Our Savior

Saturday, July 30, 2016


Homebody - a person who enjoys the warmth and simple pleasures of being at home.

And I have to add to this because I am truly a homebody and proud of it.  I'm someone who needs to go deep within myself.  I seek the small still voice within me.  I feel comfortable there, loved.  I'm very spiritual.  I'm very interested in spiritual things.  I ponder on our heavenly home.

Too much chatter actually annoys me.  I participate because I have so much of it thrown at me, but actually I prefer to be quiet.  Of course I talk more with family at home, but in public I am very reserved and quiet, I barely speak.

I speak more if it's something I'm interested in, but I have found that much of the chatter going on in social events is not of interest to me.  In fact, much of it I would rather not hear.

My special needs daughter, Jaclyn, is also a homebody.  We tried putting her in a summer camp for a couple weeks, and it turned out to be the wrong thing to do.  I felt pressured to put her in it, but upon dropping her off I knew we were in trouble.  The camp had to many, loud and rambunctious kids in it for Jackie's liking.  On the first day we got a phone call to pick her up because she would not cooperate and they actually struggled with her giving her rug burns on her knees because she threw herself down and in throwing her glasses she broke them.

There was way too much stimuli going on for Jackie.  Her mind could not handle the commotion.  It was Loud in that room!

I had to bring in her glasses to be fixed and I told the secretary there what happened.  She knows Jackie and commented, "Jackie's a homebody.  I'm a homebody too!"  I agreed and I added that I was also.  We all have something in common!

Needless to say, Jackie didn't go back to camp and she's much happier
for it.

I was feeling a little disturbed by the drama that took place and I asked Jesus about it.  I sensed Him to ask me... "Did you come to Me before putting Jackie in that camp?"  I replied... "No, but I felt pressured by the teachers."  Then I heard... "Yes, you pleased man, not Me.  I didn't want Jackie in that camp either.  That camp was not for her.  See what can happen when you do not come to Me and ask for my leading?  Come to Me before making decisions.  Give your decisions time, contemplating the direction I lead you.  Did you not say to Me after putting her into this camp... 'Jesus, I really don't want to send her!'  Well, problem solved.  She most certainly won't be going back, right?  However, you should have come to Me first!"

I felt very convicted that He was telling me these things.  Looking back, in my heart I knew it was a wrong choice for Jackie, but I caved in because of outside pressures.  I never went to Jesus at all.  I completely took it upon myself.  It would have been easier if I would have gone to Jesus first.  He was trying to tell me within my heart, but I did not listen.

These camps are wonderful for many kids.  However, this camp was Not for Jackie.  There were too many children and too much commotion and it drove Jackie literally insane!  Not a good choice for her.  I did talk to a teacher there and she said that Jackie is being placed in a very small class at High School this fall.  Hopefully less chaotic!

So yes, my Jackie is also a homebody.  She doesn't care for all the fuss of this world.  She likes the stability and comfort and routine of home.

Out of all my children, my daughters Nicole, Brooke and Jackie have my personality, but I have to say Jackie is probably the one most like me.  We both have "special needs".

Speaking of home... I came across this song.  It brought me back many years to about the age of thirteen or so.  My brother, Ron, listened to them a lot.  He's also a homebody.  Enjoy!

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