First Nick's blood pressure was through the roof at 198/121 (actually started on Wednesday), daughter Dana broke out in an itchy rash on her abdomen and legs and has a fever started Wednesday.

My sister had a horrible migraine headache yesterday and I broke out on one of my fingers on my right hand with a grouping of blisters, red and inflamed and itching me constantly.
I had to pick up Brooke for an eye appointment on Thursday and the secretary said she didn't know what was wrong with the students this day, but it was out of control. As she spoke a police officer walked out of one of the conference rooms. She said it seemed everyone was on edge.
We then spoke of the hurricanes Harvey and Irma and the newly approaching one Jose and how hurricanes affect the very atmosphere many, many miles away.
After so many things I thought, what is going on? It seems "something" is at the door. It seems as if pain is being distributed? I have this question in my heart...
"What is in the air?"
Today for some strange reason I felt an urgency to post the two prior posts about "Seed" immediately. I have no idea why. Maybe it's just me.
I dunno.
So, what's up?
Something is hanging in the air!
Side-note - On Thursday we had this going on in North Korea... North Korea Fires Missile Over Japan
Oh Lord, Have Mercy on Us All!
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