Our Savior

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Child In Your Womb

Following is an excerpt from a message given to Clare at Heartdwellers.org regarding the child in your womb on October 21, 2019...

"What you have is a magnificent gift, not just another mouth to feed.  These children will bring peace and justice into the world as no other generation has.  That is why Satan is fighting to kill them.  He is afraid of what is in your womb and he has good cause to be.  This child is anointed from its very conception.  This child is your salvation  Not the salvation that I have won for you, but the salvation of leading a happy and fulfilling life, because the decisions you will make will be wiser and bear more fruit in the long-term than murdering this child would bring."

Click on the link below for the rest of this message...

I feel strongly that this message is very much needed by a certain individual today that is teetering on what to do about the baby in their womb.  Please choose life you will be eternally grateful... and so will your child.

Another message given to Clare on October 7, 2019, Click below...

We have nine children ranging in ages 35 to 14.  I thank God for them everyday.  I can't imagine my life without even one of them.  God has been so gracious. They always have each other.  They are all best friends. 

I have a daughter who is engaged, but not yet married and found herself pregnant.  She was embarrassed and scared seeing how they "put the cart before the horse", which is wrong.  But she soon realized the precious gift she now carried no matter the circumstances.  Her and her fiance and the family quickly became attached and are so excited for this new bundle of joy to be born in February.  We know that no matter the situation, a child is never a punishment, but always a blessing!  God has a plan and purpose for this little one.  This child is anointed by God.  This child will be cherished forever!  

Children are such a blessing from the Lord!

We have nine children and with their significant others and grandbabies we have a family of twenty one and...

It is growing, growing, growing!

We are expecting three new grandbabies by Spring!

God is amazing!

Praise God!

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

You Are Not Alone...

We will have trials and tribulations.... but, we are not alone.  God has promised.

Like many of you I am sure, I've been going through one trial after another.  The last three days for me have been daunting to say the least.  This morning while questioning Jesus... why?  I sensed in my spirit... "Training" and "You are not alone".

Training... yes many of us are in continual training for what is soon approaching.  We are being trained on how to handle difficult situations with trust and patience.  God is good and He knows I for one need more training in this area.  It is difficult, however we must always remember... "You are not alone".

Shortly after this a youtube channel video popped up on my phone screen.  It was a video by Lion of Judah called... "You Are Not Alone, I Am Here With You".   Then I sensed in my spirit... "Listen to it!".  There is no such thing as a coincidence.

How amazing is our God?  

This below video is for me... and you.

You Are Not Alone

May you have peace in your hearts during your own trials and tribulations.

Trust God

God Bless!

Monday, September 30, 2019

Wrapped In His Light!

"Grant me, O Lord, to know that which ought to be known; to love that which ought to be loved; to praise that which pleaseth Thee most, to esteem that which is precious in Thy sight, to blame that which is vile in Thine eyes.  Suffer me not to judge according to the sight of bodily eyes, nor to give sentence according to the hearing of the ears of ignorant men; but to discern in true judgement between physical and spiritual things, and above all things to be ever seeking after the will of Thy good pleasure."

Thomas a Kempis
Imitation of Christ

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Jesus, I Need You...

Jesus, I need You
I need You by my side
Everywhere I look
There is something not right
Deep in my heart
I earnestly long
for the day we all are singing
our victory song

I wait eagerly for the day of peace 
for the day when all evil's cease
When love abounds
when love can be found 
for it is all around

Jesus I need You
I need Your assurance
For the upcoming days
I need Your strength and endurance

Jesus, I need You
I seek your nearness
this world gets... 
scarier by the minute

Jesus, I need You
I need You by my side
to make what's so wrong
something so right
deep in my heart I earnestly long
for the day when we are all singing
our victory song
Jesus, I need You
I need to hear You say
That soon so soon
everything will be okay
in a world where you can't let 
your children freely play
for fear of the evil 
that right now rules the day

Jesus, the world needs You
It is sick and weary
only You can save us
from it's fury

Jesus, we need You, we need You near
Jesus, we need You, we need you here!

With Love,

Praise His Mighty Name!

