Our Savior

Friday, August 19, 2016

Hidden In Christ

You may ask, "What does it mean to be Hidden in Christ"?

"For you have died, and your life is hidden in Christ of God."
Colossions 3:3

Journal entry September 16, 2014... "I sensed an angel spoke to me early in the morning at around 5:00 a.m.  He said...

"You have been given a death sentence.  Be unmoved by this.  All of heaven is rejoicing on your yes to God!  Rejoice!  You are almost at the end of the race.  Complete the race.  All of heaven is cheering you on.  Your reward will be great.  You will be crowned!  Then I asked... "Will I be crowned and all of my family crowned too?"  The angel said... "Oh how selfless you are... and yes they will!  Be strong, be unmoved.  All is well!"

The angel said, be unmoved.  But how could I be unmoved if I'm going to die soon?  Then... here is a journal entry on September 18, 2014...

"I sensed Jesus and Mary speaking to me about the message on September 16th.  Here is what was spoken to me...

 "You misunderstood.  You will not physically die soon, but you will die to self.  A death sentence to the old you."

Oh!  I thought, but how do I die to self?  So I randomly opened a devotional, Streams in the Desert 3 pg. 253...

"When we surrender our old nature to God that He may carry out the death sentence pronounced upon it, He accepts it in the only way He ever accepted a sacrifice, by turning it to ashes (Psalm 20:3).  And where the fire has been there springs from the ashes of the old life the fire-lily of the beauty of Christ.  As more ground is daily yielded, on the fire-swept hills of our inner life will be wrought the miracle of life out of death, and the bare slopes will burst with blossom.  One unburnt hill will mean a jungle growth of grass and weeds; one valley spared will mean less Christfulness.  This is the law of God, both natural and spiritual, no fire, fire-lily; no ashes, no beauty.  This is the secret of the firelily.  This is the meaning of surrender."  P. E. Sharp

But there were only ashes when He came
Saying, "My daughter, thou hast tried to serve
In thine own way?  But now, stretch forth thy hands
That I may lead out of self's dark cell
And work thou has ceased to be.

I said, "My youth is gone, my strength is gone,
My life it lies before Thee bare and sere.
For very shame I cannot offer Thee
These ashes that are left me, grey and drear.
Yet, work Thy will in me
And teach me not to be."

Then through the ashes of that fading fire
He breathed His breath, and when the ash had fled,
Laid on some smouldering embers a live coal
That was His life, His love, all flaming red.
"Thy will be done to me,
So shall I live in Thee."
(Author Unknown)

Before God gives a blessing He writes a sentence of death on the means leading up to it!" (Streams in the Desert 3)

Then I was led to a video by Neville Johnson "Baptism of Water" where he spoke of death of self and of our old nature!

Both were confirmations of what was said to me.  We are to die to ourselves.  To be born again in Jesus Christ.  And to rise up from ashes to beauty.  All Glory and praise given to our Lord Jesus Christ!

As I was finishing up on this post, my daughter, Dana comes up to me and shows me the video below of a little girl singing "You Raise Me Up".   

As I listened, I heard in my spirit put this song with this post.  

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