me about this, and I randomly opened Every Day In His Presence (Charles F. Stanley) to this...

"Inadequacy By God's Design pg. 307 - Do you feel inadequate for the tasks before you today? Do you fear you'll fall short?"

 "Realize that the Lord has brought you to the point where you admit, "I can't do this in my own strength" for an important purpose.  As the Author and Finisher of your faith, He understands all the potential He has built into you, but He also knows how crucial it is for you to rely on Him completely.  With the talents and gifts He's given you, you can achieve good goals.  But, that is not enough.  He wants to do the extraordinary through you so that others can see His power at work." (2 Corinthians 12:9)

"Friend, you feel inadequate today so you can learn what it means to allow the Savior to be your adequacy, for Him to accomplish what He alone can do.  So today, don't say "I can't."  Instead, express your faith in Him and proclaim, "By the grace of God and with His help, I can do this." End of passage

Journal entry July 10, 2016 - "Daughter, come to Me and rest.  Lay your weary head upon My shoulders.  Peace, My love, peace."

"Yes, change is coming, but you are safe with Me.  Remember this.  Safe, protected, shielded.  I love you and yours so.  Judgment comes, but be still.  Rest in Me.  I have a perfect plan for you.  Don't fear, for you will know what to do.   I will continually guide you.  You will prosper.  Never fear or lose hope for I am at your side, always and forever."  End of entry

Journal entry August 18, 2016 - "Brooke was on the living room couch after everyone went to bed.  The house was dark and she was on her ipad.  Suddenly, she saw a sea-blue colored orb fly across the room!  Her hair on her arms stood straight up and she got chills!" End of entry

Journal entry September 1, 2016 - "There has been an extreme amount of angelic activity here lately.  We see flashes and sparks and orbs!  They are definitely with us!" End of entry

Journal entry September 8, 2016 - "I've been seeing many white flashes lately especially off my left eye.  Angels!" End of entry

God and His Angelic Army are with us!
Blessed Mother Mary is with us!

Believe and you will see!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Communion in the Hand Disaster!

Go here to see article regarding... Communion in the hand experiment
Click here for more... Affirmative Argument for Receiving Communion on the Tongue
This article was found on http://www.spiritdaily.com/

For more of his videos go here... kolbe1019 
A repost...

Receive Jesus on the tongue.  It's a matter of respect.

Yesterday at Mass, during communion Brooke and I received Jesus on our tongues like we always do.  Upon returning to our pew, Brooke whispered... "Mom, that was Denny."  My daughter's Father In law just happened to be the Eucharistic Minister.  He seemed a little confused with Brooke and I receiving on the tongue, trying to place Jesus in our hands.  That's fine, we seem to confuse many Ministers as receiving on the tongue is not very common anymore.  

I thought to myself,  Denny's probably wondering...why on the tongue?

Interesting enough, at the end of the Mass, Father addresses the congregation...

"It is appropriate to receive Communion on the tongue.  I notice some of you juggling a squirmy child and still trying to receive in the hand.  It would be better to receive on the tongue. Go ahead and stick your tongue out at me.   It is appropriate to do that."

I smiled.

Oh Lord, that every parishioner would receive Your Most Sacred 
Body and Blood on the tongue!

We love You Lord.
We honor You.
We worship You.
We adore You.

 It's a matter of respect!

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Lion of Judah Confirmation!

On September 9, 2016, I made the post below regarding an orb I had captured on my camera above our house.  As I enlarged the orb I heard in my spirit "The Lion of Judah".

I have received a huge confirmation on this.  Lana Vawser yesterday, September 23, 2016 posted... "The Lion of Judah is Roaring Over Your Home!!!"  Here is an excerpt...

"Recently I had an encounter with the Lion of Judah.  What an encounter!  I saw Him in His power, in His authority, in His strength and might.  He was majestic and nothing could stand against Him."

"I saw Him standing on the roof of a house and He was poised and focused looking out into the distance.  The sense surrounded me that He was "on guard".  What struck me besides His power and authority was how BIG He was.  He was the size of At Least another house.  If I was to climb on His back I would have been the size of an ant.  Each one of His beautiful soft, yet strong paws rested upon the four corners of this house."