Saturday, August 31, 2019

God's Gated Community

We have our son's dogs here this weekend.  We keep them inbetween outside and our laundry room.  We have a gate there to contain them.  It's funny that no matter how small that gate is they will never cross over it.  Even if the gate falls down, they stay behind the gate!  It's humorous since they are quite large dogs and could jump over or knock it down anytime they want.  Sometimes I just lean it against the wall and it still suffices!

Today the dogs were outside and I was doing laundry.  There leaning against the wall was the gate.  My husband walked by and chuckled and said, "Are you in the Gated Community now?

I laughed, but it struck me.  "The Gated Community".  Are we in it?  It is my hope to be in only one "Gated Community".  That of God's!

Adam's dogs know that at any time they could break through the gate.  However, they know that to please their master they are to be obedient and stay within the gates.  It is not only protection for themselves, but others.  I highly appreciate their obedient natures.  They have been well trained.

Staying within the Gates.  

That is where I long to be.  

Obedient to my Master, Jesus Christ!

Praise God!

Monday, August 26, 2019

Pulled To Safety

On August 14, 2019 I had a dream...

The first one I was with Nick and we were on a walk.  He started to lead me down a valley and I knew that it was dangerous and really didn't want to go.  But he lead me there anyways.  As we walked the valley I say approaching waters and knew the valley would soon be flooded.  I was standing there and notice water gathering at my feet then I saw a wave of raging waters coming at me and starting to fill up the valley.  I was scared, but then looked up and saw Nick standing on a rock.  He held out his hand, which I grabbed was pulled up to safety.

We started walking away and I looked at him and was upset and said... "Why did you lead me there when you knew it was dangerous?"  End of dream

I feel in this dream Nick (my husband) could have represented Jesus.  In dreams your earthly husband can be representative of Jesus.  Upon pondering this I feel it could indicate the valley of death and destruction, raging waters that is coming upon us. 

But... Jesus stands upon the rock and pulls us to safety!

The Tower Made of Solid Rock

 On August 10, 2019 I had a dream...

My daughter Brooke and I were moving to a different house and so we were looking for our new home.  We were uptown walking the streets trying to find a place for us to live. I remember the streets were dark and the buildings barely had any lights on them. Brooke said we were going the wrong direction and she said it’s over here.

We turned direction and kept walking to find this place that we were to live. Then we see it.  It was tall like a skyscraper or tower and actually very narrow, steep. 

It was made of solid rock.  It was jagged like a mountainside.  It looked as if we would need our rock climbing gear to climb it.

Then we see a man standing beside the tall rocky tower and I asked him if this is where we are to live? And he confirmed that this is where we live, "At the very top!" he said.

It was like a mountainside that was rocky,  rock hard and I asked how we get to the top and he said there’s an elevator. So Brooke and I got in the elevator and went to the top to where we live.

I remember looking outside and children were playing. Then I was going to change my clothes and I felt very exposed because children were trying to look into the windows and I was trying to shut the drapes. Then Brooke and I went back down to the bottom and walked around.  We were happy we found our new home.  End of dream.

I felt like the dream meant that we are to live on the rock, our foundation which is in Jesus Christ our Lord.

Also what I found interesting is a visionary by the name of Enoch (use your own discernment) had up a message he received on August 9th, 2019.  I came upon it yesterday so this had no influence on my dream.

Quoting from this message...

"Seal yourself from head to toe and seal your children, family, home, workplace, people you deal with and places where you are going to stay, with the Blood of my Son, so that nothing and no one can harm you."

"So comply them, my children, with these recommendations, so that you can defend yourself against the attacks of the enemy in a spiritual battle so that you do not slow down with prayer; pray with my Holy Rosary because it is the most powerful Spiritual Weapon you have to defeat my adversary and its host of evil.  Ask for my Holy Intercession in this my invocation of Our Lady of the Rock.  Say like this:

"O sweet Virgin Mary, in the invocation of Our Lady of the Rock, I turn to You, so that by your Holy Intercession, you grant me the grace that I am asking of you (name your need).  My dear Mother, protect me, my family and loved ones, from any attack by the evil one.  May your Holy Intercession free us from all evil and danger.  Amen".

