"Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel's hand."
Zechariah 4:10

"Don't despise small beginnings" has been brought to my thought often lately. While pondering on this, I randomly clicked on a Rhema word and it was this...
"The hidden life seems gloomy to you because you have never tasted it's sweetness. If you once began to taste it, you would find the world's honors and pleasures an empty thing, and emptier still, those who seek them."
(The Imitation of Mary, Alexander de Rouville)
(The Imitation of Mary, Alexander de Rouville)
Many prophets have spoken of their "Small Beginnings".
What sometimes comes to mind is setbacks, discouragement, and my being an overprotective mother trying to push my ways onto my children and relatives. We want them to arrive spiritually and we want them to arrive Now!
There is a message given to "Still Small Voice" click here...Catch Them When They Fall. It is regarding our children and relatives and their salvation.
My mother and I were just talking about this subject when a few hours later Clare put up her video speaking of such. That was a big confirmation for me!
Mom and I spoke of how our children and other relatives, have traveled far from Jesus and how our efforts are fruitless and in vain. I told mom I got to the point of "almost" threatening them. I can tell you for certain "that" did not work! It just pushed them away further.
A couple years ago I went to Father God in desperation and was led to pick up a Catholic Chronicles paper on my way out of church. As soon as I got in my car I leafed through it and found an article regarding our children who have stopped going to church, left the faith and were drifting away from God, so it seems. After reading the article I changed my attitude. I found that threats don't work... but love, patience, and kindness does. Afterall, what would Jesus do? He didn't throw temper tantrums... He loved.
It is in this situation that I hear in my spirit, it takes baby steps, a letting go, letting God. Be love. You have to let your family know where you stand morally and live that way yourself and be a good example, but then pray and leave the rest in His most capable hands.
I was told to give my children and relatives to Him. He will take care of them. And, to let lessons and circumstances come their way. That is how they will learn and I can't shield them from that. It must happen that way. He has a plan for them. Trust.
So, how can we truly help our children and other relatives? Through prayer. By going into that secret place. By being hidden away, by being small and trustful of God's ways. Placing them at His feet.
While putting on a movie for my daughter I heard this quote in the previews for the movie "Thumbelina"...
What sometimes comes to mind is setbacks, discouragement, and my being an overprotective mother trying to push my ways onto my children and relatives. We want them to arrive spiritually and we want them to arrive Now!
There is a message given to "Still Small Voice" click here...Catch Them When They Fall. It is regarding our children and relatives and their salvation.
My mother and I were just talking about this subject when a few hours later Clare put up her video speaking of such. That was a big confirmation for me!
Mom and I spoke of how our children and other relatives, have traveled far from Jesus and how our efforts are fruitless and in vain. I told mom I got to the point of "almost" threatening them. I can tell you for certain "that" did not work! It just pushed them away further.
A couple years ago I went to Father God in desperation and was led to pick up a Catholic Chronicles paper on my way out of church. As soon as I got in my car I leafed through it and found an article regarding our children who have stopped going to church, left the faith and were drifting away from God, so it seems. After reading the article I changed my attitude. I found that threats don't work... but love, patience, and kindness does. Afterall, what would Jesus do? He didn't throw temper tantrums... He loved.
It is in this situation that I hear in my spirit, it takes baby steps, a letting go, letting God. Be love. You have to let your family know where you stand morally and live that way yourself and be a good example, but then pray and leave the rest in His most capable hands.
I was told to give my children and relatives to Him. He will take care of them. And, to let lessons and circumstances come their way. That is how they will learn and I can't shield them from that. It must happen that way. He has a plan for them. Trust.

While putting on a movie for my daughter I heard this quote in the previews for the movie "Thumbelina"...
"Sometimes the smallest people can make the biggest difference."
I knew right there and then, that the spirit realm was telling me loud and clear...
"Don't despise small beginnings."
In our prayer closets the change is made.
In our prayer closets the change is made.
To begin, we must first start.
Pray and Trust
God Bless!
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