There was not a show on at the time, but it was real cute with logs as seats. My eyes were drawn to a red stand in the front of the theater. It read at the top Psychiatric Help 5 cents and on the bottom it read... "The Doctor is in."
I thought to myself, that's interesting considering this is a camp for little kids. Even the fan club of Snoopy needs a psychiatrist?
We didn't see the show, I'm sure it was real cute. However, today I heard in my spirit... "The Doctor is in". I immediately thought about Camp Snoopy.
Also impressed upon my spirit was... "And I'm the Doctor", meaning... Jesus.
The spirit realm in many interesting ways tries to get our attention. Now I'm sure Snoopy and his fans are okay (smile), but this was brought to my attention for a different reason...
This morning upon waking I sensed in my spirit...

This morning upon waking I sensed in my spirit...
"Beware of the rotting that comes from within."
I sensed in my spirit this explanation... that satan is roaring mad and will attempt to corrupt and rot from within. He won't take the obvious route from the outside. He will work from within. I took it to be in families, churches, in administrations, nations, etc... I sensed I heard that he plants a rotting apple and it starts to rot the whole batch.
Interesting how I mentioned this to mom and she said the thought came to her of a statement by Khrushchev...
Diabolical definition (Google.com) - belonging to or so evil as to recall the Devil.
During the day I randomly came across this video by Bishop Fulton Sheen on the diabolical. Here is a quote from his presentation...
Interesting how I mentioned this to mom and she said the thought came to her of a statement by Khrushchev...
"We do not have to invade the United States,
we will destroy you from within."
Coincidentally in the news today is uproar about a great "Shake Up" in the White House as a draining of the "sewer" (as President has now stated) is moving by leaps and bounds. Here is an interesting quote that I think speaks of what's happening today...
"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln
During the day I randomly came across this video by Bishop Fulton Sheen on the diabolical. Here is a quote from his presentation...
"So I just leave you with this characteristic note, of the diabolic from the psychiatric point of view, the breakup of unity, the breakup of families, the breakup of corporations, breakup of religious communities, breakup of the oneness of Christ. That is one analysis of the demonic."
Below is that video...
The "shake-up" is here. We are at war with the diabolical. There is definitely "rotting" that is taking place from "within" many areas of life. It's obvious it's going on at the White House. These things we are to pray about.
We need to keep our appointments with the Doctor...
for the "Doctor" is in.
God Bless!
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