Our Savior

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Makes Me Pause...

I will start with something that happened about a year ago between my daughter, Nicole and I.  I was sleeping and around 2:00 a.m. I was abruptly awakened to a scream... "MOM!" It was a scream of desperation.  I ran around the house, but all was well and quiet.

The next morning I proceeded to tell my daughter Nicole what had happened.  When I was through there was only silence... then Nicole said, "Mom, that was me!"  She said that her little baby started choking around 2:00 a.m. on milk.  She started turning blue.  Nicole ran downstairs with her looking for a syringe bulb to clear her throat, but could not find one.  She out of desperation screamed out... "MOM!"  Now mind you she lives 2 hours away from us.  Her baby started coughing and ended up being alright.  But, how amazing is that?

Now onto what happened yesterday.  Once again the night before last I was sleeping and around 2 or 3:00 a.m. I sat up abruptly in bed and was given a vision.  I saw Nicole sitting beside her daughter Ashlyn (at first I thought it was Jackie, but then realized it was Ashlyn).  Suddenly, Ashlyn started to show some distress.  I very much thought that she was choking on something.  I saw Nicole turn to her and gasp saying "Are you okay?"  Then I saw Ashlyn slowly respond and I knew that she was okay.  Then I fell back to sleep.

The next morning I told Nick about it.  I said I would call Nicole and see if anyone was choking the night before at their house.  I told her the story and she said no, that everything was fine.

That afternoon I received a phone call from Nicole.  She asked if I was sitting down.  I asked, "Why. what's going on?"  She replied, "You wouldn't believe what happened. She took the kids out for lunch to Wendy's.  She was sitting next to Ashlyn, when she noticed her eyes were real big and she was struggling to breathe.  Nicole said she gasped and said "Are you okay?"  Ashlyn then took a drink of her pop and regained composure.  She looked at Nicole and said, "I was choking on a piece of my chicken nugget!"  The exact scenario I had in the vision.

The following night I couldn't sleep.  I kept asking Father God, why did I have that vision that ended up happening?  I know Father has a reason for everything.

Then, after awhile I heard... "Quantum leap physics."

I wasn't sure what that was, but was amazed at my findings.  God is good.

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