"My Army is in Boot Camp now. You were born for such a time as this!"

"As I watched the Lord handing out these new mantles they seemed so much bigger in size than the people He was handing them to. There was a sense that these ones have been prepared for "such a time as this", their intimacy with Him was deep, and their character had been shaped significantly, but there was still the place of deep dependence needed upon the Lord at all times to function in this new anointing, and 'grow up into knowing how to carry it'. He was birthing such a beautiful dependency in His people through these new mantels, not only in 'growing up into them' but also in the operation of them."
"I saw the Lord take these ones into a new "strategy space". These new assignments and mantels were nothing that they had stepped into before, so the "land" was completely foreign. I saw Jesus sitting at a table with these ones and He was laying out new strategies, He was teaching them the 'new way' and revealing deeper revelation of Scripture that would be needed to move in these new strategies. As He was sitting with them and training them the winds of acceleration were blowing Strongly around them. As the winds blew I saw angelic hosts standing all around and they were declaring "Welcome to the Accelerated Holy Spirit Boot Camp". End
See the complete post here... The Lord is Leading Many Into a New Strategy Space For The Doors Into New Realms That Are Now Opening Up
We are in God's Army. We are going through Boot Camp!
It's interesting how today I came upon a shirt laying around here that I had never seen before. I came to find out it is my son Bryan's. He won it during a pull-up contest at school. Here is a picture of it...
"Pain is weakness leaving the body."
Although this shirt has been here for weeks, I had never seen it until today. Our Lord is definitely speaking loud and clear...
You are in the Army Now! This is Boot Camp!
I looked a little further into the meaning of "Pain is weakness leaving the body" which is supposedly often said at Boot Camps and I found this from someone by the name of gimpalong (I'm thinking he might be a Marine) on a Yahoo answers site. This was considered the best answer and I agree...
Meaning of "Pain is weakness leaving the body" - When you work through the pain you leave the weakness behind. Strength is all that will survive the pain."
"For example, if you develop a cramp while running you have two choices. You can quit or you can demand that your body continue until the crap passes. The quitter will remain in the area of weakness, they will not know the feeling of strength you realize after you have achieved something despite the pain."
"You have to understand, Marines are a funny bunch. I mean "peculiar". Where a normal person finds themselves surrounded, a Marine will realize s/he is blessed by being placed in a "target-rich environment".
"Marine Basic will break a person down to the sub-atomic level. Then they are rebuilt into a member of the Corp. The end of Basic is a little outing know as the "Crucible". If you complete that little outing you will be called a Marine for the very first time. Men have cried at that moment." End of passage
*Crucible definition (google.com) - a place or occasion of severe test or trial, a place or situation in which different elements interact to produce something new.
I think the above explanation is full of revelation. We were recruited into God's army. We are in Boot Camp. God is "breaking" us down. He is helping us to "die to self" so we can be rebuilt and filled with Him. It can be painful, but we don't quit. We can then be conformed to His Image. We can become Christ-like, transformed.
We must be ready to be thrown into a "target-rich environment"!
You were born for such a time as this!
"I will place on His shoulder the key to the house of David. What He opens no man can shut and what He shuts no one can open."
Isaiah 22:22
"I will place on His shoulder the key to the house of David. What He opens no man can shut and what He shuts no one can open."
Isaiah 22:22