Our Savior

Saturday, February 6, 2016


Last night I washed up Jackie's bedding.  After pulling it from the dryer I realized her sheet and her waterproof fitted sheet were literally in knots!  I mean a knot!  So tight I could not unknot it.  The warmed up plastic from the waterproof sheet seemed to fuse it together.  I asked hubby to help me.  He couldn't believe it.  After some struggling we unkotted it together carefully so as not to tear the plastic.

In all my life I have never seen laundry knotted like this.

In the night I was restless thinking about Jackie and my knotted hair (a few nights back I had a dream whereby I had a huge hair knot at the back of my head), and my knotted laundry.  So, not being able to sleep, I got up and sitting in my recliner asked Jesus what He had to tell me.  I heard... Pray.  Have you been praying?  Forget everything else... pray.

You see, I have quite a problem with our Jackie.  It literally has me in knots.  I decided to open one of my devotionals asking Jesus if He had anything more to say to me.  This is how it read...

There are positions of the adversary that cannot be stormed or starved.  There are defences that are impregnable.  There are obstructions which effectually bar the progress of the most devoted members of God's great missionary army.  Before such can possibly succeed there is necessary the sustained and continuous fire of the artillery of prayer.  Nothing else will take it's place.  Nothing will avail until it has done it's work.

Then I opened another devotional book and the title on the page was... Restlessness.  Here is an excerpt from the page I opened to...

Everyone, at times, deals with a restless spirit.  There are many reasons for this, but one is because we're doing things our own way rather than aligning with God's will.

Friend, has God made you restless?  You can't put a finger on it; you don't know why the agitation is there, but you have an uneasiness in your heart that won't go away?  Do not be surprised... the Father is actively seeking your attention.  When such a time comes, the wise thing to do is to stop and ask the Lord what He is trying to say.

Lord, when my spirit is restless, remind me to seek You.  I want to know Your will and how You desire me to proceed, amen.
Respond to restlessness with obedience.

Okay Lord, I finally get it.  I've been praying, but not hard enough.  Now, starting today I am praying the nine-day Novena to Our Lady Undoer of Knots.  Before, I was just saying a couple small prayers to Our Lady Undoer of Knots.  I now think it's time to get out the heavy artillery.

The weapons of our warfare are... mighty to the pulling down of strongholds.  
II Cor:10-4

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