Pray Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.

Click HERE to see entire message!

I found it interesting that I had a dream about a house of rock a day later of Enoch's message entitled "Call of Our Lady of The Rock to the People of God - August 9, 2019".  

Jesus Christ is our solid Rock Foundation!  But He stands there along with His Mother.  Our Holy Mother, Virgin Mary.  They together are our Rock, solid foundation, protection.  Our forever family that loves us!

Praise God!


Friday, August 2, 2019

Wednesday, June 26, 2019


I walk out my back door 
And what greets me...

But beautiful flowers everywhere
God's beauty shining

God created flowers
It's His way of smiling
Their beauty is 
Ever so inviting

I walk out my back door 
And what greets me
God's beautiful creation

It is so pleasing

Thank you Father 
For the flowers.


Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Good To Me

"I will take you there."



I posted this song by Steven Curtis Chapman.  Afterwards I started to play the song and while listening to it, I looked up a Rhema word at the Heartdwellers website.  There were only three words...

Praise God!

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

St. Brendan the Navigator

Yesterday as I was relaxing in my easy chair the thought came to me to ponder the names I had selected for my nine children.  When I came to my last child, Brooke I heard in my spirit... "If Brooke were to be a boy, what were you going to name him?"  Pondering this I remembered I first thought of Brandon, but then switched it to Brendan.  She would have been named Brendan if she were a boy.

I didn't know why this was brought to my attention.  Then later in the day I randomly clicked on a Rhema word on the Heartdweller's site and it was St. Brendan!  It came up twice!  He's been named St. Brendan the Navigator.  

I then sensed he is a saint to pray to.  I then started looking into who he was.   It is very interesting indeed! The video below is about him and some of his journeys upon the Hi-seas...


Click HERE for some information about this saint.

Click HERE for  an inspiring prayer to St. Brendan.

I do not know why this all was brought to my attention.

However, I do know this...

There is a reason for everything!

Praise God!

Friday, May 10, 2019

All Is Well

My son who had the surgery is doing very well.  He has a little ways to go yet, but we know Jesus is with him.  

We give all thanks and praise to God!  

Friday, May 3, 2019

I Will Hear You

My oldest son is having surgery today.  It is quite long... 10 to 12 hours long!  So far he is doing well.  I've been praying today and asking Jesus to guide the surgeon's hands.  I ask that Father, Jesus and Mother Mary be with him.

A little while ago I clicked randomly on a Rhema word (from the Heartdweller's site).  This is how it read...

"You can be confident that if what you ask of Me is of My will, 
I will hear you."

Praise God!

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Change is Coming!

I originally sensed I heard the below message on April 9, 2019.  Today I ran across a message received by Lana Vawser that was very similar.  It is a message speaking of the change that must happen.  See Lana's message here... Things Need to Change...

Now onto what I sensed I heard on April 9, 2019...

I was thinking about the darkness to come (a big sigh!).  Then I heard...

"Do you wish for things to stay as it is?"

Me:  "No!"

"Then this must happen.  Change is coming and coming soon!  Trust Me, My Love for I have not brought you all this way for nothing.  All will go according to My Plan and My Plan includes you and yours, not one missing.  Trust Me in all things!

My child, do not weep for by-gone days for what I have for you and yours in the future is glorious!  Glorious indeed!  But, first must come the darkness, the gloom the tragedy.  It must come.  But, spring will come again.  New growth, a new reality, a whole new world!  One of peace and tranquility.  You and yours will see this My child!  Do not fear for I am always near.  You and yours are so dear to Me!

Rest in Me your Blessed Hope, for I oversee all things!  Please Child, rest in Me.  Be comforted that I am always with you, guiding and protecting.  No harm will come to Mine, only everlasting Glory!

These words are true My Dear.  You are My Loves, My Dear Ones.  I hold you all in the palm of My Hand."


Saturday, April 6, 2019

Drawn to You

"The simplicity aspect of our life of contemplation
makes us see the Face of God
in everything, everyone, everywhere,
all the time and His hand in all 
the happenings, and makes us
do all that we do whether we think,
study, work, speak, eat or take our rest
in Jesus
with Jesus
for Jesus
and to Jesus
under the loving gaze of the Father,
being totally available to Him
in any form He may come to us."

