Our Savior

Wednesday, August 10, 2016


As of late I've felt very much impressed upon my heart to declutter.  Get rid of stuff we don't use! 

We have a lot people living in this house and a lot gathers.  Much of it is not necessary.  So, I started with the garage and am making my way around the house.
I feel good when I fill up my trunk again and again and drop it off at our local Thrift store.  I feel as if I can breathe better.  It helps declutter my mind.  I think Jesus wants my mind decluttered!  And anyway, in the meantime I'm giving my unnecessary stuff to someone that may really need it.  
It's a win, win!

Funny how at Sunday's Mass, in our priest's homily he mentioned clutter and how we all have too much stuff.  He mentioned how when we die, we can't take it with us!

Also, funny how after Mass I went to Walmart to pick up a gift for a baby shower and the song playing over the speakers was the one below...

Now, I know without a doubt.  I sense the heavenlies are knocking Loud and Clear... "Get rid of the extra stuff!"

So, this week's project is... Declutter!

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