On August 10, 2019 I had a dream...
My daughter Brooke and I were moving to a different house and so we were looking for our new home. We were uptown walking the streets trying to find a place for us to live. I remember the streets were dark and the buildings barely had any lights on them. Brooke said we were going the wrong direction and she said it’s over here.

We turned direction and kept walking to find this place that we were to live. Then we see it. It was tall like a skyscraper or tower and actually very narrow, steep.
It was made of solid rock. It was jagged like a mountainside. It looked as if we would need our rock climbing gear to climb it.
Then we see a man standing beside the tall rocky tower and I asked him if this is where we are to live? And he confirmed that this is where we live, "At the very top!" he said.
It was like a mountainside that was rocky, rock hard and I asked how we get to the top and he said there’s an elevator. So Brooke and I got in the elevator and went to the top to where we live.
I remember looking outside and children were playing. Then I was going to change my clothes and I felt very exposed because children were trying to look into the windows and I was trying to shut the drapes. Then Brooke and I went back down to the bottom and walked around. We were happy we found our new home. End of dream.
I felt like the dream meant that we are to live on the rock, our foundation which is in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Also what I found interesting is a visionary by the name of Enoch (use your own discernment) had up a message he received on August 9th, 2019. I came upon it yesterday so this had no influence on my dream.
Quoting from this message...
"Seal yourself from head to toe and seal your children, family, home, workplace, people you deal with and places where you are going to stay, with the Blood of my Son, so that nothing and no one can harm you."
"So comply them, my children, with these recommendations, so that you can defend yourself against the attacks of the enemy in a spiritual battle so that you do not slow down with prayer; pray with my Holy Rosary because it is the most powerful Spiritual Weapon you have to defeat my adversary and its host of evil. Ask for my Holy Intercession in this my invocation of Our Lady of the Rock. Say like this:
"O sweet Virgin Mary, in the invocation of Our Lady of the Rock, I turn to You, so that by your Holy Intercession, you grant me the grace that I am asking of you (name your need). My dear Mother, protect me, my family and loved ones, from any attack by the evil one. May your Holy Intercession free us from all evil and danger. Amen".
Pray Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.
HERE to see entire message!
I found it interesting that I had a dream about a house of rock a day later of Enoch's message entitled "Call of Our Lady of The Rock to the People of God - August 9, 2019".
Jesus Christ is our solid Rock Foundation! But He stands there along with His Mother. Our Holy Mother, Virgin Mary. They together are our Rock, solid foundation, protection. Our forever family that loves us!
Praise God!