If Jackie isn't cooperating, let's say won't get up off the floor, I have found that music videos by the Piano Guys or especially as of late a music video by "Simply Three" a song called "Rain", will stop her in her tracks! She cooperates and watches the video and acts like she's playing the Cello. She loves the Cello! It makes her HAPPY! Just a little tid bit! (End of journal entry)
A little intro to what I'm talking about, every since the "Rain" song has come to our attention (see post below called Distracted click HERE) Jackie has been mesmorized with the song. She stops, her eyes get big and she starts playing her imaginary Cello. I told the teachers about it and how she also loves the Piano Guys and how this past summer she wanted to watch them often. I asked if on Jackie's school I-pad they could bring it up and they said they would.
So, that day they said they played "Simply Three - Rain" on the big screen at the front of the classroom. They said Jackie normally doesn't pay any attention to what's playing on the screen, but this time... she stopped, looked up, smiled and started playing her imaginary Cello. They said she was so happy all day that she went around hugging everyone throughout the day! There were amazed!
Also, the rest of the Special Needs class responded so well to the music. The teacher thanked me over and over. She is now getting some CD's of classical music along with "The Piano Guys" and possibly "Simply Three" to play for the class softly in the background. The teachers are all smiles!

I walked up to Jackie and gave her a big hug and as I did I heard in my spirit...
"The seed has been planted."
I thought... what? As I looked up a new music video by the group "ThePianoGuys" began playing on the screen. I had never seen this video before. I looked at Jackie and she was smiling up at me and I hugged her again. Then we both looked back at the music video just in time to see a little boy holding out his closed hand and slowly opening it (I thought to myself... surely he wouldn't have a seed in his hand), and... guess what was in his hand? Yes! A Seed!! Then he plants the seed and a large tree grows! I had heard "The seed has been planted" just seconds before! Watch the video below...
No coincidences!!
Lord, You never stop amazing me!!
Thank You, Lord!
Somehow, somewhere the seed has been planted. I'm not sure what it all entails, or whether it has to do with Jackie or something or someone else around here, but this I do know...
The seed has been planted!
The seed has been planted!
It's going to grow into something big!
Because God works in Big ways!
Because God works in Big ways!
"This is the meaning of the parable. The Seed is the word of God."
Luke 8:11
"Let Me say this much: He who sows sparingly will reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will reap bountifully."
2 Corinthians 9:6