Our Savior

Thursday, March 10, 2016


Men think they are better at directions.  Women think they are better at directions.  Around here, neither are good at directions.  That's double trouble.

Long ago while Nick and I were dating, we made a road trip north to visit some friends.  After a pleasant visit it was getting late and we needed to leave, for we had a three hour drive.  All went well until approximately an hour into the drive we see a sign, "Welcome to Michigan".  We do not live in Michigan, nor wanted to be in Michigan!  How did we travel an entire hour in the wrong direction and not notice?!  We chocked it up to being too tired.  Ahem.

As a youngster, I recall many summer vacation trips.  Ingrained into my memory I see my mom fumbling with a road map and dad calling out to her..."Jeannie, where are we?  Jeannie, where do I turn.  You're the one with the road map, where are we?  I'm busy driving!"  Sometimes we needed to pull over, while dad fumbled with the road map for awhile.  I never was too worried, we always got to our destination despite some wrong turns here or there.   Anyways, it wasn't my problem, I was just the kid in the back seat along for the ride!  I found it at times a little comical.

A few years ago, Nick bought a GPS System, because after 30 years of marriage, Nick and I are still not very good with directions. Wow, what a difference!  A pleasant sounding voice comes from this thing and tells you exactly what to do, where to turn, how many miles to our destination.  My kids have told me her name is "Siri", I call her "Sally", I like that better.

All we do is suction- cup Sally to our windshield, plug her in to our lighter socket,  type in an address, push "Go" and we're off.  We can kick up our heels, because it's smooth sailin'.  We haven't gotten lost once since having Sally.

In life there are many turns, roadblocks, one-ways, etc.  You can get lost in a hurry.  But thank goodness there's a GPS. It's God's GPS, it's a small, still and  always pleasant voice.  All we have to do is plug in and push "Go".  If we can do that, in life we'll have less traffic jams, wrong ways and detours.  We won't get ourselves lost.

The problem though is our hearing.  We need to get away from all the noisy traffic and really listen for His directions.


I sometimes say... "God, please speak loudly, because I'm a little deaf."
We sometimes need to get out our hearing aides.

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