And... Blood on the Door.

But, obviously someone must have. But, that's beside the point. Immediately upon discovering the blood on the door I heard in my spirit...
"Blood on the door, anoint and bless your home."
Then what immediately came to mind was during the Passover when people put lamb's blood on their doors for protection.
In the past I have blessed our home, but I sense I am to do it anew. So now I'm in the process of blessing our home and property with various things... blessed olive oil and blessed holy water and salts, and most importantly praying the rosary, etc...
In the past I have blessed our home, but I sense I am to do it anew. So now I'm in the process of blessing our home and property with various things... blessed olive oil and blessed holy water and salts, and most importantly praying the rosary, etc...
Sacramentals are important in our lives. Here is an article found at Click here... You Can Be Protected From Anything and here... Virgin Survives Fire During Harvey
Trying times are upon us. It seems many visionary's are claiming the same theme...
"Children everything that I have been announcing to you for awhile is about to be fulfilled; the times are near, here, they are at the gate."
And this...

but I do not smell an aroma of prayer.
Message of Our Lady of Zaro given to Angela, August 26, 2017
See entire message here... Message of Our Lady of Zaro given to Angela, August 26, 2017
Mark Mallett had a very good post yesterday. Go here... Hanging By a Thread
Yesterday I had a daunting day and on days like that I rarely am able to pray due to all the distractions. I prayed the rosary yesterday, but don't really recall it. I know that I need to concentrate and pray on good days and bad.
We need the walls of our home perfumed with the scent of God. This reminds me of a fun post I made on March 2, 2016 entitled "Heavenly Scent". I will put up a repost of it tomorrow. I pray my house still "Smells like God."
We need the walls of our home perfumed with the scent of God. This reminds me of a fun post I made on March 2, 2016 entitled "Heavenly Scent". I will put up a repost of it tomorrow. I pray my house still "Smells like God."
Prayer For This House By Sarah Hart...
May our homes have a Heavenly Scent.
God Bless!
God Bless!
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