See the rest of the post here... The Lion of Judah is Roaring Over Your Home!!!

Below is the full post I made on September 9, 2016...

I took a picture above our house last night at around 11:00 at night and the orb below appeared.  I enlarged the orb and was amazed!

As soon as I saw the enlarged picture of the orb I heard in my spirit... "The Lion of Judah".  I saw it right away.

Look at the resemblance between the orb picture below and the picture above.  Amazing!

This morning as soon as my eyes opened I saw a large red orb hovering over me.  I then heard...

 "Don't be afraid.  The red orb is the Blood of Jesus.  You and yours are covered in His Blood.  Remember to pray pleading the Blood of Jesus over your family and home everyday even before getting out of bed.  This is very important."

I took other pictures last night all around our property.  The below green and orange orb was right next to a tree in our front yard.  There were other white orbs and a few multicolored.  

I also caught some orbs in my son Bryan's bedroom.
A few days ago I saw two red orbs in the hallway.  The red orbs are thought to represent the Blood of Jesus, Life, Salvation, Courage, Redemption, Fire, Fervent, Love, Sacrifice, War.
The orange represents Harvest, Warning, Change, Strength, Endurance, Prophetic Ministry, Ambition, Protection.  The green represents Prosperity, New Life and Growth, Fresh, Healing, Hope, Peace, Victory, Rest. (Taken from Google search, orb colors and meanings)

Below is our home with more orbs...

White orbs represent Light, Purity, Bride of Christ, Surrender, Joy, Angels. (Taken from Google search orb colors and meanings)

You can go here to see a post I made on "Pleading The Blood of Jesus"... http://viewfromourporchswing2.blogspot.com/2016/08/pleading-blood-of-jesus.html

*And then to make things more interesting, just today my mother referred me to a website where the following video was presented featuring the town of Medjugorje and miraculous pictures with many orbs.  The website is Spirit Daily found here... http://www.spiritdaily.com/

Video by:  Terry Donnelly

Thank You Lord and Blessed Mother Mary for all Your Love and Protection and beautiful orbs!

Confirmation:  Lana Vawser - Angelic Army

Friday, September 23, 2016

Absolutely Convinced!

In my family we have several situations that today reached a "boiling point" with a couple family members and also a friend of the family.  We have been given promises by Father God on some very sensitive issues.  All regarding healing in one way or another.

As this day proceeded and brought these issues to a "breaking point", whereby they are more exposed or "brought to the surface" so to speak,  my mother and sister and I were discussing God's Promises.  My mother sensed I was wavering on my belief in the promised changes that are to happen.  She called "me out" on it.  However, I did dispute that I'm not wavering, but am very overwhelmed right now.  My mother sat down firmly and stated...

"I am absolutely convinced of God's promises!" 

Shortly after my mother had left I pondered our situations here and felt led to open my Every Day In His Presence devotional randomly and I opened to May 22, pg. 153 entitled  "Absolutely Convinced".

Wow! I thought, you just can't make this stuff up!  Here is the passage from that page...

May 22 - Absolutely Convinced - "I know whom I have believed and I am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him until that day" 2 Timothy 1:12 - Trust God  Believe with every fiber of your being that He will faithfully fulfill His promises.  Do not just say "I hope the Lord will come to my aid."  Do not merely stop at declaring, "I know He can work everything out."  Exhibit the highest level of faith by proclaiming,
 "I am absolutely certain my heavenly Father will help me, it's as good as done."

"With such a profound confidence in the Lord, you don't have to worry.  You realize you can endure no matter what happens because of who He is, your faithful God who is able to do all things on your behalf.  Absolutely nothing is impossible for Him!"

"But what if I misunderstood Him?  you may wonder.  Then the Father will gently correct you  He wants you to know and do His will so He won't hide His ways from you."

So thank the Lord for answering your prayers.  And trust Him completely.  Certainly He will fulfill His promises and take care of you regardless of what happens."

"Lord, I'm absolutely certain You will help me.  Undoubtedly, Your promises are as good as fulfilled. Amen." (Every Day In His Presence (Charles F. Stanley) End of passage

Then later on while pondering all that had taken place this day, I heard in my spirit,

"Wait and see what I will do in your family.  It is beyond your imaginings."

