Our Savior

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Heart's Desire

This morning my daughter Nicole and I were talking about many a thing.  She commented to me how she  prays to God about their current situation.  She wants her forever home and doesn't feel settled where they are at, and would love to live closer to her family.  I began talking about the "Undoer of Knots" prayer to our Blessed Mother Mary.
She said while hearing me talk of praying the "Undoer of Knots", she suddenly got chills, then she thought, "Should I pray this prayer?", again she got chills.  She felt this might be a sign.  I assured her it was.  I told her The Holy Spirit is communicating to her spirit.  I relayed how praying to Our Mother Mary is helping me.

We talked of God already knowing our heart's desire, but we must pray and give it to Him. That He knows what is best.  He is our Papa and wants to give us our heart's desire, while staying within His will.  We talked of how there is no such things as a coincidence, but God working in our lives.  After our conversation I sensed the Lord wanting me to pick up my tablet and this is what I heard...

"My dear one, write what you hear.  I am always with you.  I never leave your side.  Yes, I am very pleased with your conversation with Nicole.  You do please Me.  Yes, I know your heart's desire and I know Nicole's heart's desire.  I am working behind the scenes for her and her beautiful family.  Have faith in Me for what I have for you and what I have for Nicole are far beyond your imaginings.

I truly love you,  My sweets.  Your hearts are made of gold.  I am forever with you and I will provide all you need.

Trust in Me for I Am your everything.  Trust in Me!"

After that I immediately sensed to randomly open my devotional book and this is how it read...

"If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it."
John 14:14

Will God answer that deep desire of your heart that you've repeatedly taken to His throne?  Will He really help you?  Jesus placed only one condition on answering your requests- that they be made in His Name.  However, this doesn't mean merely affixing the phrase "in Jesus' name" to the end of
 every appeal.

As Christ spoke to His disciples, they understood that His name signified His character.  So to pray "in the name of Jesus" meant that they would conform their requests to His mission, values and will.

How do you do that?  How can you be sure your prayers align with His character?  Rely on the Holy Spirit.  Romans 8:26 explains, "The Spirit helps us in our weakness.  We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us."

Praying in Jesus' name requires the help of the Holy Spirit.  So allow His spirit to guide your words and conform the desires of your heart to His will.  And be assured, He hears you and will answer.

Holy Spirit, thank You for guiding my prayers.  Align my heart with God's will and help me walk in Your ways, amen.

Everyday In His Presence, pg. 214

Thank You Papa!

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