And the Promises.
On Saturday, June 17, 2017, a ring that our special needs child, Jackie, was wearing turned from silver to gold within minutes right before our eyes.
Let me start from the beginning. A few months prior, Jackie received a ring from her sister-in-law, Tasha. At the time I didn't know anything about this ring and thought it nice of Tasha since Jackie loves rings.
Jackie wore this ring almost everyday since receiving it. On June 17, 2017 this silver ring turned into gold and I was inspired to find out more. I have shown the ring here when silver. And now the ring after it turned gold...
Our daughter, Jill commented how she was surprised that Tasha gave up that ring so easily, since she had it for many years and Jill knew the ring was very special to Tasha. She commented how the ring is an Irish ring and since Tasha is part Irish it held some meaning for her. So I investigated further.
The ring is called a Claddagh ring originating in the town of Claddagh, Ireland. Quoting from a website
Celtic Wedding Rings...
"The origins of the ring come from a humble gateway fishing village, but it is now one of the most recognizable pieces of jewelry in the world as men and women from dozens of nations eagerly look for the ideal Claddagh ring to suit their status. It is a traditional Irish ring and the design consists of:
Two Hands: These are clasped around a heart, the heart hands are a representation of friendship.
Heart: A representation of love.
A Crown: A representation of loyalty/fidelity.
"As you might expect in a country so closely linked to Christianity, the Claddagh ring also carries religious meaning for some insofar as it is linked with God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost, also know as the Holy Trinity. The left hand of the ring represents Jesus; the right hand represents the Holy Ghost while the crown represents God." End of excerpt
The very next day June 18th (Father's Day) the ring started to slowly turn back to silver. By the end of the day it was completely silver again.
What does this all mean?
Nick asked me that question. I said... "That Jackie is very special." I asked Father God that same question and heard this in my spirit...
"Ah yes My Jackie! My sweet Jackie, how she has suffered for Me. Her reward is great! For all eternity you will see My favour upon her."
"The ring represents My love. My love for you and yours. A never ending bond. We are joined. We are linked together, fastened to one another. There is a pledge amongst us. A vow never to be broken. Never fear My Love. Never fear anything for We are forever by your sides."

"I will use Jackie in wondrous ways. There is a reason for Jackie. Her time on earth is being used wisely. She does not have sin as a barrier to Me. The flow from her to Me is uninterrupted, free flowing."
"She is an open vessel for Me. I flow through her and to those around her. She is unintimidated by the world and its ways. She is as free as a bird. She will fly straight to Me unhindered. Oh how I can use such a vessel. She is a blessing for your family beyond your understanding. I will use her greatly."
"Thank you for saying "Yes" to her and allowing her to be a part of your family. Your "Yes" has great consequences!"
"Oh I have so much for you all. Hold fast, hold on for it will be a bumpy ride, but with Me by your side it's smooth sailin'. Hold fast My love for I am here! (I felt I was too underline those last three words). I love you." End of message
Then I asked... "Jesus, please help Jackie to not lose her ring." I heard in my spirit... "Even if the ring is no longer physically seen, it is still there. A forever bond."
The above was heard a couple days after the incident. After typing this today I again asked Father God the same question and felt led to open Streams In The Desert (Cowman). I opened to this...
"The colored sunsets and starry heavens, the beautiful mountains and the shining seas, the fragrant woods and painted flowers, are not half so beautiful as a soul that is serving Jesus out of love, in the wear and tear of common, unpoetic life. - Faber"
"The most saintly spirits are often existing in those who have never distinguished themselves as authors, or let any memorial of themselves to be the theme of the worlds talk, but who have led an interior angelic life, having borne their sweet blossoms unseen like the young lily in a sequestered vale on the bank of a limpid stream - Kenelm Digby" End of excerpt
That's a confirmation for us! We know that Jackie, blessed with Down Syndrome, is one of those saintly spirits. God is and will continue to use Jackie in miraculous and wonderful ways. The changing of the ring from silver to gold for one day, and a change back from gold to silver the next day can only come from Father Himself.
The changing of the Claddagh ring signifies hope. We know in our hearts that Father God is giving us hope for a future filled with His Promises. We hold onto those Promises.
Oddly enough the very next day which was Father's Day, the day the ring turned back to silver, we had a family barbeque. Our daughter Kimberly's boyfriend, Josh, upon arriving pulled into our back stone drive and upon opening his truck door, saw a flash from the ground and then picked up amongst the stones and grass a silver wedding ring. He showed us his find. We have no idea where it came from or whose it could be. Someone mentioned it could be a disgruntled wife throwing her ring out the window.
Possibly, but how odd and what is it with the rings? This we do know... There is a reason for everything.
Inside the Claddagh ring there is an inscription that reads...
"Love, Loyalty, Friendship".
Father God is all those things for His children.
Thank You Father God!