"My child I am standing by to help you, if you would enlist me."
St. Padre Pio
That was a Rhema word I recently clicked on randomly. Oh Beloved St. Padre Pio! We had enlisted his help long ago with great results.

As we arrived at the doctor's office for an ultrasound, our hope was quickly vanishing. During the ulrasound I braced myself for what I thought was inevidable. However, the news was not good, but not totally hopeless.
The doctor proceeded to tell us that what we had going on was called "Placenta Previa". In other words the placenta had tore away from my uterus and was just lying completely on my cervics. It was not attached in any way. It was pretty bleak news, but the baby was still alive.
So, my instructions were to go home, stay home from work, lay in bed only to get up to go to the restroom for 2 weeks and then come back for another appointment. He said the situation was serious and if I did carry him for long, I would most certainly deliver early at around 6 or 7 months gestation no longer. That was it.
So I arrived home and followed doctors orders. My mom and sister helped take care of me and the two other children. Mom had prayers and anointing oils both from Saint Anne and Padre Pio. We said a novena to Padre Pio and prayed daily requesting a healthy baby.

Needless to say, from that point forward all went well. I delivered a 9.5 pound baby boy full term. As a matter of fact, he was induced on his due date because he was getting so big and looked very comfortable. The doctor stated that he would not make it past 6 or 7 months gestation. Well our Beloved St. Padre Pio said differently.
We are truly convinced that St. Anne and St. Padre Pio saved Adam. He is now 28 years old, married and a nurse. Whenever I think of St. Padre Pio, I remember what he did for our Adam.
Click here for Padre Pio Devotions and novena... Padre Pio Devotions
Click here for Padre Pio Devotions and novena... Padre Pio Devotions
Click on the video below to see a documentary of his saintly life...
As Padre Pio was quoted as saying many times...
"Pray, Hope and Don't Worry."
God Bless!
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