As of late we've had some interesting things happen, especially with jewelry changing colors.
Right along with Jackie's rings turning colors, over the last few weeks my mother had two pair of earrings turn color. She had a pair of earrings shaped as a flower turn from clear diamond to blue. She's had these earrings for twenty years and within mere moments they changed.
Then almost a week later she had on a different pair of earrings shaped as a flower and the middle stone turned while she was wearing them from pink to yellow, the color of the shirt she was wearing!
I had started posting about mom's earrings changing a week ago, but kept it in my draft section because I felt there was more to that story. This morning mom called and said she felt she needed to look up the color yellow. Oddly enough yesterday after I retrieved the earring post I said I felt I should look it up also.
So, I did and we found many pleasant things about the beautiful color yellow. Then mom randomly mentions she's been seeing things about an uptick of earthquakes around the Yellowstone super volcano. As soon as she said that we simultaneously realized... Yellowstone... her earrings' stones turned to yellow stones! We found that odd.
Then to add to all this as we talked about the uptick of earthquakes around the Yellowstone super volcano, I was on my computer and ran across a man by the name of John Leary. I hadn't been on his website much lately, but I clicked on his name and saw the most recent messages listed. I randomly picked the third one down dated Sunday, June 25, 2017 not knowing at all what was in the message. To my surprise this is how it read...
"Jesus said, My people, you are going to see more natural disasters as punishments in the areas of greatest sin. This vision is in the San Francisco area and you are seeing a serious earthquake along the San Andreas fault. There has been little activity in this area, and the stress has been building up over the years. A severe earthquake in this area could also trigger a possible eruption of the Yellowstone super volcano that could kill a lot of people and send a lot of dust over the crops in the Midwest. When this happens, it will give little notice. This again is why you are having your reparation Masses said for those who will die suddenly, without any preparation for their soul's judgment before Me. Keep praying for these souls so they can be saved from hell." End of excerpt
To see the entire post go here... John Leary - Sunday, June 25, 2017
Obviously this is no coincidence! We sense that mom's earrings turning from a pink stone to a yellow stone in it's own curious way led us to the Yellowstone super volcano and the seriousness of this matter. Yep, I was right, there was more to that story!
Click here for a video about Yellowstone's super volcano...Yellowstone Volcano Mark Taylor Prophecy a Sign Will Be Given a Massive Volcanic Eruption
We are being put on "Alert" and last night we feel we had a trial run to refresh our memories on how it is with no electricity.
We sense we are being asked to pray for all the people that could be affected by the dangerous situation at Yellowstone Park. Let us keep these people in our daily prayers.
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