I was looking straight into Jackie's eyes discussing various areas that needs improvement. She kept staring back at me quietly with eyes wide open... just staring. I knew she was not really retaining all that I was saying. After a moment of complete silence, I grabbed her hand and said...
As we started dancing I began singing... "May I have this dance for the rest of my life..." and then I twirled her around, she loves that.
After dropping her off at school I did some shopping and then came home and made lunch. Then I sat down for a little break. I decided to head on over to Lana Vawser's website and she had a new entry.
As I read her post, I was stopped in my tracks as I read this...
"I heard the Lord speaking over many, "May I have this dance?" and it was an invitation to a level of intimacy, a deeper rhythm of His heart, a new song, that they had never experienced before"
And this...
"I saw specifically where disappointment had created a wall between them and Jesus, He was melting those walls away, and He was placing in their hearts as they danced a Scroll of Destiny. Upon this Scroll was His words of truth and destiny. Where there had been great pain of disappointment, He was now releasing greater revelation of Destiny and Reconnection was taking place. The Lord is extending His hand. He is whispering...
"May I have this dance?"
Lana Vawser September 11, 2017
Lana Vawser September 11, 2017
See Lana's entire post here... Acceleration Is Falling In Unexpected Places And Upon The Rivers of Rest

It's interesting how the post was "Dance To The Finish", which is actually Psalm 149 and the first sentence is, "Sing to the Lord a new song and further down the line "Let them praise His name with dancing." and the very next morning I would be dancing with Jackie singing "May I have this dance..." and Lana would put up a message whereby she alleges that the Lord is whispering...
"May I have this dance?"
These are many things that just all fall into place. Many of us are so, so weary about many things. But we can have hope. Hope in Him. We are not alone.
So we say "Yes Lord!" to your invitation to dance.
This morning...
We danced.
We will Dance To The Finish.
Praise God!
We danced.
We will Dance To The Finish.
Praise God!
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