"Even the tone of one voice, changes the entire tune."

Oh, to lay it all at Thy feet and keep it there! Not my will be done, but Thy will be done! That was my thought this morning.
Waiting is hard, no doubt. Especially when we are waiting for answers for our loved ones. The urge to take the matter into our own hands can be great. However, we must wait! Sometimes, and I know my mom and sister do agree, we feel as if we are alone crying in the wilderness. We have dropped hints to family members and friends, tried our best to set good examples, and yet see no change. But, are we alone? No matter how sweet another's life looks on the outside, believe me when I say, they have their own "stuff" to deal with. They have their very own, "hand-tailored" frustrations and sufferings.
We all have suffering of some kind in our lives. Some have more than others. Even waiting on the Lord can be a suffering. The differences in suffering is vast. All, no matter how small, can be offered up to God. It's called "Redemptive Suffering". I wrote on this topic here... Redemptive Suffering.
This morning I examined what I had heard in my spirit and it's meaning. Shortly after, my mother called and told me of a lady who suffers much and was weary. She was shown by an angel what her sufferings truly meant. Here's an excerpt..
"During this time I had a lot of depressing suffering. As well as suffering physical pain coming from my leg, I was suffering from depression and grief, due to the loss of my dear son, Frank. It was now the first anniversary of his death. The pain was going on for a few days. I said, Lord Jesus, please help me!"
If you read the message in its entirety you will be touched and probably changed. Her experience puts a whole different light upon our own sufferings. It is made obvious that no matter how different our sufferings may be compared to others, that...
"During this time I had a lot of depressing suffering. As well as suffering physical pain coming from my leg, I was suffering from depression and grief, due to the loss of my dear son, Frank. It was now the first anniversary of his death. The pain was going on for a few days. I said, Lord Jesus, please help me!"
I really feel I now know what was meant by the words placed upon my heart this morning. We can change the entire tune for others and ourselves.
Our one voice, our lonely song, sung and offered to God can make all the difference in the world.
Our tone (attitude) can either change the tune (circumstances) for good or bad. We can either keep complaining about our circumstances and sufferings or we can truly make a difference for good. Valentina most certainly did!
The song of those suffering souls was surely changed. They will now for eternity sing a totally new one.
So take heart people. All of our sufferings are not in vain. In giving even the tiniest of sufferings and frustrations that come our way to Our Father, we can change the tune for others and ourselves in it's entirety.
Our lone voice, sufferings and prayers does make a difference. Have heart.
Our one voice, our lonely song, sung and offered to God can make all the difference in the world.
Our tone (attitude) can either change the tune (circumstances) for good or bad. We can either keep complaining about our circumstances and sufferings or we can truly make a difference for good. Valentina most certainly did!
The song of those suffering souls was surely changed. They will now for eternity sing a totally new one.
So take heart people. All of our sufferings are not in vain. In giving even the tiniest of sufferings and frustrations that come our way to Our Father, we can change the tune for others and ourselves in it's entirety.
Our lone voice, sufferings and prayers does make a difference. Have heart.
Have a Blessed Day!
A side-note, shortly before pushing the "Publish" button for this post, my son informed me that just last night a man by the name of Dallas, a body builder, after working out at the gym, went home and choked to death on a piece of food. May we keep Dallas in our prayers.
Also, immediately after that, my husband called and said his boss' mother just fell and broke her hip. It doesn't look good for her. May we also keep Velma in our prayers.
Also, immediately after that, my husband called and said his boss' mother just fell and broke her hip. It doesn't look good for her. May we also keep Velma in our prayers.
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