A person might ask, "What does standing in the gap mean?"
The word "intercessor" comes to mind. God's heart is moved when we cry out for others. He hears us. Examples in the bible are Moses pleading for his people and also Esther pleading for the Jews. And our Blessed Mother Mary is constantly interceding for her children.

I have been unusually drawn to St. Rita of Cascia. A few years back I became interested in her life and watched on youtube an hour and a half movie of her life. It was a very good movie, however, it is no longer available on youtube. But, you can buy it on Amazon.
I was truly impressed by her saintly life. She definitely "stood in the gap" for her husband and children. She is an amazing saint.
My interest in her was before I knew I would have, as of right now, six of my children working as Techs and Nurses at a hospital named after her.
She is known as the Patron Saint of the Impossible. Her feast day is on May 22. Click here for a novena to her... Novena To St. Rita.
We should pray to Our Blessed Mother and other saints such as St. Rita to intercede for us. We can ask them to help us "stand in the gap" for our loved ones and be confident that what is impossible can become possible. They plea our cases before God and their intercession is powerful. Have faith.
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