Our Savior
Friday, December 29, 2017
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
"I can handle a handicapped child, I just can't handle a dead one."

I remember thinking how in today's society a large majority of people in this world would probably say just the opposite...
"I can handle a dead child, I just can't handle a handicapped one."
There is a high percentage of abortion after a diagnosis of Down Syndrome.
Society is filled with those who think they have it all figured out. Many times those in very high places think they dictate who is worthy of living and who is not. They look down on and scorn the ones with Down Syndrome, the mentally impaired, the old, the physically impaired, the littlest and most defenseless ones, etc...
Monday, December 25, 2017
Sunday, December 24, 2017
Friday, December 15, 2017
Friday, December 8, 2017
Thursday, December 7, 2017
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
Friday, December 1, 2017
"Give praise to the Lord, proclaim His Name;
make known among the nations
what He has done.
Sing to Him; sing praise to Him;
tell of all His wonderful acts.
Glory in His Holy Name;
Let the hearts of those who seek
the Lord rejoice.
Look to the Lord and His strength;
Seek His face always.
Remember the wonders
He has done,
His miracles, and the judgments He pronounced,
You His servants, the descendants of Abraham,
His chosen ones, the children of Jacob.
He is the Lord our God;
His judgments are in all the earth.
He remembers His covenant forever,
the promise He made, for a thousand generations,
the covenant He made with Abraham,
the oath He swore to Isaac.
He confirmed it to Jacob as a decree,
to Israel as an everlasting covenant:
"To you I will give the land of Canaan
as the portion you will inherit."
make known among the nations
what He has done.

tell of all His wonderful acts.
Glory in His Holy Name;
Let the hearts of those who seek
the Lord rejoice.
Look to the Lord and His strength;
Seek His face always.
Remember the wonders
He has done,
His miracles, and the judgments He pronounced,
You His servants, the descendants of Abraham,
His chosen ones, the children of Jacob.
He is the Lord our God;
His judgments are in all the earth.
He remembers His covenant forever,
the promise He made, for a thousand generations,
the covenant He made with Abraham,
the oath He swore to Isaac.
He confirmed it to Jacob as a decree,
to Israel as an everlasting covenant:
"To you I will give the land of Canaan
as the portion you will inherit."
Psalm 105:1-11
Consecration to the Two Hearts
"Daily examination of conscience is necessary. It is necessary that each day you renew your Consecration to the Sacred Heart of My Son and to Mine. Is not every instant a new struggle against evil? The hordes of satan do not rest. Why is it that My children think that consecrating themselves once to Our Sacred Hearts is enough? No children, it is never enough..." (revelacionesmarianas)

Go here to see the complete message... Light of Mary (Luz de Maria)
Go to these listed for consecrations... A Prayer of Consecration to the Two Hearts
Another awesome prayer... Consecration of the Family to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary
And go here... EWTN Devotions/Sacred Heart of Jesus/Immaculate Heart of Mary

Go here to see the complete message... Light of Mary (Luz de Maria)
Go to these listed for consecrations... A Prayer of Consecration to the Two Hearts
Another awesome prayer... Consecration of the Family to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary
And go here... EWTN Devotions/Sacred Heart of Jesus/Immaculate Heart of Mary
Listen to the video below by the franciscanfriars/videos
and Be Blessed!
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Sunday, November 26, 2017
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Happy 17th Birthday Jackie!
Today is our daughter Jackie's 17th birthday. She's our precious child with something extra... Down Syndrome. Her name means... gracious gift of God. That she is. So special and at times a little stubborn, but full of life, love and joy. She is the apple of God's eye, she is the apple of our eye. She is sweet and she is innocent. God Bless our Jackie. Happy Birthday sweety, we love you so much!
Innocence - the state, quality or fact of being innocent of a crime or offense, lack of guile or corruption, purity.
Innocence - the state, quality or fact of being innocent of a crime or offense, lack of guile or corruption, purity.
Like we once were
Pure in God's eyes
A treasure for sure
Not a mean thought
Would ever cross our minds
Just love and laughter was our surmise
We didn't have to ponder
On the wrongs of this world
For everything around us
Was an adventure for sure
It was new, fresh and exciting
Wonder filled our eyes
The world was inviting
Oh to be like the innocent
To begin again
To be void of sin again
To be pure in God's eyes
And absolutely have nothing to hide
For people to look upon our faces...
And they find them
Just to be kind
And courageous
Oh to be like
The innocent
when our worn out faces
Can once again shine
To be like the innocent
We once were
When we were
Pure in God's eyes...
A real treasure for sure.
Ahh, the innocent among us. How treasured they are.
The ones who do not cause our God pain.
Help us Lord to be pure and innocent in Your eyes.
Sunday, November 12, 2017
Wrapped In His Light

