Our Savior

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Our House

Daughter Dana just got a new phone.  On her new phone she can paint, so she painted our house.  Pictured here is her painting.

I told her that looks like a very happy home!  Then I thought, what makes a happy home?

I randomly opened "Being Still With God" by Henry and Richard Blackaby to this passage which I felt the Lord wholeheartedly led me to...

Labor of Love -  "Whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men."
Colossians 3:23

"Yes, God really does mean "whatever."  He means anything and everything.  All.  No exceptions, no fine print.  We are to do all that we do as if we are performing the task directly for God."

"Do you realize that the mundane tasks of life as well as your greatest challenges are ways to serve the Lord?  They are!"

"Inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these 
My brethren, you did it to Me."
Matthew 25:40

"We are to serve heartily with energy and enthusiasm, with a willing heart and even with joy, whatever we are doing."  End

This is something to keep in mind while we are doing load upon load of laundry and piles of dishes. We can surely lose this insight while doing the mundane.  But, many times it is in the little or mundane things we do everyday, if done with love and joy, are giving God glory.

Continuing on with the passage...

"There is no place for mediocrity and laziness in God's service.  If you are a child of the King, everything you do is for His glory.  Your labor is an expression of your love for God."

"Consider the effort and attitude you are demonstrating as you perform your tasks.  Do they bring glory to God?" End

Years back when I was especially knee deep in laundry and nine kids, I bought a book by a beloved author Barbara Curtis, entitled "Lord, Please Meet Me In The Laundry Room".(click on title for book at Amazon.com).  She's a wonderful author with many books.

What makes a house a home?  What makes a happy home?  Here's a poem by Robert Blankenship...

The home in which I grew
Where I was taught to do that which I should
Was held together by love
And everything that's good

It's floors were supported strong
By tenderness and caring
And it's roof was held in place
By the gentle act of sharing

It's walls stood strong and firm
Never were they shaken
Strength is gained by what you give
Not by what you have taken

A home is so much more
Than wood and nails and stone
It is made of truth, love, caring and sharing
These things, they make a house a home.

If we pay attention, listening close, our Lord answers even our slightest murmurings.  He answered mine, a happy home is... a Labor of Love.  We really do know this, but it doesn't hurt to be reminded of it once in awhile.  

"Remembering without ceasing, your work of faith, and labor of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God 
and our Father."
1 Thessalonians 1:3

Confirmation: Julie Whedbee Behold I Come

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