Our Savior

Thursday, August 3, 2017

The Spirit is Willing

...but the flesh is weak.

I heard those words upon waking.  Then I randomly opened Streams in the Desert (by Cowman) to this:

"And having dismissed the multitude, he went up into a mountain apart to pray.  And when it was evening he was there alone."
Matthew 14:23

"The man Christ Jesus felt the need of perfect solitude, Himself alone, entirely by Himself, alone with Himself.  We know how much intercourse with men draws us away from ourselves and exhausts our power, the man Christ Jesus knew this too, and felt the need of being by Himself again, of gathering all His powers, of realizing fully His high destiny, His human weakness, His entire dependence on the Father.

"How much more does the child of God need this, himself alone with spiritual realities, himself alone with God the Father." End

This morning hearing "The Spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak", I sensed Holy Spirit was telling me that we need to be alone with God the Father.  That is where we are refueled for the day.  It is through our communication with Him and prayer that our "batteries" are recharged.  Without this we become weaker and weaker.  Our spirit may be willing, but our flesh takes us further and further away draining us.  He is our power source.

Many times we find ourselves too busy to break away or just too tired to pray.  Pondering on this I randomly opened "Jesus Calling by Sarah Young" to this...

"July 29 - Come to Me continually, I am meant to be the Center of your consciousness, the Anchor of your soul.  Your mind will wander from Me, but the question is how far you allow it to wander.  An anchor on a short rope lets a boat drift only slightly before the taut line tugs the boat back toward the center.  Similarly, as you drift away from Me, My Spirit within you gives a tug, prompting you to return to Me..." End

Holy Spirit prompts us to pray, but do we listen?  
Prayer keeps us anchored to Him.

Later in the day while picking up my daughter from practice, I heard on the radio the following song... "It's a Heartache".  It was impressed upon me that when we rely on others, or things before God, spending our time on "fleshy" things rather than "spiritual" we will have heartache.

The song relates the singer's utter dependence upon another person.  And, the heartache that it brought.  A verse in the song...

"It ain't right with love to share, to find that he doesn't care for you.  It ain't wise to need someone as much as I depended on you."  

I sensed the Holy Spirit was bringing the lyrics of this song to my attention.  It went right along with today's post.

Our hearts do ache... ache for God.  And, God doesn't let you down, while your fellowman will. God always cares for you, while your fellowman may not.   Another verse in the song...

"It's a fool's game, nothing but a fool's game". 

 Let us not be fooled.  

Depending on anyone or anything else other than God, will most certainly bring disappointment and heartache.  We are to love each other, 
but love and depend on God.
For He is steadfast and true.

If we keep our faith in Him, 
our faith will be richly blessed. 

God Bless!

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