"Grant me, O Lord, to know that which ought to be known; to love that which ought to be loved; to praise that which pleaseth Thee most, to esteem that which is precious in Thy sight, to blame that which is vile in Thine eyes. Suffer me not to judge according to the sight of bodily eyes, nor to give sentence according to the hearing of the ears of ignorant men; but to discern in true judgement between physical and spiritual things, and above all things to be ever seeking after the will of Thy good pleasure."
Thomas a Kempis
Imitation of Christ
Saturday, November 11, 2017

ensnared by vanity.
Often I wish I had remained silent, and had not been among men. But why is it that we are so ready to chatter or gossip with each other, when we so seldom return to silence without some injury to our conscience?
The reason why we are so fond of talking with each other is that we think to find consolation in this manner, and to refresh a heart wearied with many cares. And we prefer to speak and think of those things which we like and desire, or of those which we dislike.
Alas, however, all this is often to no purpose, for this outward consolation is no small obstacle to inner and Divine consolation."
Thomas a Kempis
The Imitation of Christ
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
Let Us Be Charitable
God blesses us abundantly for our charity towards the Poor Holy Souls in Purgatory. Go here... How-To-Avoid-Purgatory.pdf
Below a couple wonderful videos of prayers for Poor Holy Souls...
Below a couple wonderful videos of prayers for Poor Holy Souls...
Have a Blessed Day!
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Sunday, November 5, 2017
I sensed so strongly...

I sensed that our prayers do so much to bring our brothers and sisters in Purgatory finally to their final destination in eternity. Or, at least give them reprieve in their sufferings.
Friends, you will never regret helping our brothers and sisters that are now suffering Purgatory. I assure you one day you will meet those you have helped and a great reunion will it be.

Also, visit a cemetery to pray for them, blessings will flow.
Go here... Whyvisitacatholiccemetery
And here... /how-to-spring-a-soul-from-purgatory
Go here... Discerninghearts/poorsouls
Saturday, November 4, 2017
Rain Down Your Graces Lord!

I was asking our Lord this when I randomly opened the Every Day in His Presence (by Charles Stanley) devotional to this (an excerpt)...
"Praying With Thanksgiving - Do you pray to God with thanksgiving in your heart? Do you approach His Throne of Grace with praise? If so, you've likely found that doing so ushers you into His Presence in a way nothing else can. You move from worrying about your problems to exalting the One who can solve anything that concerns you. And it is in these moments of Adoration that the Father gives you the unshakable assurance that all will be well." end
A couple days ago I was speaking to Father about all His Promises and He assured me of them and then I heard... "I am not a man that I should lie. I Am Faithful and True."
The next day Lana Vawser says this...

"I then heard the Spirit of God say... "Where weariness has caused many to fall facedown, now there shall be a greater revelation and demonstration of My Faithfulness that will heal hearts and leave people facedown in awe and wonder of who I am and My Faithfulness. Numbers 23:19 were all around...
"God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man that He should repent; Has He said, and will He not do it? Or has He spoken,
and will He not make it good?"
Numbers 23:19
See her entire post here... /many-hearts-will-be-healed-through-the-demonstration-of-his-faithfulness-from-the-valley-to-the-wonder-of-the-garden/
We accept every drop Lord.
Rain down your Graces and Blessings!
Praise God!
The Divine Vindicator...
"On that day they will sing this song in the land of Judah:
"A strong city have we; He sets up walls and ramparts to protect us.
Open up the gates to let in a nation that is just, one that keeps faith.
A nation of firm purpose you keep in peace;
in peace, for its trust in You."
"Trust in the Lord forever!
For the Lord is an eternal Rock."
Isaiah 26:1-4
May you have the Peace of Christ this day
and all the days of your life.
Friday, November 3, 2017
100 Things We Love About You

Then I saw her write on a piece of paper "100 Things We Love About You". Her and her other friends then started compiling a list. Wow! I thought. How neat... how special. What a gift! The best gift ever!
They said over the next 100 days she can pick just one for that day.
This plays into my efforts to "Live for the present moment". It's one of those just...
Do the right thing right now.
Step by step.
No looking back or worrying about the future.
What I love about you right now.
Living In The Present Moment
Thursday, November 2, 2017
All Souls Day!
"As we enter Heaven, we will see them, coming toward us and thanking us. We will ask who they are and they will say:
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
Go here... As We Enter Heaven...
All Souls' Day - Thursday, November 2, 2017
Go here for videos by
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen... Archbishopfultonjsheen/videos
Have a Blessed Day!
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
All Souls' Is Nearing...
"As we enter Heaven, we will see them, coming toward us and thanking us. We will ask who they are and they will say:
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
Go here... As We Enter Heaven...
All Souls' Day - Thursday, November 2, 2017
Go here for videos by
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen... Archbishopfultonjsheen/videos
Have a Blessed Day!
Monday, October 30, 2017
Heart's Desire (repost)
The future My Love, may seem bleak,
But that way of thinking is for the weak
Weak in Spirit
Weak in Truth
Weak upon Weak
My Sweet, that is not you
Forge ahead with a song in your step
Glide along happily like when we first met
Long ago, before you were born,
your spirit was one not to be outworn
Listen My Sweet, I sing you a song
Keep this in your heart for it will not be long
When all your heart's desire will be met
This is true My Love
Do not lament
I love you truly, surely I do
What I have for you
Is coming soon.
Friday, October 27, 2017
Consecration to the Two Hearts
"Daily examination of conscience is necessary. It is necessary that each day you renew your Consecration to the Sacred Heart of My Son and to Mine. Is not every instant a new struggle against evil? The hordes of satan do not rest. Why is it that My children think that consecrating themselves once to Our Sacred Hearts is enough? No children, it is never enough..." (revelacionesmarianas)

