This morning just prior to being fully awake, an experience that happened to me during a surgery came to my mind, and then I sensed this...
"What you experienced that day is true. Your mother asked your grandparents to be with you during your surgery. Your grandparents then were granted permission to visit you during your surgery to give you hope for the future. You only remember a small portion of their visit, but you know in part and that is enough to give you hope. You and yours are part of the remnant, a chosen people. You will be safe in what is coming, sheltered under My wings. Do not fear. You have been chosen and will help replenish My earth. You are safe."
Following is the original post describing the visit...
I've had four surgeries. My first surgery was due to cysts on my one ovary, then a hysterectomy due to my uterus falling unto my bladder, another surgery to sling up my bladder and yet another one for a rectocele. I was having so many surgeries back to back, that the nurses claimed as they wheeled me into surgery yet once again, that they were going to put my name above the doors of the operating room. Whew! Sure glad that's over.
My very last surgery, however, was very interesting indeed. I've always been given morphine. Believe me, I was always out within nano-seconds and remembered nothing. I felt like I went to sleep for only a moment. I always woke up fine from it, but experienced the normal aches and pains of surgery. However, my last surgery was quite different. Everything went along as usual. I was given the morphine, I was out for the count, but something extraordinary happened.

I saw my grandparents. Yes, I did! No one will tell me otherwise, ever. My beloved grandmother, Alfreda died just a week prior to my surgery. Some may say, she was on my mind and that's why I thought I saw her. No, I know what I saw. It was rather dark and I only saw their shadowy figures. But, I knew without a doubt it was my Grandpa Adam and Grandma Alfreda. They spoke to me. They told me many things. However, I don't remember a word they said, except that I would not be allowed to remember what they said at this particular time. As I was coming awake, in my mind I was saying over and over... "Don't forget, don't forget, don't forget!"
Well, guess what? I forgot. I was trying in ernst to remember what was said. However, they were right. I remembered nothing, except seeing them and having a secret conversation.

This time awaking from surgery was extremely different. I was euphoric, in total bliss. Joy filled up my heart. I've never experienced such a feeling of bliss before in my life, ever! I loved everyone. The doctor popped her head in to check on me. She saw I was awake and gave me the thumbs up that everything went great. I smiled and reached out for her saying... "Thank you. I love you, I love you!" She smiled and said "I love you too." I'm assuming she thought I was still a little high from the drugs, but I was high on life, love, happiness and joy beyond my understanding.
As they wheeled me back to my room, my husband looked at me and said... "Wow! I've never seen you come back from surgery smiling! You are smiling from ear to ear!" Oh yes I was, I had just touched a tiny fragment of heaven and brought a tiny bit back with me. A fragment that lingered for a short while. Too short, I might add. That feeling slowly left, but I will never in all my life forget it.
I often refer back to that experience and ponder on what was said. I still can't remember, but I know that my beloved grandparents came to tell me of future events and to assure me that all would be well.
I had a couple very special visitors come from heaven to visit me. And, the message they brought I know was full of hope and love straight from above. They received permission to be able to reach out to me in such a special way to give us hope for perhaps some very difficult days.
One day, I will know that message in detail. But, for now I hold onto the absolute bliss that lingered for such a short while. If that is even the smallest glimpse of how it feels in heaven, then we have so much to look forward to. So much more than we could ever imagine.
I was blessed to receive this special visitation from my grandparents. They love us so much and were allowed to remind us that they are always with us and all will be well.
This I know for certain.