Our Savior

Monday, October 16, 2017


After a few "happenings" in my personal life this past weekend, I noticed that I was Not liking my attitude. 

I had been blessed with a couple days of serene peace of mind and then suddenly I knew that I was on a slippery slope and very much needing an attitude change.  How quickly my "peace" turned into "unrest".  I heard in my spirit... 
"It's about your attitude".  

Years back when I became pregnant for the second time, my first born was only 7 months old.  I had a difficult experience with that birth and was now again pregnant.  At that time I worked as a stenographer at a booming business and the secretary of the President of our company seemed to not want any children.  When she discovered I was pregnant again she acted almost appalled.  She looked at me with disdain.  I won't forget her statement after looking at me with pity and the question "Why?".  She said, 

"Well... I guest it's about your attitude right?"

Little did she know that statement would again sound in my head many years later.  This weekend I rehearsed that scene in my mind.  This morning upon waking I clicked into a Random Rhema and it read as follows...

"Love feels no burden, values no labors, would willingly do more than it can, complains not of impossibilities, because it conceives that it may and can do all things; when weary is not tired; when strained is not constrained; when frightened is not disturbed; but like a living flame and torch all on fire, it mounts upwards and securely 
passes through all opposition."

Immediately after finishing this post, I was going to push "publish" when I looked up at this car commercial on the television.  Amazingly I had already incorporated the tire quote and the fixing of the flat tire pictures in my post when I looked up at the television and saw a car commercial whereby a father and his children are driving fast to catch a race his wife was running in.  He was averting many obstacles.  They arrive and they all cheer for her while she runs her race and at the end it is heard... "Empower the drive."  The commercial is called "On The Run"...

Enough said.

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