Go here to see article regarding... Communion in the hand experiment
Click here for more... Affirmative Argument for Receiving Communion on the Tongue
This article was found on http://www.spiritdaily.com/
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A repost...
Receive Jesus on the tongue. It's a matter of respect.
Yesterday at Mass, during communion Brooke and I received Jesus on our tongues like we always do. Upon returning to our pew, Brooke whispered... "Mom, that was Denny." My daughter's Father In law just happened to be the Eucharistic Minister. He seemed a little confused with Brooke and I receiving on the tongue, trying to place Jesus in our hands. That's fine, we seem to confuse many Ministers as receiving on the tongue is not very common anymore.
I thought to myself, Denny's probably wondering...why on the tongue?
Interesting enough, at the end of the Mass, Father addresses the congregation...
"It is appropriate to receive Communion on the tongue. I notice some of you juggling a squirmy child and still trying to receive in the hand. It would be better to receive on the tongue. Go ahead and stick your tongue out at me. It is appropriate to do that."
I smiled.
Oh Lord, that every parishioner would receive Your Most Sacred
Body and Blood on the tongue!
We love You Lord.
We honor You.
We worship You.
We adore You.
It's a matter of respect!
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