Our Savior

Saturday, July 30, 2016


Recharging of batteries, of our batteries.  How do we do that?  To truly recharge, the Only One who can do that for us is God.

 When our batteries are running on low, we sometimes flee to other people to get our charge.  We can get some energy and strength this way, but many times all we are really doing is draining their batteries.  God intends for us to go to Him.  To lay all of our burdens at His feet.

I really talked to Jesus about this lately as my batteries, my energy seems exhausted.  When we have very busy lives and lots of needy people around us we can quickly feel the draw and drain on our energy.  Not only our physical energy, but also our spiritual energy.

Sometimes our loved ones require so much of our attention, that we don't have the time or energy to spend with God and as time goes on we are more and more depleted, until our batteries are totally drained and no longer functioning.  As I collapse in bed, I sensed Him to tell me... "In all your busyness, you've hardly whispered a single prayer all week."  Oh my!  No wonder I'm drained!

I am an introvert.  But, I live in a family full of extroverts.  One is not better than the other, it is just how God made us individually.  I respect that, but I am a homebody.  I don't need to go about socializing and constantly interacting with other people.  But, being in a family of extroverts, they sometimes look at me as being anti-social.  I find this comical because my house is full to the brim with people and socializing.  I don't need to go anywhere to get that!  So, especially during the summer when there are so many extra activities going on and we are naturally busier, my quiet time with Jesus is even more hampered.

So it is during this time that we find ourselves feeling the heat.  Not only the heat of the summer, but the heat of the world.

Here is an excerpt from a message given yesterday to Still Small Voice as she spoke of how challenging it is to take care of the needs of others when we ourselves are drained...

"I'm wanting to encourage you, everyone is feeling the heat, Claire, not just the summer heat, but the heat of the battle, everyone.  Pray for each other."

Especially in a world that is daily getting even darker, the pull on us, the spiritual war around us, gets hotter and hotter.  Another excerpt from Claire's message...

"Not only are you carrying a cross for this world, but personal attacks are at an all time high.  I know you don't like negative messages, but this is to encourage you, all of you, that I Am a Faithful God.  And I will not give up on you.  I will not let you down.  I will not abandon you.  You must all seek Me for your answers and know that I will not let you be tried beyond your strength.

We are ascending the mountain of holiness together.  Some of you I am carrying.  Others I am supporting on one leg.  Others I'm pulling up the mountain.  And some are strong enough to walk on their own as we go up.  The ones that are strong enough to walk are the ones that spend the most time with Me and have yielded more of their lives than others.  That's not a condemnation, but a suggestion to help you realize what really works.  If you avoid suffering it only gets worse, but if you embrace it and turn to Me, I strengthen you."

You can see the message in it's entirety here... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TV8VmxtoCzg

I find it interesting how in this message Jesus spoke of how the strong are the ones who have yielded more of their lives to Him.  Just prior to hearing this message I had randomly opened a devotional to... "Eternal Yield".  He speaks loudly, if only we listen!

Casting our cares unto Him.  That is where our strength lies.  If we think we can get that kind of strength, recharge from anyone or anywhere else, we are fooling ourselves.  We are falling for the "big lie" of satan.  He wants you to run everywhere else, but not to God.

It is absolutely imperative that we spend time with God.  If we are to finish our race, plugging into Our Heavenly Father is the only way.  If we don't, our batteries will run out and the race will be over for us, and we will be left sitting in the middle of the road watching others cross the finish line.

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