This year we had a very big and abundant garden. However, it contained many weeds. In July my father who is the "Master Gardener" around here had surgery and then was unable to do anything at all in the garden for weeks.

Let me tell you it didn't take long for the weeds to take over the garden. It got out of hand quickly! Some weeds at the back of the garden started to get very tall (about 4 feet) dad said they are called ragweed and you better cut them down before they go to seed!
So cut them down we did! I asked dad... "They haven't gone to seed yet have they?" He said, "No, but they will so cut them down, we'll let them dry and then we will burn them in the center of the garden."
Now onto what happened last night...
I was talking to my son, Bryan. He is a nurse student that works at a hospital. He was explaining how painful it was watching a person die that night prior and to take care of them after death. He said you get such a strange feeling. You just know, you feel it, that there is no longer anything there. That person has left. All that remains is the body. He said the realization and sense of it is so strong.
I began speaking to him about what I had heard about the seed and we watched the music video "The Story of My Life" together. I got out my binder of the post about it to show it to him. (I make copies of my posts and place them in binders). He thought is was all very interesting. What is also interesting is what happened when he left the room. I took the binder and randomly opened it up. I flopped it open to a post I made in February, 2018. The title of the post was... "The Garden..." Here is an excerpt from it...
In the garden of your heart listen for His Still Small Voice.
It is so hard to find quiet anywhere in this world today. But I sense that today we need it more than ever before in our lives.
I have been thinking a lot lately about our garden in our backyard. I've been thinking about the seeds I will need to plant.
I sense Jesus is also inspiring me to plant seeds in the garden of my heart. To plant myself there, be still and listen...
and watch what grows.
May your days have some peace-filled, quiet moments with Him.
See entire post HERE.
This is all amazing!
Now onto what happened this morning...
I awoke to the "Story of My Life" song playing in my head. The song with the "seed". The post prior to this one. I started to have a conversation with the heavenlies. I started to think about the music video "Story of My Life" and the seed shown there and how I had heard "The seed has been planted." Originally I had thought maybe somehow I said something or did something that planted a seed in someone's mind and heart, but as I lay there thinking of this I heard...
"You did not plant the seed... I did."
"What you create becomes your reality. Your words and thoughts and actions written down on paper, or to speak, creates and becomes your reality. It manifests in the physical, in your life. So create."
After hearing this my mind went immediately to my blog. That is one way that I create. Then I said.. "I have so many thoughts right now. I know what to name the post... The Garden in Our Hearts! But, how do I put all this together? Then I heard...
"Slow down, take your time. I will help you."
Then I asked, "How do we keep the weeds out of the garden in our heart?"
Then I heard...
"By prayer,
but most of all...
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