Then I randomly opened my "Jesus Calling Morning & Evening" by Sarah Young, September 7, pg. 519 to this...

"Instead of shaking the bushes trying to make things happen, wait to see what I am doing.  I am at work in many areas of your life long before you can discern results.  When the time is right, you will see the results of My handi-work."

"You may even get a glimpse of My Glory!"

"Then Jesus said, "Did I not tell you that if you believed, 
you would see the Glory of God?"
John 11:40

"We live by faith, not by sight."
2 Corinthians 5:7

End of passage

Wow!  What a day this has been!
I Believe Lord!
I Believe!

God's Jewels

"As He went along, He saw a man blind from birth.  His disciples asked Him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?"

"Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said Jesus, "but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.  As long as it is day, we must do the works of Him who sent Me.  Night is coming, when no one can work.  While I am in the world, I am the light of the world."

"After saying this he spit on the ground, made some mud with the saliva, and put it on the man's eyes.  "Go," He told him, "wash in the Pool of Siloam" (this word means "Sent").  So the man went 
and washed, and came home seeing."
John 9:1-7

"I delight greatly in the Lord; my soul rejoices in my God.  For He has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest, and as a bride 
adorns herself with her jewels."
Isaiah 61:10

All Glory and Praise Given To Him Lord Jesus Christ!

We thank You Father God!

Confirmation:  Lana Vawser

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

All Glory To God

By: Steven Curtis Chapman

St. Michael The Archangel Feast Day September 29

Go here... Spirit Daily to see an article about St. Michael the Archangel and his upcoming Feast Day on September 29.

Following is a nine-day novena to St. Michael...

Saint Michael the Archangel, loyal champion of God and His People.  I/we turn to you with confidence and see your powerful intercession.  For the love of God, Who made you so glorious in grace and power, and for the love of the Mother of Jesus, the Queen of the Angels, be pleased to hear my/our prayer.  You know the value of my/our souls in the eyes of God.  May no stain of evil ever disfigure it's beauty.  Help me/us to conquer the evil spirit who temps me/us.  I/We desire to imitate your loyalty to God and Holy Mother Church and your great love for God and people.  And since you are God's messenger for the care of His people, I/we entrust to you these special intentions; ... specific intentions need only be recited on the 1st day... Mention your requests.

Lord, hear and grant my/our special intentions for this Novena that I/we bring before You.

Pray for me/us, St. Michael, and also for those I/we love.  Protect me/us in all dangers of body and soul.  Help me/us in my/our daily needs.  Through your powerful intercession, may I/we live a holy life, die a happy death and reach Heaven where I/we may praise and love God with you forever Amen.

Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory Be

Instructions:  Pray this prayer daily for nine days.

From http://www.michaelites.ca/prayers/st-michael-novena.html

Consecration to Mary

Mark Mallett has a very informative article on the Blessed Mother, the Flame of Love and the days that we are now in.  Find Mark's post here... The Convergence and the Blessing

O Immaculate Heart of Mary,
overflowing with goodness,
show us Your love for us.
May the flame of Your heart,
O Mary, descend upon all mankind.

We love You so.
Impress true love in our hearts
that we may have a continuous 
desire for You.

O Mary, meek and humble of heart,
remember us when we are in sin.
You know that all men sin.
Grant to us by means of 
Your Immaculate Heart, to be
healed from every spiritual illness.

In doing so, we then will be able
to gaze upon the goodness
of Your Maternal Heart,
and thus be converted through
the flame of Your Heart. Amen

Monday, September 19, 2016

When Seeing Is Believing

Today, September 19, 2016 I asked Jesus that when the "shaking" comes for protection over us all, the entire family and their homes.  This is what I heard in my spirit...

"Yes, the shaking will come.  They all will be protected physically.  No harm will come to them.  But, with their homes it will be different. How else am I to awaken them?  How?  Their material loss will be their spiritual gain."

"Your home, your mother's and your sister's will not shake.  All those around you will notice.  They will ask, "What is different about that home?"  This is the difference I say...

