Our Savior

Tuesday, March 1, 2016


Once I had posted "Faith", I sensed in my spirit my next post is "Fear".

Fear - an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain or a threat, terror, fright, horror, alarm, panic, agitation, dread, distress.

Fear is dabilitating.  It stops us in our tracks.  We freeze, are paralyzed.  Fear is actually a spirit... "Spirit of Fear".  It is the demons best weapon against us.  If they can collapse us into fear, they can bring us easily into dread and despair.  We easily lose all hope, trust and faith.  We will no longer look to God, but to our own self, draw inward and stop looking up.  Fear is the opposite of faith.

"My love, oh how dear you are to Me!  Come even closer for I have much to tell you.  The time is now.  Right now!  There is no more delay.  Everything prophesized over you will come to fruition.  Now, it is time.  I no longer tarry.  Keep close to Me for any instructions.  You have nothing to fear, but fear itself.  Keeping close to Me saves you much heartache that the devil has planned for you. He works to discourage you and cause despair.  Staying close to Me diminishes his domain.  All is well.  Love all and everything else falls into place.  Be love.  My instructions for you and yours, pray and love.  What I ask of you is simple...pray and love." (Nov. 17, 2015)
 We need to pull back the curtain of fear.  We need to stay focused on the light and not the darkness.  Jesus tells us... "Stay focused on Me, not looking to the left nor right."  By focusing on Jesus, the light, we are able to bring light to others.  There is a new day arising.  New beginnings.  God is bringing us out of the old and into the new. A New earth, where love of God and people reign. A New earth full of Peace and Joy.

We are to have faith and not fear.

Excerpted from Small Straws in a Soft Wind (Marsha Burns)...Feb. 29, 2016 - "Refuse to allow your faith to be diminished by your circumstances.  Fear and doubt will create unbelief and keep you from receiving what you need.  Rise up in the realm of the spirit and let your faith soar so you can access what I have already provided, says the Lord."

We need to pray and love... and surrender.
Lord, I trust in You.

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