Our Savior

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

A Great Shaking

On August 13, 2018, I was sitting out by my swimming pool at around 3:00 in the afternoon.  I was thinking how it would be nice if my husband could just take a break from work and come home and take a brief swim with me.  It was a very hot day.

 As I pondered this my cell phone rang... it was Nick (my husband).  He said that he was driving in his car and his phone which was lying on the passenger seat lit up and started calling me all on its own.  And, on top of that the speaker phone came on.  How odd!

I told him how I was just thinking it would be nice if he could take a break from work and come home and have a brief dip in the pool with me.  He said he liked that idea and came straight home.

If that was not interesting enough as we were in the pool, Nick randomly stands straight and proclaims...

"God is going to shake this world.  He doesn't have a choice the world has gotten so bad.  He doesn't have a choice!"

I said, "Do you mean by shake earthquakes, volcanoes and such?"

He replied, "Yes all that.  Especially in the cities there are a lot of bad things."

I asked, "And California?"

He replied, "Yes!"

I then said, "Father God is so good and kind and patient!"

Then Nick said, "Yes, you said it!  But, he doesn't have a choice!

What makes this real strange is my husband never talks about such things.  He doesn't speak of God much at all.  He is a very busy father of many and works hard to provide for us.  When it comes to religion or spiritual things he is very quiet.  That is why I found this to be so very profound.  I was pretty amazed.

I thought to myself...

Wow!  He stood up and made a proclamation!  That is a very spirit led thing!

He has not mentioned anything since then. 

Interesting indeed!

For some reason, I felt a strong urge to post about this today.

Have a Blessed Day!

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