Our Savior

Friday, March 11, 2016


Kindness - the quality of being friendly, generous and considerate.  Warmheartedness, affection, gentleness, concern, care.

There's a difference between being kind and being nice.  Both are good, but in being kind we are warmer, so to speak.  It's something that comes from deeper within us.  Nice is more surface, kind is from the depths of who we are.

Nice - pleasant, agreeable, satisfactory, good, delightful, marvelous.

I'd rather be considered a "kind" person rather than a "nice" person.  You can even "see" kindness on a person's face.  They have a kind face, kind eyes.  I know I definately can "see" it in certain people.  It's something that I notice almost immediately, before they even say a word.  Their whole countenance just shouts it.

Kindness takes on a more "Godly" way.  God is kind.  I've never really heard God being referred to as nice.  But, that He is a very kind, kind-hearted God.  You see, kindness comes from the heart.  I made up this poem...
Kindness comes from the heart
That is where it truly starts 
Nice and niceties are everywhere
but true kindness is truly rare
Kindness to others is our goal
if we are truly to be whole.
God is kindness as you can see
for He is so very kindly 
to both you and me.

We shine when we are kind.

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