Thursday, April 4, 2019


Why are you restless?

Don't you know I am in control of all things?
Hold My hand My Love

I will stand with you
Through all your trouble
Through all the rain

I have this My Love

I love you truly
Truly I do

I've been feeling restless lately.  I think that many have.  I feel strongly that we are on the precipice of something Big!  

Today I was thinking on many things and upon walking outside to go to our shop I noticed this heart-shaped pine needles and debris on the cement.  I was actually drawn to notice it and decided to take a picture.  

I sensed Father telling me to not let my heart be troubled.  To take heart and trust in Him for all things!

Praise God!

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Pro-Life Petitions

Sign Pro-Life Petitions here... https://lifepetitions.com/

We must fight against evil!

Praise God!

Unheard of Cruelty

Abhorent how... "Virginia govenor who supported infanticide signs bill to make animal cruelty a felony!"

Also, Democrats refuse care for aborted babies born alive for the 25th time!  Read about this and much more here... LifeNews.com

And watch this!!...

We must stand against evil!

Praise God!

Monday, April 1, 2019

Destroy Not!

Just out of curiosity I decided to look up the timestamp of my previous post "Unplanned".

To my amazement the timestamp is 5:16 which if looked up in Hebrew Strongs Concordance it means...

 "Destroy not"!

See for yourself HERE!

There's no such thing as...

God  plans!

"But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto Me; for of such is the kingdom of heaven."
Matthew 19:14


There's no such thing...

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.  I praise thee for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."
Psalm 139:13-14

Sunday, March 31, 2019


As one of the youngest Planned Parenthood clinic directors in the nation, Abby Johnson was involved in upwards of 22,000 abortions and counseled countless women on their reproductive choices.  Her passion surrounding a woman's right to choose led her to become a spokesperson for Planned Parenthood, fighting to enact legislation for the cause she so deeply believed in.  

Until the day she saw something that changed everything!

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Reflect Love...

I came across this music video shortly after posting the below post on the Jezebel spirit...

Go to Daniel Lovett to learn more about her music.  She has a story to tell.  

Don't we all?

The timestamp for the post below... "Dealing With A Jezebel Spirit" is #158.  If you look up the number 158 in Hebrews Strongs accordance it stands for "Love".  

So, how do we deal with a Jezebel spirit in our lives?

In quoting from Lana Vawser's message seen HERE ...

"The Lord will set up opportunities for you to bless those who have cursed you.  The Lord will set up situations for you to show grace, love and forgiveness to those who have spoken against you and mocked you.  Continue to pray and bless those who speak against you like Jesus said in Luke 6:28."

The answer is...

By Love and Prayer

For God is Love

Now is the Time!

Praise God!

Saturday, March 9, 2019


I follow the way traced for me by Jesus.  He wants me to practice abandonment, like a little child which does not worry about what others might do with him.
(Random Rhema)

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Satan's Minions at Work

Nancy Pelosi calls banning late-term abortions "Really quite a sad thing."

House Democrats block request to vote on bill to stop infanticide.
 Stacey Abrams' State of the Union Response calls killing babies in abortion Reproductive Justice!

See this news and more at... Lifenews.com

Jesus, Heal our Land!

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Murder of The Innocents

An article by Mark Mallett click here... The Bloody Red Herring

Click here for a sobering message from St. Michael the Archangel regarding the Murder of The Innocents... MessagefromSt.Michaelthearchangel/Endtimesdaily

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Hunger and Shelter Dream

On January 29, 2019 early am I dreamt of being in a high school hallway with many people walking all directions.  Suddenly these people brought me a child who hadn't eaten all day.  I took her and began walking with her to find her some food.  She had dark brown hair.  Then, some people bring me another little girl with blonde hair.  The little girl looked at me and said "I haven't eaten all day!"  So, I take her into a room where there are some people.  I remember a woman named Janice (the name means "God is Gracious") standing there.  I told her this little girl hasn't eaten all day and we need to find her some food.