"That home has someone who prays.
That home has someone who seeks My Face daily,
Not only daily, but hourly.
That home has someone who believes in Me,
And in what I say.
That home has someone who truly loves Me,
With all their heart.
Why child, would I not bless
That home and family? 

I tell you assuredly,
I will.
And man will notice.
They will see the difference."

"Many of your family members homes will shake and there will be damage.  Slowly as events escalate they will awaken to Me.  
They will seek you out wanting what you have.  
And what do you have?"


"Oh yes, I am there for them, patiently waiting for them.  But, they do not hear.  Their ears are closed to Me."  

"You see, My daughter, you would have Me spare them the inconveniences of damage to property.  How else will they learn?  They will not be spared until they come running back to Me.  This is so.  This is how it will be.  I have ordained it."

"Your family is top priority for Me.  So, I need to wake them.  They all have seen your praying hands.  They all know your dedication to Me.  Even the boyfriends and girlfriends.  Your husband once said, "All that praying makes no difference."  Well, he will soon see.  It makes all the difference in the world."

"You, your mother and father and sister and your families are truly protected by Me.  But, they soon will see what true dedication to Me brings.  They will see with their very eyes.  They will no longer disbelieve."

Then this scripture was quickened to me...

"Jesus saith to him:  Because thou hast seen Me, Thomas, thou has believed:  Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed."
John 20:29

"My love, prepare yourself mentally.  For you will have droves of people coming your way.  I will use your properties (mine, mom's and Lynn's).  They are Mine and I will use them.  I will expand your borders to accommodate all that I will bring to you".

"Remember, I know the end of this story and you do well for Me."

Me:  "But, I am so unworthy!"

"No one is worthy of Me!  No one! 

 Do you not think that I would bless the ones who are truly Mine?  You are My hands and feet.  My boots on the ground and I will use you and yours."

"Now, begin your day thinking of Me.  Praising and praying to Me always, all the day long.  I love you."

**Then, a little while later after receiving this message, I heard... 

"Your home will sit as solid as a rock for your house foundation 
is built upon My Rock." 

Build Your House on the Rock - "Everyone then who hears these words of Mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.  And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock.  And everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand.  And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it."
Matthew 7:24-27

*Confirmations: "God Calling" (A.J. Russell) pg. 292 Extra Work, God at Eventide - Peter's Example.
*"Being Still With God" (Henry & Richard Blackaby) pg. 316 - Suffering for Righteousness.
*Isaias 4:1-6 - "After an extremity of evils that shall fall upon the Jews, a remnant shall be comforted by Christ."
*Lana Vawser - The Sarah's Are Arising
*Julie Whedbee - Behold I Come

Beauty Out of Ashes

A week ago, I once again was awoke by these words... 
"Brace Yourselves!  Brace Yourselves!"
A few days ago, my mom at her house and Bryan at our house witnessed a sunset whereas the sun itself was rainbow colors.  
The rainbow represents God's Promises.

My sister recently had a dream whereby she was at a game, when suddenly tornadoes started coming and she thought, shouldn't we take cover?  Then the sky above them opened and she saw the tornadoes pass by them
without touching down.
I feel that dream represents the upcoming upheavals coming swiftly, but that we are protected by Almighty God. 

"I will set My rainbow in the clouds, and it shall be the sign of a covenant between Me, and between the earth."
Genesis 9:13

By:  Steven Curtis Chapman
Video by:  iheartjoshg

"To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord,
that He might be glorified."
Isaiah 61:3 

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Precious In His Sight

Here is an excerpt from a message given to Pelianito Journal on 
September 8, 2016...

"As more souls fufill their God-given purpose, the coming of the Kingdom will be hastened.  My beloved, I have not left you orphaned but have equipped and sent you out for ministry.  My gifts are not to be treated lightly but taken to heart and used for each one's unique purpose."

See entire message here... God-Given Purpose.

Here's a repost of a poem I created on August 14, 2016 called "Unique"...

You are one of a kind  
Precious in His sight
A rarity 
 A true delight 
For you are God's 
Very Special Child
There is no one now
Nor ever will be
Just like you 
Or just like me
For we are all
Made Unique

Unique (Dictionary.com) - existing as the only one or as the sole example, single, solitary.

