Today while pondering on the previous post I had made... "Keep Our Eyes On Him", I thought of the uptick of the rudeness of people in this world. Just look at the news, people seem to be continually screaming at each other. It seems insane. While thinking on this I randomly clicked on the following Rhema word...
"Commit all to God, who knows all, defend yourself by patience and humility, against the tongues of those who speak evil, or think vain
or false things about you."
or false things about you."
Then, my mother and I were discussing these things on the phone and I said, "I think Jesus wants us to understand that this is real. This is how the world is getting these days. Just as I said that, mom said she clicked into a Random Rhema word and it said...
"More to Come."

My daughter Jill, who is also a nurse said,
"When they treat you like that, you just need to kill them
with kindness."
We need to ask ourselves...
"What would Jesus do?"
And and do that.
O' Lord Help Us All!
In conclusion of this post, I randomly opened "Jesus Lives" by Sarah Young to this...
Adversity - No matter what hardships the world may throw at you, you have in Me everything you need to persevere. Despair is a deep pit, and sometimes you totter around its edges, precariously close to falling in. Your only hope at such times is to Fix Your Eyes on Me.
"We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed"
2 Corinthians 4:8
May this encourage you.
God Bless!
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