Today's Gospel at mass today...
And Nathanael said to him: "Can anything of good come from Nazareth? Philip saith to him: Come and see.

Jesus saw Nathanael coming to Him: and he saith of Him: Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom there is no guile. Nathanael saith to Him: Whence knowest thou me? Jesus answered, and said to Him: Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee. Nathanael answered Him and said Rabbi, thou art the Son of God, thou art the king of Israel.

Jesus answered and said to him: Because I said unto thee, I saw thee under the fig tree, thou believest: greater things than these shalt thou see. And He saith to him: Amen, amen I say to you, you shall see the heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man." John 1:46-51
During the mass homily, the priest talked about our
"Dying to Self". The Gospel for today and also Father's homily are a couple confirmations for me of what I have heard as of late.

So much has been going on here lately that it makes my head swirl. School has started and we have been struggling with our dear little Jackie. She doesn't want to be at school and she let's them know it! So, yesterday was the first day of High School and by 12:30 we receive a phone to come and get her.
I asked if they want her back tomorrow. They said they did, that they don't give up!
We can't give up, we can't quit, though sometimes we want too. Sometimes when we get into the thick of things, we want to run and hide. But we have to forge through it all.
It was interesting how that afternoon I was talking with my sister and I told her... "Quitting is not an option." Shortly thereafter, I saw a new video by Still Small Voice entitled... "When Giving Up Is Not an Option." I knew right then, those words I spoke to my sister were not my words, they were of the Holy Spirit.

This morning at mass I sensed our Glorious Heavenly Father saying to me that He will heal Jackie and "knock their socks off!" And knock my socks off too! Jen will be healed also and oh how glorious it will be! That Jen has been taunted by the enemy her entire life and Father is going to turn it around and come back against the enemy. The enemy thinks he has this... he does not!
Yesterday at Eucharistic Adoration, I sensed the Lord telling me that everything with Jen and Jackie is going according to His will. He will heal them all for His Glory! Alleluia! Praise God!
As I talked with my sister yesterday she also heard in her Spirit a message...
"Remember, one day at a time. Do not move ahead of Me. Let Me lead you and guide you. Come to Me with Everything. Everything!! Fear not for I have everything under control. Nothing happens that is not the will of My Father.
Nothing!! End of message
When Lynn read me this message over the phone, she said she felt like she needed to repeat to me
twice the line... "Nothing happens that is not the will of My Father." I found that interesting seeing how only a few moments before her call, I read a passage from my Every Day In His Presence book... "Nothing can touch our lives apart from His Divine purposes." And I felt led to repeat it
Soon after, we found another confirmation to this message from Behold I Come - August 21, 2016. Here is an excerpt...
"Come higher My loves and leave this world behind. All that burdens you, your cares, and your worries are of no concern to Me, for you see, in Me you find rest, you find peace. I am limitless, I am full abundance, and I have your tomorrows. Nothing will stop what has already been put into motion, and why would you choose it to be so anyway, for you know My design is perfect. Watch for Me in everything, watch how I move. My hand is in everything. Nothing occurs outside of Me, nothing. See Me in everything, and then you will see the competion of all that has been spoken." Yahushua
Here is the link to Behold I Come...