Recently I've made up a new song on the piano.  Every time I play it is a little different.  It is never the same even if it's one note difference.  It was impressed upon me to name it "Unique".  

We are all God's beautifully unique creation, precious in His sight.  And He has a unique purpose and plan for you, like no other's.  You have unique giftings from God, like no other's.  You are His work of art.

I had this post as a draft for a few days, when I happened upon this song not by chance "Fingerprints of God" by Steven Curtis Chapman and I knew it was the missing link to this post.  God works like that.   

"But now O Lord, You are our Father; we are the clay, and You are our potter; we are all the work of Your hand."
Isaiah 64:8

By: Steven Curtis Chapman
Video by:  theredhead

This Day We Fight!

Here is a journal entry on August 26, 2014...

"I was drawn to a music video "May It Be" by Enya (which was a theme song for Lord of the Rings, Good vs. Evil).  The following day I knew why.

The following day I am listening to one of Neville Johnson's video's and he mentions the Lord of the Rings and says...
"This day we fight!"  

He said, "Darkness is coming and all of God's promises to us will happen and light will shine upon us."

Afterwards I praised Jesus and I knew all of this leading was from Him and my hope in all His promises.  I then felt led to open "Jesus Today" by Sarah Young and on page 113 He spoke how He is the light that shines upon us.  He spoke about the darkness of this world and we will shine in it!  Praise be to God! (End of journal entry)

"For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but principalities and power, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in high places."
Ephesians 6:12

"Jesus Today" pg. 113... "I am the light that shines on in the darkness, for the darkness has never overpowered it and it never will!  When multiple problems are closing in on you, the Light of My Presence may seem like a dim memory.  If you are feeling distant from Me, it's time for you to stop everything and pour out your heart to Me.  Carve out some time and space to talk with Me about your problems and your feelings.  Let Me help you carry your burdens and show you the way forward."

"No matter how much darkness you see in the world around you, My Light continues to shine on, for it is infinitely more powerful!  Because you are My child, this Light shines not only upon you but also within you.  You live in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, and this is the perfect backdrop for you to shine as light in the world.  Take time to bask in My radiant Presence.  Let My boundless energy recharge your strength so you can blaze boldly in the darkness around you." End

Here is a strong word given to Priscilla Van Sutphin!  Click here... Extraterrestrials Sightings

"Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to Him,
for God is our refuge.
Psalm 62:8

By:  Enya

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Divine Companionship

This morning after getting out of the shower I heard... "Open your "God Calling" book (by A. J. Russel) to page 166, 166, 166.  Again I heard the exact page number three times.

Here is the passage on page 166...

"June 1 - Companionship - The way of the soul's transformation is the way of Divine Companionship."

"Not so much the asking me to make you this or that, but the living with Me, talking to Me, thus you grow like Me.  Love Me.  Rest in Me.  Joy in Me." End

I knew there was something more to this, but didn't know quite what until later in the day, Clare on Still Small Voice had a message regarding companionship with our Lord.  It's very thought provoking.  It's entitled, "How To Receive My Anointing For Your Life Everyday.  Here's an excerpt from the message...

"I am the life that brings forth fruit in your life.  To think that you can run on the inspirations of yesterday - old manna - and still feel fulfilled is an illusion.  Every day I must fill you with fresh inspiration, because every day you will face new trials and forks in the road."

Another excerpt... "Just as in My Being I have three parts: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, you, too have three parts: spirit, soul, and body.  These must be in agreement, in alignment, in unity." End

Interesting how "Divine Companionship" was in the passage I read this morning!

Here is the link to the full message... Still Small Voice

So much of what our Lord told Clare is also in a post I made on September 7, 2016.  Here is the link... Are You Thirsty?

I love how God works.  He leads us step by step.

Our House

Daughter Dana just got a new phone.  On her new phone she can paint, so she painted our house.  Pictured here is her painting.

I told her that looks like a very happy home!  Then I thought, what makes a happy home?

I randomly opened "Being Still With God" by Henry and Richard Blackaby to this passage which I felt the Lord wholeheartedly led me to...

