"I feel like I'm hanging on by a string!"

A coincidence?
Yesterday while I was thinking on this I was standing in the kitchen and on the table top was an Anatomy notebook that belonged to one of my kids. Oddly enough on the front was a woman hanging in mid-air onto a rope. I then heard in my spirit...
"No, not by a string, but by a rope... My rope."
A coincidence?
Then, shortly thereafter I'm on my computer and I click on Youtube and there is the following video by John Paul Jackson called Destiny. I click on it and he talks about coincidences in our lives and a little beyond the 16 minute mark John Paul holding a rope says...

His end."
A coincidence?
And then, just to top it all off, I asked Jesus if I was doing right by Him with all my posts recently and all of the so-called "coincidences" happening to us, and I felt led to open my Every Day In His Presence (by Charles F. Stanley) and I randomly opened to...
"Unusual Circumstances - The Father often uses unusual circumstances to get us to turn our eyes and hearts to Him. There is no such thing as an accident in the life of a child of God, so we must learn to look for His Presence in every situation that arises." End of excerpt
I don't think so.
Listen to the below video. If you do, you will be blessed.
This I know!
Praise God!
"Lord, help me see all the circumstances that arise in a new light. Make my heart open to what you're trying to do in my life for my good."
(Every Day In His Presence, Charles F. Stanley)
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