A couple of weeks ago at Eucharistic Adoration as I was praying and talking to the Lord, I sensed I was asked to bow my head. As I did this I had a vision of Jesus standing in front of me and I sensed I was going to be anointed.
However, this time was different, I saw Him with a sword in His hand and He placed the sword on my right shoulder first and then over my head and onto my left shoulder and I heard...
"I am anointing you as My Knight, you are now seated at My Roundtable."
Then I sensed Him bless my forehead with a sign of the cross.
I was perplexed because I thought a Knight was male, then I heard a "Princess Knight". I found out later that day upon further investigation that their is a group for Blessed Mother Mary called "Mary's Knights". I sense we are a part of this group. At least I hope so!
What makes this more interesting today while I pondered what I sensed happened that day. I thought, I know I heard "Princess Knight". I then at that exact moment look up at the television and a children's show comes on the television, it is called... "Nella the Princess Knight".
Also, on February 11, 2018 I received this message... "Come here, sit down I have much to tell you.
What is coming is unprecedented. All will fall. It is by My Hand. Do not fear the arrow that flies My Knight. I am ever so near.
All is in My Hands. All will go according to My most perfect will. Hold tight, My Love for all will commence shortly.

I asked, "What am I to do?" I heard... "Pray and stay close to Me and your Blessed Mother. Blessed Mother has Her mantle of protection over you as well as I.
You are safe. So safe in the refuge of Our Hearts. All will go well for you and yours, although at times it may not seem so. Stay near to Us for We are always next to you.
We love you and yours. Everything will be shaken. But, you and yours are deep in the recesses of Our Hearts, the absolutely safest place to be. Though the road is rocky, with Us by your side it will be smooth sailing for you will know without a doubt that we have your best interest at heart.
Close, close, so close We are to you and yours. Know this to be absolute truth."
I said, "Thank you Lord for the privilege of the dark experience you allowed for me. Even though it was so hard, I learned so much." Read about that experience here...
"You Reached Out To Me!"
Then I heard... "Yes, My Love it was permitted by Me to help you to understand just how dark it can get. It will help you to have complete compassion and empathy for those I will send to you. It is a darkness, an emptiness that unless you yourself has experienced it cannot relate. Not truly relate. You now know. However, some that will come to you will have this experience to a much greater degree.
My Love, extend your heart and hands to them. I will be there for them working through you. They will cry out for Me. They will see Me through you. It will be a help for them that you cannot now truly understand.
You are a chosen vessel, My Love. I will pour My Love out to My People through you at first and then also through your entire family. Yes, you are the Noah of your family. Your prayers over the years has availed much for you and yours. The fruit on your trees are ripe for the picking and pick you must. For the harvest is wide and deep. An abundant one.
Go now, My Love. I bless you abundantly. My graces flow throughout you like a river of living waters." End of message
*Side note - When I originally received this message a sentence in it befuddled me... "Do not fear the arrow that flies by night". That is what I originally thought it was and knew that was not how the scripture reads. So I asked the Lord about it and my understanding was that He actually said, My Knight. Oh, I thought not night but Knight.
I asked for a confirmation and at mass I received it! In the bulletin for that mass there was a flyer in it that read, "A Knight for All Preview". It was a flyer regarding a "night" of games and prizes. Our parish school team are the Knights. It hit me that in both the message I received and in this flyer the word night, was actually "Knight". Get it? How awesome!
Another confirmation... that same day my mother informed me that my dad randomly talked of how the english language can be so confusing with two words that sound the same but are spelled different and have different meanings. I think he was referring to that Sunday's bulletin that substituted "Knight" for Night.
How awesome is our God!
God Bless!