Labor of Love -  "Whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men."
Colossians 3:23

"Yes, God really does mean "whatever."  He means anything and everything.  All.  No exceptions, no fine print.  We are to do all that we do as if we are performing the task directly for God."

"Do you realize that the mundane tasks of life as well as your greatest challenges are ways to serve the Lord?  They are!"

"Inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these 
My brethren, you did it to Me."
Matthew 25:40

"We are to serve heartily with energy and enthusiasm, with a willing heart and even with joy, whatever we are doing."  End

This is something to keep in mind while we are doing load upon load of laundry and piles of dishes. We can surely lose this insight while doing the mundane.  But, many times it is in the little or mundane things we do everyday, if done with love and joy, are giving God glory.

Continuing on with the passage...

"There is no place for mediocrity and laziness in God's service.  If you are a child of the King, everything you do is for His glory.  Your labor is an expression of your love for God."

"Consider the effort and attitude you are demonstrating as you perform your tasks.  Do they bring glory to God?" End

Years back when I was especially knee deep in laundry and nine kids, I bought a book by a beloved author Barbara Curtis, entitled "Lord, Please Meet Me In The Laundry Room".(click on title for book at Amazon.com).  She's a wonderful author with many books.

What makes a house a home?  What makes a happy home?  Here's a poem by Robert Blankenship...

The home in which I grew
Where I was taught to do that which I should
Was held together by love
And everything that's good

It's floors were supported strong
By tenderness and caring
And it's roof was held in place
By the gentle act of sharing

It's walls stood strong and firm
Never were they shaken
Strength is gained by what you give
Not by what you have taken

A home is so much more
Than wood and nails and stone
It is made of truth, love, caring and sharing
These things, they make a house a home.

If we pay attention, listening close, our Lord answers even our slightest murmurings.  He answered mine, a happy home is... a Labor of Love.  We really do know this, but it doesn't hurt to be reminded of it once in awhile.  

"Remembering without ceasing, your work of faith, and labor of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God 
and our Father."
1 Thessalonians 1:3

Confirmation: Julie Whedbee Behold I Come

Friday, September 16, 2016

Innocence (repost)

Innocence - the state, quality or fact of being innocent of a crime or offense, lack of guile or corruption, purity.

Oh to be like the innocent 
Like we once were 
Pure in God's eyes 
A treasure for sure

 Not a mean thought 
Would ever cross our minds
 Just love and laughter was our surmise

We didn't have to ponder
 On the wrongs of this world
 For everything around us
Was an adventure for sure 
For us to explore 
It was new, fresh and exciting
Wonder filled our eyes
The world was inviting 

Oh to be like the innocent
To begin again
To be void of sin again
To be pure in God's eyes 
And absolutely have nothing to hide

For people to look upon our faces...

And they find them 
Just to be kind
And courageous

Oh to be like
The innocent

We look forward to the time
when our worn out faces
Can once again shine

To be like the innocent
We once were
When we were 
Pure in God's eyes...

A  real treasure for sure.

Ahh, the innocent among us.  How treasured they are.  
The ones who do not cause our God pain. 

Help us Lord to be pure and innocent in Your eyes.


More Confirmations

Shortly after making the previous post "Field of Dreams", I asked Jesus about it and in particular about our daughter, Jen (she's had some real tough knocks in life).

I randomly opened my "Being Still With God" devotional by Henry & Richard Blackaby.  Here are some excerpts...

March 9 pg. 72 - "The Rewards of Discipline - Only one team wins the championship.  Only one swimmer wins the gold medal.  In Paul's day, only one runner wore the laurel wreath.  All of these accomplishments require intense training on the part of the competitors."

"In contrast to rings, medals and wreaths that are earned, God's salvation is a gracious gift.  We can't earn salvation and we don't compete for it.  Yet the richness of our salvation does depend largely on our effort and discipline.  Like an athlete's accomplishment, Christian maturity and spiritual power do not come automatically. They call for sustained, determined effort.  What does your spiritual training regimen look like?"

