Our Savior

Wednesday, October 25, 2017


I awoke last night at around 3:00 am.  I spoke to the Lord about Jackie's situation.  I began to cry and said how I dreaded now having to put her through all these tests.  She doesn't handle things like that well.  She doesn't understand and it's like torture to her, a real struggle.

I sensed in my spirit that I was to continue on and keep hold of His hand for He is guiding and orchestrating everything.  That from all this much fruit will come.  Much fruitfulness!  That He has a plan.  A wonderful plan.  Not one to harm us but to prosper us.  That we are to hold His hand like a trusting child following His lead.  Trust.  I heard more, but that was the gist of it.

In the morning, once again Lana Vawser's post hit home... God Is Going to Show Himself Stronger Than The Battles Faced

Here is an excerpt...

"There will be incredible recompense.  There will be more fruit than you have ever seen.  There will be greater increase than you have dreamed.  There will be greater demonstration of the power and the creativity of God in your life.  There will be restoration of what was taken, what was killed and stolen the Lord is restoring by His resurrection power."

Interesting how last week my mother heard there would be "recompense" and last night I heard that there will be "much fruit, fruitfulness" from our situations.

And also this from Lana's post...

"The enemy had stolen many of your voices, he has stolen many of your dreams but here comes the Lord in power, a deep encounter with His heart that will Restore your voice.  Restore your sound.  Restore your song, and you will carry and release greater revelation than you have in previous seasons."

This is interesting because Jackie's voice, her sound has been stolen literally.  At birth she lacked oxygen and it severely affected her.  She can repeat words you say, but to have a conversation with you she cannot.  I have noticed especially lately that she so much wants to talk with us. But, she cannot.  She will look at me and say "Mom, mom, mom..." I will answer her and she looks at me with a blank stare.  I know she so much wants to say something, but the connection in her brain from what she wants to communicate and how to do it is lost to her.  Her teacher and aides say the same thing.

One of her aides told me how they will be sitting in the cafeteria with a group eating lunch, all chatting and Jackie keeps tapping the aide's arm and repeats her name over and over then just looks at her.  It is painful to see how much she wants to be a part of the group, to be able to chime into the conversation, but she is not able.  Somewhat like being trapped inside her own body, unable to truly speak to us.  It saddens our hearts.

Jackie's voice, her sound, her song has truly been stolen from her!  But we know that in God's goodness, He will restore Jackie's voice and she will praise His name forever!  She will be healed.  But while waiting, it is painful.

I just now randomly opened "Mornings With The Holy Spirit" (by Jennifer LeClaire) devotional (pg. 289) to this...

"Trusting Me means not having all the answers.  I know you like to have everything figured out ahead of time, but it's not always necessary or even profitable for you to have all the answers up front.  Having all the answers doesn't require trust.

Many things are going on behind the scenes that you don't see. Seeing those things would only distract your heart.  I will lead you forth by peace.  You will recognize My peace because  it is spiritual, not soulish, and it is perfect."

So now, we are on another new adventure with Jackie.  

There is a Reason.
God be with us!

"We know that God makes all things work together for the good of those who have been called according to His purpose."
Romans 8:28

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