Our Savior

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Inside Out

Over the last couple days I put some clothing on inside out.  The second time I made extra effort not to do it, but again I did. Okay, I thought this is too weird... then I felt impressed upon me, whatever lies on the inside will most definately, eventually show on the outside.

I thought this through further.  Many things can be hidden. So hidden that we are barely aware of them ourselves.  Mother Mary can help us with those hidden things (knots) in our lives.  I've noticed a big difference in certain areas of my life since praying to the Blessed Mother, Undoer of Knots.  Especially with Jackie.  It's been amazing!  We can ask Mary to help us "clean house", so to speak.

I had a dream a while back that my mother, sister and I were on our hands and knees scrubbing a large blue bathtub that was layered with grime.  We scrubbed and scrubbed and could barely see beyond the grime to the beautiful blue tub underneath.  We called in the "cleaning lady" and in no time she had that blue tub sparkling clean. Obviously that "cleaning lady" was our Blessed Mother.

When life gets very chaotic, stressful and downright frightening, we will truly experience how we are within.  That's a little scarey to me.  How will I react in a truly desperate situation?  Will I totally shut down, panic, become frozen in fear?  Will I lash out at those around me?  Or, will I be peaceful, kind, reassuring and comforting?  Will I truly trust God in every situation?

Let us hope that if danger approaches us that how we react is less frightening than the external situations we face.  What is on our inside will most definately be on the outside.

I pray and hope that I am hopeful and true, pleasing to God and others.  I pray that I am stable and not have weak knees.  That I truly believe and act upon what I myself preach.  That if scarey situations arrive, I don't scare myself practically to death.  I truly pray that I'm not fooling myself.  That in dire situations I won't become a bigger part of the problem.

In of ourselves we will fall, we will fail miserably,  but only by clinging to Jesus and His Mother will we be strong.  A big mistake would be thinking that we ourselves can accomplish anything.  True strength and fortitude will come from God only.  We are weak and we will fail. This world is going to shake, but God is with us.  He never leaves our sides.

Lord, help me... help us, to remember that.

P.S. After I had typed this I went to Eucharistic Adoration.  I was lead to randomly open my God Calling devotional and I think the following goes along with this post...

The Imprisoned God - Yes! Praise.  That moment, in the most difficult place, your sorrow is turned to Joy, your fret to praise, the outward circumstances change from those of disorder to order, of chaos to calm.

The beginning of all reform must be in yourselves.  However restricted your circumstances, however little you may be able to remedy financial affairs, you can always turn to yourselves, and seeing something not in order there, seek to right that.

As all reform is from within out, you will always find the outward has improved too.  To do this is to release the imprisoned God-Power within you. That Power, once operative, will immediately perform miracles.  Then indeed shall your mourning be turned into Joy.

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