On October 17, 2018 I drove to the cemetery to pray for the poor souls. I wondered and hoped my prayers would help someone.

I drove around the outside lane. There was no one there walking and no cars. I passed the memorial graves that have a roofed little structure with names of those buried there. No one was around anywhere!
I was going to leave, but thought I'd make a quick sweep down the middle lane then leave. As I came around the corner I saw a lady standing in front of that Memorial structure. I found it odd because no one was there 40 seconds prior! It was odd how she stood facing it (her back to me) without moving and having her face a couple inches from it. It just looked odd.

Her back was to me, but as soon as I saw her I had a sense about her, something was different. Slowly she started walking. I drove slowly next to her to leave. She looked straight ahead, never giving me a glance. She had a rain coat on with the hood up and sun glasses. Right away I thought... she's incognito. My eyes were drawn to her wrist which had a red rope-like cord around it. It wasn't like a bracelet it was a cord. I found it odd!
Upon leaving the cemetary I sensed in my spirit... she is a poor soul just delivered from purgatory by your prayers. She was allowed to come because she wanted you to know that prayers are important and work!
I found out later the red rope-like cord on her wrist could be what is called Rahab's Red Rope of Deliverance! Could it be she was just delivered from purgatory? Could it be?
Confirmation: I was led to randomly open my Red Book Streams in the Desert page 154 May 22 & May 23. Here is an excerpt from it...
"He worketh." (Psalm 37:5)

"Roll upon Jehovah thy way; trust upon Him; and he worketh." It calls our attention to the immediate action of God when we truly commit, or roll out of our hands into His, the burden of whatever kind it may be; a way of sorrow, of difficulty, of physical need, or of anxiety for the conversion of some dear one. He "worketh" when? Now."
and EDIHP pg. 156 "Right Hearing".
Could it be?
Think about it.
Remember the Poor Souls.
God Bless.
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