Our Savior

Sunday, February 14, 2016


I looked up the meaning of the name "Cinderella".
"From the French name Cendrillon, which means "little ashes".  This is best known as the main character in the fairy tale 'Cinderella'."

I remember from a very young age I was drawn to the movie Cinderella.  It was my absolute favorite movie.  I watched it time and time again.  When I heard of the movie in 2015 I knew I would not miss it.  So, my sister and her little one and myself and my little one went.  I'm so glad we did.  It was very good.  For the first time ever for me, I witnessed the entire audience actually standing up from their seats and applauding at the end of the movie.

At the very beginning, a quote from the movie has stayed with Brooke and I.  We look at each other and say often, "Have courage and be kind."

Curious how this movie and quote are heavy on my mind especially as of late, now that we are entering into the Lenten season.  Curious how the name "Cinderella" means "little ashes".

The days ahead may be very challenging.  A little secret has been impressed upon my heart...
Cinderella was continally mistreated, but through it all she was always kind.  Jesus also was horribly mistreated, but through it all He could still smile and He always had courage and He always was kind.
 We are all in our time of waiting.  Princesses waiting for our Prince.  The Bride waiting on our Groom.  While we wait, we need to be like Cinderella... but most of all like Christ and no matter what happens, no matter what trials come upon us, always...
2 Corinthians 5:17 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.  The old has passed away; behold, the new has come."

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