Go here to see the complete message... Light of Mary (Luz de Maria)
Go to these listed for consecrations... A Prayer of Consecration to the Two Hearts
Another awesome prayer... Consecration of the Family to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary
And go here... EWTN Devotions/Sacred Heart of Jesus/Immaculate Heart of Mary

Go here to see the complete message... Light of Mary (Luz de Maria)
Go to these listed for consecrations... A Prayer of Consecration to the Two Hearts
Another awesome prayer... Consecration of the Family to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary
And go here... EWTN Devotions/Sacred Heart of Jesus/Immaculate Heart of Mary
Listen to the video below by the franciscanfriars/videos
and Be Blessed!
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
I awoke last night at around 3:00 am. I spoke to the Lord about Jackie's situation. I began to cry and said how I dreaded now having to put her through all these tests. She doesn't handle things like that well. She doesn't understand and it's like torture to her, a real struggle.

I sensed in my spirit that I was to continue on and keep hold of His hand for He is guiding and orchestrating everything. That from all this much fruit will come. Much fruitfulness! That He has a plan. A wonderful plan. Not one to harm us but to prosper us. That we are to hold His hand like a trusting child following His lead. Trust. I heard more, but that was the gist of it.
In the morning, once again Lana Vawser's post hit home... God Is Going to Show Himself Stronger Than The Battles Faced
Here is an excerpt...
"There will be incredible recompense. There will be more fruit than you have ever seen. There will be greater increase than you have dreamed. There will be greater demonstration of the power and the creativity of God in your life. There will be restoration of what was taken, what was killed and stolen the Lord is restoring by His resurrection power."
Interesting how last week my mother heard there would be "recompense" and last night I heard that there will be "much fruit, fruitfulness" from our situations.
And also this from Lana's post...
"The enemy had stolen many of your voices, he has stolen many of your dreams but here comes the Lord in power, a deep encounter with His heart that will Restore your voice. Restore your sound. Restore your song, and you will carry and release greater revelation than you have in previous seasons."
This is interesting because Jackie's voice, her sound has been stolen literally. At birth she lacked oxygen and it severely affected her. She can repeat words you say, but to have a conversation with you she cannot. I have noticed especially lately that she so much wants to talk with us. But, she cannot. She will look at me and say "Mom, mom, mom..." I will answer her and she looks at me with a blank stare. I know she so much wants to say something, but the connection in her brain from what she wants to communicate and how to do it is lost to her. Her teacher and aides say the same thing.
One of her aides told me how they will be sitting in the cafeteria with a group eating lunch, all chatting and Jackie keeps tapping the aide's arm and repeats her name over and over then just looks at her. It is painful to see how much she wants to be a part of the group, to be able to chime into the conversation, but she is not able. Somewhat like being trapped inside her own body, unable to truly speak to us. It saddens our hearts.
Jackie's voice, her sound, her song has truly been stolen from her! But we know that in God's goodness, He will restore Jackie's voice and she will praise His name forever! She will be healed. But while waiting, it is painful.
I just now randomly opened "Mornings With The Holy Spirit" (by Jennifer LeClaire) devotional (pg. 289) to this...
"Trusting Me means not having all the answers. I know you like to have everything figured out ahead of time, but it's not always necessary or even profitable for you to have all the answers up front. Having all the answers doesn't require trust.
Many things are going on behind the scenes that you don't see. Seeing those things would only distract your heart. I will lead you forth by peace. You will recognize My peace because it is spiritual, not soulish, and it is perfect."

