"We're all a little broken, aren't we?"
Said recently by my husband, Nick, in regards to some people that have recently crossed our path. Nick also said,
"You don't throw people away. You just don't do that."
"You don't throw people away. You just don't do that."
As days go by we realize more and more just how "broken" we all are. We live in a fallen world and we are broken.
But, the good news is... the broken are the ones that Jesus will rise up and use for His Glory!
Here is an excerpt from a message given by our Lord to Priscilla Van Sutphin...
"I have chosen for Myself a most peculiar army for this hour. They're peculiarly precious unto Me and I will make them My jewels. I'm gathering and I'm scattering, I'm winnowing and I'm perfecting and I'm really pleased with My work. You see, I can see that My children are really beginning to know My depth of My love for them. Little by little, grace by grace, more is being deposited and they will come forth with a sweet fragrance in them that will capture the hearts of all around them. Alleluhia!"
"I don't use those that are mighty in their own opinion. I use the weak to confound the strong. My army will walk in humility and forgiveness and will have My compassion and strength."
"I will do mighty miracles through the old and young alike. I will use those that no one expects to be used. I am not a God of partiality or exclusitivity. I bring beauty for ashes and the oil of joy for mourning. I work in the opposites of this world. So expect to be dazzled. Expect things you've never seen. Expect to see wonders. Expect also to see counterfeits to rise up, but know that they have already begun with their mechanical means to imitate what I do with various devices and tricks. You will see through it though, My Bride."
"I will also stir up the youth of the nation like a battering ram and they will enter into the battle with fervor and zeal such as not been seen in all the generations. Do you have a daughter or son who is awol? Proclaim over them what I've said about them. Stop begging and start proclaiming. Speak the truth of the word over them out loud. Speak it loud and clear to the enemy of your soul. For My righteous indignation burns at what has been done to them through his many strategies, but I am telling you that they will be undone in a moment and be transformed. In a moment. That is all it takes for Me to change them."
"Stop worrying, stop fretting about the one that is caught by the enemy by all kinds of sin or in drinking or smoking and drugs and all that, for it is nothing for Me to touch them. I will do it, trust Me and see what I'll do in this generation XYZ. I am the Lord and there is no other and they will know it. I have ordained the times. I have ordained the hour coming like a mighty roaring wind. They will be changed in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye." End of message
"I have chosen for Myself a most peculiar army for this hour. They're peculiarly precious unto Me and I will make them My jewels. I'm gathering and I'm scattering, I'm winnowing and I'm perfecting and I'm really pleased with My work. You see, I can see that My children are really beginning to know My depth of My love for them. Little by little, grace by grace, more is being deposited and they will come forth with a sweet fragrance in them that will capture the hearts of all around them. Alleluhia!"

"I will do mighty miracles through the old and young alike. I will use those that no one expects to be used. I am not a God of partiality or exclusitivity. I bring beauty for ashes and the oil of joy for mourning. I work in the opposites of this world. So expect to be dazzled. Expect things you've never seen. Expect to see wonders. Expect also to see counterfeits to rise up, but know that they have already begun with their mechanical means to imitate what I do with various devices and tricks. You will see through it though, My Bride."
"I will also stir up the youth of the nation like a battering ram and they will enter into the battle with fervor and zeal such as not been seen in all the generations. Do you have a daughter or son who is awol? Proclaim over them what I've said about them. Stop begging and start proclaiming. Speak the truth of the word over them out loud. Speak it loud and clear to the enemy of your soul. For My righteous indignation burns at what has been done to them through his many strategies, but I am telling you that they will be undone in a moment and be transformed. In a moment. That is all it takes for Me to change them."
"Stop worrying, stop fretting about the one that is caught by the enemy by all kinds of sin or in drinking or smoking and drugs and all that, for it is nothing for Me to touch them. I will do it, trust Me and see what I'll do in this generation XYZ. I am the Lord and there is no other and they will know it. I have ordained the times. I have ordained the hour coming like a mighty roaring wind. They will be changed in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye." End of message
See her entire video here... Priscilla Van Sutphin - 11th Hour of Power
"I can handle a handicapped child, I just can't handle a dead one."

I remember thinking how in today's society a large majority of people in this world would probably say just the opposite...
"I can handle a dead child, I just can't handle a handicapped one."
There is a high percentage of abortion after a diagnosis of Down Syndrome.
Society is filled with those who think they have it all figured out. Many times those in very high places think they dictate who is worthy of living and who is not. They look down on and scorn the ones with Down Syndrome, Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS), read about it here... AIS, the alcoholics and drug addicted ones, the homeless, the mentally impaired, the old, the physically impaired, the littlest and most defenseless ones, etc...
These are the very ones that God uses in the most extraordinary ways.
Praise be to God!
Praise be to God!
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