Our Savior

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Follow Me

On Tuesday at Eucharistic Adoration after communing with our Lord about Jackie and other issues, I sensed in my spirit...

 "You have been given an anointing.  You will do some "footwork" for Me. "

*Starting the day before I had been sensing a tingling of my left leg only.  So much so that I was beginning to wonder if I maybe had a pinched nerve.

Continuing our conversation... "Jesus, I feel a lot of tingling in my left leg.  Do I have a pinched nerve?"  Heard...

"No it is an anointing."  I replied, "But, it is only my left leg."

Then I heard in my Spirit...

"When you step forward do you step with your right or left leg?"  I answered, "The right."  Heard... "Do you always step out with your right?"  I replied, "Yes, if I would start with my left it would be awkward and I might even fall." Heard... "Right.  You see I am on your right.  I'm your right leg.  I will lead with your right leg, you follow Me with your left.  Follow Me."

I asked for confirmations and opened immediately Streams in the Desert 3, pg. 106... "If you and I are truly following in our Master's footsteps, we too must be willing to risk apparent failure in the eyes of the world, and, harder still, must often be content to be misunderstood by our fellow christians. It is only when we have learned the faith and obedience which leave all consequences with God, that we can know the power and deep joy contained in these words, that once sounded so terrible... "I am crucified with Christ." (E.A.G.)

Then I opened Holy Spirit devotional to pg. 195 - "We're in this together.  We are co-laborers.  I'll never leave you alone in the battle to establish God's will in the earth.  I'll always lead you on the best possible path, even if it means taking you on a long journey through the wildnerness; even if it means leading you through spiritual warfare; even if it means hiding Myself from you so that you feel as if you can't sense My Presence or hear My voice.  I'm committed to you.  I'm dedicated to you.  We're in this together.  Never think anything different.  I am here to stay.  You have My word.  I love you."

Then I opened Jesus Calling to pg. 255, "...I am the light of the world.  Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."  John 8:12

Follow Jesus Christ wherever He will lead you.

Here I am Lord.

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