I sensed in my spirit that I was to continue on and keep hold of His hand for He is guiding and orchestrating everything. That from all this much fruit will come. Much fruitfulness! That He has a plan. A wonderful plan. Not one to harm us but to prosper us. That we are to hold His hand like a trusting child following His lead. Trust. I heard more, but that was the gist of it.
In the morning, once again Lana Vawser's post hit home... God Is Going to Show Himself Stronger Than The Battles Faced
Here is an excerpt...
"There will be incredible recompense. There will be more fruit than you have ever seen. There will be greater increase than you have dreamed. There will be greater demonstration of the power and the creativity of God in your life. There will be restoration of what was taken, what was killed and stolen the Lord is restoring by His resurrection power."
Interesting how last week my mother heard there would be "recompense" and last night I heard that there will be "much fruit, fruitfulness" from our situations.
And also this from Lana's post...

This is interesting because Jackie's voice, her sound has been stolen literally. At birth she lacked oxygen and it severely affected her. She can repeat words you say, but to have a conversation with you she cannot. I have noticed especially lately that she so much wants to talk with us. But, she cannot. She will look at me and say "Mom, mom, mom..." I will answer her and she looks at me with a blank stare. I know she so much wants to say something, but the connection in her brain from what she wants to communicate and how to do it is lost to her. Her teacher and aides say the same thing.
One of her aides told me how they will be sitting in the cafeteria with a group eating lunch, all chatting and Jackie keeps tapping the aide's arm and repeats her name over and over then just looks at her. It is painful to see how much she wants to be a part of the group, to be able to chime into the conversation, but she is not able. Somewhat like being trapped inside her own body, unable to truly speak to us. It saddens our hearts.
Jackie's voice, her sound, her song has truly been stolen from her! But we know that in God's goodness, He will restore Jackie's voice and she will praise His name forever! She will be healed. But while waiting, it is painful.
I just now randomly opened "Mornings With The Holy Spirit" (by Jennifer LeClaire) devotional (pg. 289) to this...
"Trusting Me means not having all the answers. I know you like to have everything figured out ahead of time, but it's not always necessary or even profitable for you to have all the answers up front. Having all the answers doesn't require trust.
Many things are going on behind the scenes that you don't see. Seeing those things would only distract your heart. I will lead you forth by peace. You will recognize My peace because it is spiritual, not soulish, and it is perfect."
So now, we are on another new adventure with Jackie.
There is a Reason.
God be with us!
"We know that God makes all things work together for the good of those who have been called according to His purpose."
Romans 8:28
God be with us!
"We know that God makes all things work together for the good of those who have been called according to His purpose."
Romans 8:28
Upon waking yesterday morning, I sensed hearing that it was going to be a good day, one of revelation. Then, I saw Lana Vawser's post called Weary Ones, His Wisdom Will Bring You Comfort, Healing and Refreshment. I was searching for revelation of some sort.
Then in reading Lana's post she said this...

I picked her up and brought her into the doctor. We are now doing an array of tests to find out what's going on. She will need blood drawn, which will be for Jackie like torture. This poor girl, her sufferings in this life seem unending.
Then I remembered this below was also part of Lana's post...
"The Lord is releasing Wisdom to the weary right now. The Lord showed me many in the Body of Christ are still so weary and feeling discouraged because of circumstances surrounding their promises. These "out of left field" events that have come and challenged the promise, shaken the promises, has left many in such a deep place of weariness. Yet another fight for hope. Yet another fight to continue to stand, Yet another fight to keep believing and keep hopes up. The Lord showed me many feeling disoriented again, like their heads are spinning and questions are bubbling up again."
I would have to say that receiving a phone call from Jackie's teacher and told she had a mini-seizure was one of those "out of left field" events. It put my head in a spin for seizures are not something Jackie does.

"Be willing to keep climbing this high mountain with Me. This journey is training you to see from a heavenly perspective that transcends your circumstances. The higher up the mountain you climb, the steeper and more challenging your path becomes, but the greater your adventure as well."
"God, my Lord, is my strength; he makes my feet swift as those of hinds and enables me to go upon the heights."
Habakkuk 3:19
And then I clicked on the random rhema word...
This has been a long journey...
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Let Us Remember the Poor Souls in Purgatory...
For a Novena for Poor Souls in Purgatory October 24 - November 1 go here... Novena
And here... 20 Ways to Pray for the Poor Souls in Purgatory
Sunday, October 22, 2017
Friday, October 20, 2017
Thursday, October 19, 2017
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Listen to the Rain...

"Lo! He spreads the clouds in layers as the carpeting of His tent. In His hands he holds the lightning, and He commands it to strike the mark.
His thunder speaks for Him and incites the fury of the storm.
At this my heart trembles and leaps out of its place, To hear His angry voice as it rumbles forth from His mouth! Everywhere under the heavens He sends it, with His lightning, to the ends of the earth.
Again His voice roars, the majestic sound of His thunder.
He does great things beyond our knowing; wonders past our searching out. For He says to the snow, "Fall to the earth";
likewise to his heavy, drenching rain."
Job 36:29-33, 37:1-6
Listen. Listen...
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