Excerpting a section from the poem given to me called "Rearranging" and posted on Saturday, August 26, 2017...
As one door closes a new one opens
I'm giving you the Key
Keys to My Kingdom
Keys to Me
Last night as I laid in bed, I asked Holy Spirit...
"What is the "Key" You gave to me?"
"What is the "Key" You gave to me?"
Immediately this morning, I went to Mark Mallett's website and his most recent post here... The Marian Dimension of the Storm. I sensed this was the beginning of the answer. Here's an excerpt...
"Thus, the coming triumph of Mary is at once the triumph of the Church. Lose this Key and you lose the fullness of the prophetic message that God wants His children to hear today, both Protestants and Catholics."
Mark Mallett (August 25, 2017)
And this...
And this...
"Knowledge of the true Catholic doctrine regarding the Blessed Virgin Mary will always be a key to the exact understanding of
the mystery of Christ and of the Church."
Pope Paul VI, Discourse of 21 November 1964 AAS 56 (1964) 1015
"We had closed Paradise; You, O Mary had opened the entryway to the tree of life again... You are the bridge to life, the staircase to Heaven."
St. John Damascene
"All the saints have great devotion to Our Lady: no grace comes from Heaven without passing through Her hands. We cannot go into a house without speaking to the doorkeeper. Well, the Holy Virgin
is the doorkeeper of Heaven."
St. John Mary Vianney
"We had closed Paradise; You, O Mary had opened the entryway to the tree of life again... You are the bridge to life, the staircase to Heaven."
St. John Damascene
"All the saints have great devotion to Our Lady: no grace comes from Heaven without passing through Her hands. We cannot go into a house without speaking to the doorkeeper. Well, the Holy Virgin
is the doorkeeper of Heaven."
St. John Mary Vianney
It's been impressed upon my heart that the "Key" that was given to not only me, but us and to the entire world is Blessed Mother Mary. A quote from Pope Pius Xll...
The poem I received Saturday, "Rearranging" speaks of God's Heart, His Heartbeat, His Rearranging, His Will and the Keys to His Kingdom which is Blessed Mother Mary because she holds the Keys to His Heart.
"God has entrusted the Keys and Treasures of Heaven to Mary."
St. Thomas Aquinas
St. Thomas Aquinas

This morning I went to 11:30 mass. Unbeknownst to me the First Reading was Isaiah 21-23 and the Gospel was Matthew 16:13-20, which both scripture speak of God's Keys to the Kingdom. A real confirmation to me.
"O chosen Queen of Heaven! You alone are the refuge of guilty mortals to whom so many a tearful eye, so many a wounded and miserable heart is raised... You O elect Queen, are the gate of all grace, the door of compassion that has never yet been shut."
Bl. Henry Suso
Go here... Five Ways to Approach Jesus Through Mary
Bl. Henry Suso
Go here... Five Ways to Approach Jesus Through Mary
"No one can enter Heaven, unless by Mary as though through a door."
Saint Bonaventure-The Glories of Mary
"Open to us, O Mary, the gate of Paradise, since you have it's Keys!"
St. Ambrose
From the "Rearranging" poem...
"As one door closes a new one opens".
In the beginning with Adam and Eve a door was closed. Through Our Blessed Mother a new door is opened.
"What is the "Key" You gave to me?"
Answer: Mother Mary
Praise God!
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