I originally made this post on December 14, 2016, and just found it in my drafts, so I'm posting it now...
My Mother, sister and I have felt so "dry" as of late. A little lost. We have felt a sense of... "We pray and pray, but nothing ever seems to change." I have felt like I've been in a dry desert and everything around me was getting worse, not better. We've had a lot of sickness in our family especially over the last week and that can be exasperating. Especially when Jackie actually ended up in the Emergency Room because of the stomach flu being so violent and long for her. Poor thing!
We have sensed "dread" that maybe we've been duped all along, wondering what to really believe. My mother has been to a point of tears.
Yes, we've been attacked by the enemy visciously.
But also, amidst all this we are more and more realizing that God is in control and to stop looking at the time. God's timing is perfect.
The last few messages especially from Lana Vawser confirmed all this (hence my last post). On December 13, 2016 Lana Vawser received a message of comfort and confirmation for all of us. Here is an excerpt...
"The Lord spoke to me today that He is releasing Extravagant Comfort Confirmation. When I asked Him what it was I felt Him say "I am releasing Extravagant Confirmation that is going to bring Comfort to My people. It will comfort those of My people who have been tormented, distressed and fearful about whether what they are hearing Is from Me and if they are heading in the right direction. I am bringing Extravagant Confirmation that will bring My people great peace, break the fear and crush the Chaos that has surrounded them and tormented them and Crack Open Springs of Refreshing Comfort of My Spirit where there seemed to be the feeling of "wandering and wondering in the wilderness! Now My people, you will see wonders from your time in the wilderness. My Confirmation will concrete in you My people the conviction of what I am saying and where I am leading you! My Confirmation will crack open a greater Manifestation of a divine catapult and increased clarity!"
God has given us promises all across the Body of Christ. He IS true to His word! We have Not been duped. However, we are being more cautious now in leaving the details to Him.
This morning this is what I sensed Him telling me...
"My promises are true, but leave all the details to me!"
In May, 2017, our son Bryan graduated from High School. During the Graduate Mass luncheon, the instructor asked the graduates to write down their answers to several questions. One question asked was what they liked about the Catholic Church.
Bryan wrote one word... "Unity".
I was both pleased and surprised by his answer. We felt it was a word inspired from up above.
Here's a quote from a message given to a visionary Luz de Maria Revelacionesmarianas, "Light of Mary"...
"Beloved, the Angel of Peace will come from The Father's House with the Divine Word in his mouth, to pacify the turmoil of humanity, which in despair will make some rise up against others, losing all control, surrendering to the wildness caused by despair. It will be the instant of the Angel of Peace, the instant of the Rescue, of the Unity of the remnant church, the flock will calm down."
On May 6, 2017 a Hawk... one almost identical to this one came swooping toward the window as I peered through it. I had been watching a couple black birds on the ground fighting and wrestling with each other when suddenly a very large beautiful bird came swooping down on the birds and swooped upward just before the window that I peered through. It was so quick and amazing. I flew outside, but just as quickly the bird was nowhere to be found.
At first I though it looked to be a gold eagle, but after some research I really feel that it truly was a hawk. I've never researched the significance of the hawk and the bible, I've had my attentions mostly on eagles. However, I was surprised to find this and excerpt from a book by John Eckhardt "Moving In The Apostolic"...
"The Ravenous Bird
God has a plan and purpose He will fulfill. It has already been spoken by the prophets. Nothing will stand in the way of His fulfilling His good pleasure; His counsel shall stand. We have the glorious opportunity of being part of this plan. As we discover the plan of God, we pray and align ourselves with His will, making us laborers together with God."
"God calls the Ravenous Bird of Prey to execute His purposes. This is a prophetic symbol of the apostolic ministry. The ravenous bird is the Hebrew word ayit, meaning a hawk. It comes from a word meaning to swoop down upon. The hawk is a symbol of war, representing the militaristic aspect of the apostle's mantle. Another contemporary definition for hawk is one who demonstrates an actively aggressive or combative attitude. The Church's foreign policy is our commission to go into all the world and preach the gospel. We must have an aggressive, warlike attitude against the forces of darkness that would attempt to stop us."
"The hawk symbolizes sharpness, keen vision and quickness, which means discernment and insight into the plans and purposes of God. The hawk is a swift bird that suddenly seizes its prey. It is ravenous which means extremely hungry, voracious or greedy for gratification. This bird symbolizes the militant, aggressive and warlike aspect of the apostolic ministry. As Isaiah said, it is needed to execute the plans of God."
God calls the Ravenous bird to execute His counsel. These are military generals and commanders who will mobilize the people of God for the fulfillment of God's purposes."
The hawk moves swiftly; it does not take long to swoop down upon and devour it's prey. The apostolic church must likewise be quick in executing the plans of the Lord." End of excerpt
It was very interesting and not by chance that the "hawk" event happened while I was talking on the phone with my mother about our family and spiritual warfare, the apostolic ministry, the Elisha Double Blessing Mantle. All of these things were being discussed when suddenly a hawk swoops in front of me only yards away. Both the hawk and eagle are "birds of prey" and talked about in the bible...
"Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done, saying, "My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure," calling a bird of prey from the east, the man who executes My counsel, from a far country. Indeed I have spoken it; I will also bring it to pass. I have purposed it; I will also do it." Isaiah 46:10-11
I found all this significant enough to mention. Also, while investigating hawks, I happened upon this music video by a group called "The Hawks Trio" and found it to be inspiring and in sync with this post...