Janice looked at me and said, "Yes, but not yet we have some very important people coming in first."  We all stood like "at attention" while a group of people came into the room.  It was noted that they were very important people.

Next scene we have folded up tents in front of us.  I remember like 3 tents.  I said we need to keep these tents.  Nick (my husband) mentioned that a man named "Tex" could use a tent for he has nothing.

End of Dream

On this day January 31, 2019 in which I am posting this dream, the Daily Inspiration for today that poped up on my phone was this...

"Give, and it will be given to you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be given to you.  For with the same measure you measure it will be measured back to you."
Luke 6:38

Just some "food" for thought.

Have a Blessed Day!

Monday, January 28, 2019

The Seed Has Been Planted (a repost)

Today I came upon the below video by Neville Johnson, Parables of the Kingdom.  This reminded me of what happened on August 28, 2018 and so I reposted the post about it below.  Listen to Neville's video, The Sower...

August 28, 2018 I wrote to the teachers in Jackie's daily journal...

If Jackie isn't cooperating, let's say won't get up off the floor, I have found that music videos by the Piano Guys or especially as of late a music video by "Simply Three" a song called "Rain", will stop her in her tracks!  She cooperates and watches the video and acts like she's playing the Cello.  She loves the Cello!  It makes her HAPPY!  Just a little tid bit! (End of journal entry)

A little intro to what I'm talking about, every since the "Rain" song has come to our attention (see post below called Distracted click HERE) Jackie has been mesmorized with the song.  She stops, her eyes get big and she starts playing her imaginary Cello.  I told the teachers about it and how she also loves the Piano Guys and how this past summer she wanted to watch them often.  I asked if on Jackie's school I-pad they could bring it up and they said they would.

So, that day they said they played "Simply Three - Rain"  on the big screen at the front of the classroom.  They said Jackie normally doesn't pay any attention to what's playing on the screen, but this time... she stopped, looked up, smiled and started playing her imaginary Cello.  They said she was so happy all day that she went around hugging everyone throughout the day!  There were amazed!

Also, the rest of the Special Needs class responded so well to the music.  The teacher thanked me over and over.  She is now getting some CD's of classical music along with "The Piano Guys" and possibly "Simply Three" to play for the class softly in the background.  The teachers are all smiles!

Yesterday after supper Jackie was in the kitchen watching a "Piano Guys" music video while I did dishes.  She kept looking at me smiling.  I started to dance around the kitchen to the music and Jackie laughed.  I thought of what her teacher told me and felt happy.

I walked up to Jackie and gave her a big hug and as I did I heard in my spirit...
"The seed has been planted."  

I thought... what?  As I looked up a new music video by the group "ThePianoGuys" began playing on the screen.  I had never seen this video before.  I looked at Jackie and she was smiling up at me and I hugged her again.  Then we both looked back at the music video just in time to see a little boy holding out his closed hand and slowly opening it (I thought to myself... surely he wouldn't have a seed in his hand),  and... guess what was in his hand?  Yes!  A Seed!!  Then he plants the seed and a large tree grows!  I had heard "The seed has been planted" just seconds before!  Watch the video below...

No coincidences!!

The seed!  A small seed!  But watch it grow!  

Lord, You never stop amazing me!! 
Thank You, Lord!

Somehow, somewhere the seed has been planted.  I'm not sure what it all entails, or whether it has to do with Jackie or something or someone else around here, but this I do know...

The seed has been planted! 

It's going to grow into something big!

Because God works in Big ways! 

"This is the meaning of the parable.  The Seed is the word of God."
Luke 8:11

"Let Me say this much:  He who sows sparingly will reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will reap bountifully."
2 Corinthians 9:6

Saturday, January 26, 2019

The Eyes of Angels

Ah! If we had the eyes of angels with which to see Our Lord Jesus Christ, who is here present on this altar, and who is looking at us, how we should love Him!  We should ever more wish to remain always at His feet; it would be a foretaste of Heaven...

...ask Him then to Open the eyes of our heart; say to Him like the blind man of Jericho, "Oh Lord!  Make me see!"

Rhema word (January 26, 2019)