"...Are you being casual or careless about your relationship with Jesus? Spiritual disciplines will pay off in this life and in eternal rewards far greater than any ring or wreath.  Keep your eyes on the goal!"  End

Then as I was getting up out of my chair, book in hand, I looked to the book to reread the passage, when I realized somehow I was on a different page.  It was May 9, page 136 called - Our Glorious Transformation, with the same scripture I have in the "Field of Dreams" post...

"We all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory."
2 Corinthians 3:18

And here's an excerpt from that page...

"The Greek word translated "transformed" or "transfigured" means "changed into another form either externally or internally," but this change is not self-generated.  Our remodeling into Christlikeness is God's work in us.  It begins at salvation, and it happens by the Spirit as we walk with and abide in Christ."

"God, by His Spirit, gradually but assuredly conforms you into His image.  So learn to live continuously in God's presence.  Yield to every change the Spirit seeks to make.  Never let a hurried lifestyle disrupt your abiding in Christ.  Keep your eyes on Him as the Holy Spirit transforms you into Christ's likeness." End

Wow!  Two confirmations pertaining to my previous post.

Holy Spirit led me to podcasts done by Jennifer LeClaire where by she talked how our angels can help us with our transition in life.  Here is the link to her podcasts... Walking In The Spirit

I asked... "Lord, Jen really is going to "fly" isn't she?"
Heard... "Yes she is.  Pray it through."

Then I said... "I love her so much."
Heard... "I love her more."

We Believe!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Field of Dreams

A previous post entitled... "Our Hope in Him" came about in a miraculous way.  My sister, Lynn, while at Eucharistic Adoration received many encouraging words.

As a confirmation of these words she asked the Lord to send "something" to me and she did not tell anyone that she asked this.

Within only a few hours I made the post "Our Hope in Him", finding the video by Jennifer LeClaire totally led by the Holy Spirit step by step.  The video is about being "Transformed" and a "work"  that God is doing in us. Shocked, Lynn called to tell me what she had asked of the Lord.  So much of what she heard was in the video.  Amazing!  That post is here... Our Hope In Him

As of late we've noticed many occurrences that are "out of the ordinary".  Also, some of us have been experiencing forgetfulness, an airy foggy feeling almost like not quite being here.

Last night as I was to drive my daughter to her religion classes, I wondered if I could drive because I was feeling not quite "with it".  Very foggy brained.  While driving I asked the Lord... "What is wrong with me?"  And I sensed Him to say... "I am transforming you."  I've sensed Him telling me previously this and that it's a process.  With me I'm sure it is!  I'm sure He's working overtime!

Upon returning home, I asked for a confirmation of what I heard while driving and heard... "2 Corinthians."

Within an hour I happened upon a new video by Chosen Explosion House Church entitled "Prophetic Word - You Shall Be Transformed".  The scripture she used was...

"But we all, with our face having been unveiled, having beheld the glory of the Lord as in a mirror, are being changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Lord Spirit."
2 Corinthians 3:18

Here's another scripture I found from 2 Corinthians...

"If then any be in Christ a new creature, the old things are passed away, behold all things are made new."
2 Corinthians 5:17

The song "I Believe I Can Fly", by R. Kelly has been playing in my head the last few days. It brings me back when my oldest daughter, Jen, was a senior in High School.  She was a very good basketball player and was also in the Chorale.  She sang a song at a "Dinner Theater" event at the school and the song she sang was "I Believe I Can Fly".  She was the lead singer dressed in her basketball uniform and the rest of the basketball team sang backup.  It was pretty impressive.  We didn't know she could sing like that.  

Our son, Bryan was four years old at the time and for days he ran around the house singing... "I bbbbbelieve I can fly, I bbbbbbelieve I can touch the sky!"  And the kids here watched and rewatched the movie "Space Jam".  It was adorable.

Since this time, we've had some "out of the ordinary" instances regarding Eagles, both for Jen and her cousin, Andrew.  We know with God there are no coincidences.  

Here is the song "I Believe I Can Fly", it's our "Field of Dreams" so to speak.  During the entirety of this song I had Holy Spirit chills.  God works in wondrous ways!  Praise You God!

  My mom calls this... "Jen's Song".

We Believe!