Our Savior

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

The Win

"Nothing however little, that is ever suffered for God's sake can pass
without merit in the sight of God.
Be prepared to fight if you desire to gain the victory.
Without fighting you cannot obtain the crown of patience."

We have to realize that as we continue to do God's work and follow His plan for our lives we will come across friction from the dark side.  As attacks come we need to remind ourselves to give it over to Him and He will fight for you.  

When others, especially loved ones come against us it's especially hard.  Being in such a struggle, I randomly opened to the following excerpt from Every Day In His Presence..

"Lead Them to The Cross - As believers, Jesus commissioned us to continue His work on earth, sharing the good news about the salvation He provided for us on the cross (Matthew 28:19).  However, obeying this command isn't always easy, especially when we come across people whose lifestyles are questionable to us. It often feels more reasonable to befriend those who share our values and morals.

Yet understand, Jesus ministered to those whom society avoided.  And He explained that He "did not come to call the righteous, but sinners." (Mark 2:17).

Remember, sin enslaves its victims.  With despair and confusion as constant companions, the captive doesn't know the way to freedom.  But believers do, and we should share the message of hope with them.  

So today, as you come across those who need God's grace, tenderly point them to the cross.  Jesus ministered to the needy, addicted, and downtrodden so they could be freed from sin's grasp.  And because we are His, we should as well.

Father, work through me to lead others to Your salvation, amen." End

As we are attacked, which we will be if we are followers of Jesus Christ, instead of taking offense, we need to forgive and reflect His love to others.  This is not so easy sometimes.  But, by doing this we stomp down those stumbling blocks satan lays for us to stop God's plan working in our lives.

Father, give us, Your people, the strength we need to fight our foes.  To fight the good fight.  To fight the darkness and to bring Your light into the darkness, lighting the way straight to You.

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